The more you go, the more you will be able to survive.

Ye Xuan estimated that if he could use the Sky Frost Fist and use his internal strength to the fullest, he could freeze the Xiluobu Village and turn it into a land of ice and snow!

It might not be as good as Aokiji's Ice Fruit, but it's not bad.

After all, the power system is different. The devil fruit gives the ability user a powerful power, and the starting point is higher than martial arts.

But in contrast, its weakness is also obvious, that is, it is afraid of sea water and seastone.

But even so, eating a combat-type devil fruit can instantly create a strong man with good combat power.

And martial arts can only be strengthened by continuous practice overnight.

However, Ye Xuan has the blessing of the system father, which saves him the time of hard practice.

Now at a young age, only eighteen, he already has two hundred years of work experience, no, two hundred years of internal strength.

Ye Xuan left the hiding place of the Black Cat Pirates.

And these people of the Black Cat Pirates were also bewitched by Ye Xuan, and they all turned over a new leaf.

He did not ask these guys to surrender to the navy, and there was no point in going to jail.

Even if they did hard labor, they were just helping the navy to dig a hole.

It would be better to let them do something good by themselves, these guys have plenty of strength.

Anyway, they were all set not to do bad things for the rest of their lives, and to use their second half of their lives to help others.

Ye Xuan is just an ordinary person, and he can't do everything well.

He can only let these guys atone for their sins according to his own ideas.


When Ye Xuan returned to the village again, Luffy and the others had already woken up and were enjoying a feast under the care of Merry.

"Master Ye Xuan, where did you take that hypnotist? His hypnosis is pretty powerful. He will definitely not suffer from insomnia when he sleeps!"

Luffy's focus is still fresh. With the hypnosis skills of Zangao, he only thinks that he will not suffer from insomnia.

When Zoro saw Ye Xuan coming back, his face changed and his eyes were a little evasive.

But Ye Xuan shouted loudly as if he didn't see it.

"I say, Zoro, where is your iron-like indestructible willpower? How come you are like Luffy, sleeping on the street directly!"

Ye Xuan's words immediately made Zoro blush, and Luffy and others laughed without hesitation.

"Only those of you with weak wills will be hypnotized!"

"People like me with an iron will and indestructible will will not be affected by any hypnosis!"

"Boom, boom!"

"Hoo, hoo~"

Luffy and Usopp, two lively guys, each said a sentence, imitating Zoro's words and movements, folded their arms across their chests, and said this sentence with a cold face.

They fell backwards in unison and began to sleep soundly.

This vivid scene caused a burst of laughter from everyone again.

A world where only Zoro was hurt was achieved just like that.

There was no way, everyone was very interested in hypnosis before.

Only Zoro said with a cold face that it was nothing special, and he was very confident that he would not be affected by hypnosis, but he was slapped in the face too quickly.

This scene made Ye Xuan laugh, and he couldn't help but think of another famous scene of Zoro.

That was the scene where he became very negative by the ghost princess using the negative ghost.

I don't know if Zoro will be as confident as before if he meets that kind of ghost again.

Speaking of it, in the pirate world, it seems that there is no solution to mental attacks.

Whether it is the hypnosis of the hypnotist Zangao that appeared in the early stage, or the negative ghost, or the Childlike Fruit, they are all very scary.

Once you are hit, you can basically resist it.

Especially the Childlike Fruit, which is a terrible fruit that will directly wipe out your own existence after being hit.

"By the way, did you kill the hypnotist?"

Nami asked in a low voice.

"Well, it's all solved. There are also the other remaining partners of Kuro, Usopp and Kaya, you can rest assured."

"You probably won't see Kuro's Black Cat Pirates in the future, and they won't hurt you."

Ye Xuan didn't avoid anyone when he spoke, and he admitted it directly.

Hearing this, Meili and Usopp were relieved.

They have always been concerned about the Black Cat Pirates. If these guys were to go all out and attack the village directly, they would be very distressed.

Especially Mei

Li, and Kaya.

If something like that really happens, it will be them who have implicated the village.

Now that Ye Xuan said that he had solved the Black Cat Pirates, he was relieved.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ye Xuan, Mr. Luffy..."

At the banquet, Meili thanked him very seriously, and Kaya followed behind with a faint smile.

"It's just a little effort, but I do have a suggestion..."

Luffy and Zoro were eating and drinking, and they didn't care about these polite words at all. Ye Xuan had some ideas and wanted to discuss them in depth with Kaya.

"Hmm? Does Mr. Ye Xuan have any instructions?"

Kaya looked like she was listening carefully.

"It's not an instruction, but just for your village."

"I think you may be able to train a group of people to protect the village. After all, everyone has lived here for generations. If it is to protect the village, everyone will definitely work hard to do it!"

Ye Xuan's words made Kaya and Meili look at each other, and Meili said this.

"Mr. Ye Xuan may not know that Xiluobu Village is just a small village, and few people come here on weekdays, so the village's defense seems a bit weak..."

Speaking of which, we should also thank Luffy's grandfather Garp for not forgetting to make some achievements when he returned to his hometown.

This also led to the fact that the pirates in the East China Sea are not as rampant as those in the other three oceans.

Even if there are pirates, they are just some small shrimps.

Except for some places, the entire East China Sea can be said to be the safest sea area in the pirate world.

In addition, these small villages are not profitable, so relatively speaking, the armed forces here are also relatively weak.

"Well, although what you said makes sense, there is an old saying in my hometown, which is that those who know the current situation should act..."

"Ah, bah, bah, you should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others!"

"This Clo incident is a lesson. Why not take advantage of this period when housekeeper Meili still needs to build ships, so let me teach you some Dragon Country martial arts!"

Ye Xuan's intentions were exposed and he directly said his little trick.

"Dragon Country martial arts? Is it the kung fu that you, Mr. Ye Xuan, use?"

"Can this powerful martial arts also be taught to us?"

Kaya was surprised. She didn't expect Ye Xuan to take the initiative to teach martial arts.

They may not know the concept of martial arts, but when it comes to kung fu, they all know something.

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