“It is worthy of being able to contact Doflamingo to make deals with the world government, this vigilance is really terrifying!” Dodging the patrolling pirates again, Zuo Kong walked out from under the snow and said with a little admiration.

In just one night, the Barreiros pirates arrived on the island of Minion early this morning and found everything that had been arranged long ago in the left sky.

Whether from the scene or from the collected Bailey, everything is just like the arrangement of the left space, but simply the result of the two sides attacking each other and finally both killed.

But what Zuo Kong didn’t expect was that Dies was an extremely vigilant person, there were already fifteen waves of patrols in a day today, and if he hadn’t cleared the traces after exercising, he would have really been discovered.

“The more you pay attention to it, the more it shows that the surgical results of this transaction are here, which is really exciting!” Zuo Kong squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and said excitedly.

After carefully examining the surroundings, Zuo Kong got into the cave below the ground, and began the terrible, playful training again.

“Five hundred and ninety-seven… Five hundred and ninety-eight… Six hundred and thirty-five…”

The road of cultivation is like going against the tide and retreating, not to mention that the next left air has to face not only the personnel of the Barreiros Pirates, but also the Admiral Doflamingo, who are the biggest obstacles to getting the fruits of surgery.

Every exercise means that you can have more strength, and more strength has more chances of success.

“It’s been ten full days, and the inspection during this time has been strengthened again, and it seems that the time for the transaction is in these days.” Zuo Kong thought secretly.

In the past two days, the patrol unit, which was originally only about fifteen teams a day, has grown to thirty teams, and several times if it were not for the quick reaction of the left air, it would have been discovered.

More importantly, Zuo Kong clearly felt that in addition to these patrols, other people had begun to land on the island, and more than once in the past few days, the navy and other pirates of other identities had been discovered.

“Corazon should be here soon with Rowe, this is my only chance.” Zuo Kong clenched his fists and said firmly.

Zuo Kong understood that it was extremely difficult to completely destroy the Barreiros Pirates with his own strength, and even the possibility of his own defeat was 60%, let alone facing Admiral and Doflamingo.

So his only chance is only on Corazon and Luo, and all he has to do is take advantage of Corazon’s serious injuries and Luo’s powerlessness to take the fruits of the operation and finally escape.

The whole plan is very simple, but it is also very dangerous, if there is any change, Zuo Kong will pay with his life for it, and if it does not succeed, it will become benevolent!


“Mr. Cora, I’m so uncomfortable!” Luo, who was still a teenager, lay on Corazon’s sadness and said bitterly.

“Luo, sleep, you won’t feel bad when you fall asleep.” Corazon comforted Luo gently, and the soft voice emanated from the clown-like appearance added a little weirdness.

“Yes, Mr. Cora,” Luo said in a low voice.

Luo, who was aggravated by illness, soon fell into a deep sleep, lying on Corazon’s back, even in his sleep, he showed a painful look.

“Luo, I will definitely cure you, even if it costs my life!” Corazon looked at the anguished Luo and said firmly.

“Mr. Cora…”

Luo’s whispered in his sleep. Muttering, it made Corazon strengthen his determination and walk firmly towards the island of Minion in the face of the wind and snow.

“Finally here!”

As soon as the two left, Zuo Kong suddenly came out of the ground, looked at the departing two and said excitedly: “Sure enough, Corazon is not a master, and he has not even discovered my movements at such a close distance, and it seems that he is not proficient or even domineering, so my plan improvement rate will increase again.” ”

Saying that Zuo Kong kept up with Corazon in the wind and snow, anxious about Luo’s physical safety, coupled with his sloppy personality, Corazon never found that there was a yellow sparrow waiting to catch cicadas behind him.

“Luo, you wait here, remember that no matter who makes what kind of noise, unless I tell you to never come out.” Corazon ordered solemnly.

“I see, Mr. Cora.” Although Luo did not know what Corazon was going to do, he immediately said firmly as the request of the person he respected the most.


Corazon left with a smile, very fast, but could not escape Zuo Kong’s gaze, but this strength was beyond expectations.

“I thought that Corazon was just a weak person, but how can someone who can be accepted as a righteous son by the Warring States of Buddha be so weak, and be more careful.” Zuo Kong was surprised by Corazon’s strength and thought more solemnly.


“You guys catch him for me!”

“The captain was knocked down!!!”

“The fruits of the operation were taken away, and he must not be spared and killed.”

Soon a roar came from the location where the Barreiros Pirates were stationed, and the violent explosion was even louder, and the left air waited quietly, and sure enough, Corazon, who was seriously injured, had staggered back.

“No, no! The time is not ripe. “Zuo Kong forced the greed in his heart. Greedy, thought firmly.

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