“Knock… Knock… Knock…”

Sitting cross-kneeled on the bed to cultivate, Zuo Kong, who saw the domineering look, did not have the slightest wonder about the sudden knock on the door, but said lightly: “What happened?” ”

“Sir, have you arrived at the island of Minion, will you immediately dock?” The pirate outside the door said respectfully.

“You go down first.” Zuo Kong said.


“It’s still too slow, it seems that if you want to cultivate this domineering spirit quickly, you still need to dedicate yourself to danger, and a dull life is not suitable for domineering cultivation.” After the pirate left, Zuo Kong opened his eyes and sighed helplessly.

From Mahabais’s mouth, he got a domineering cultivation method, which was divided into two types, the first was plain cultivation, and the second was to devote himself to danger and break through the limit again and again.

Compared to the slow progress of the former, the latter is the rapid progress, and it is precisely because of two years of hard work and hard practice that Luffy has been able to master domineering to that level in two years.

“But don’t worry, there will be no less battles after going to sea!” Zuo Kong laughed cruelly.


Pushed open the door and walked out of the room, since Doflamingo and the navy were already enemies, Zuo Kong was not willing to let his enemies stop, and the enemy would not let himself stop.

“Lord!” Seeing Zuo Kong walking out of the cabin, the pirates who were serving on the side hurriedly stepped forward and respectfully said.

“Already arrived on the island of Minionan?” Zuo Kong asked.

“It takes another three minutes to officially dock, and we looked at it as if there were traces of human life on the island of Minionan.” The pirate lowered his head and said very nervously.

Zuo Kong frowned slightly, but he sneered in his heart, and said ruthlessly: “It seems that the only way to survive is that you are not going to abide by it!” ”


After the anchor was completed, the pirate ship finally stopped, swept all the pirates in the left air, jumped and jumped directly.

“ROOM Chop!”

Without waiting for the pirates to show any excitement, the purple space shrouded the pirate ship, and the cold voice in the left air sounded in their ears, saying: “What you have done has been seen by me from beginning to end, do you really think that you can hide it from me?” ”

“Spare your life, adults!” All the pirates immediately cried out in misery.

“Die!” Zuo Kong said coldly.


Suddenly, all the pirates were bleeding at the same time, and their hearts were crushed, but in an instant, their bodies were cut into hundreds of segments, and they disappeared directly on the pirate ship.

Zuo Kong, who was walking on the road, did not even stop his steps, but just lowered his raised palm, and from the moment they did something they shouldn’t, their fate was already decided.

Zuo Kong is not a person who complains with virtue, you must know that he is a demon!

“The ruins of that year have been buried.” The left sky strode into the ruins and said with a sigh.

Compared to two years ago, there are no corpses, no blood, and everything on this snowy island of Minhão will be buried by the relentless white, and no one can leave a real footprint here.

“Get out of here!” After sighing, Zuo Kong said lightly.


It is a pity that it was not people who came out, but pitch-black shells that came at a gallop, and in an instant, hundreds of shells were fired from all directions, and the darkness completely shrouded the figure in the left sky.


Sweeping around, the left air was just a finger hook, the purple space unfolded, all the shells disappeared in an instant, the snowflakes in the sky fell again, and not far away there was an overwhelming explosion.

“Kill!” A roar immediately came, and he roared.

In the ruins, in the snow, and in the secret passage left in the left sky, one by one pirates immediately rushed out, there were thousands of people, these people have everything, what kind of weapons are there, but the only thing that is the same is the hideous sneer, and the familiar pirate group logo.

The logo of Don Quixote’s Pirates!

“Really, Doflamingo gave me a big gift!” Zuo Kong’s helpless forehead seemed to be very emotional.

“Little ghost, how can you call the name of the young lord.”

“Die, little ghost!”

“Don’t think that if you eat the Devil Fruit, you are a strong person.”

Roar, curse, roar, this is the pirate, the real pirate!

“What you said is correct, the Devil Fruit is indeed not representative of the strong, but you are even less qualified.” Zuo Kong took his hand off his forehead, revealing his eyes that were already radiating blood, and said with a cruel smile.

“Thousand tons …”

“Boom !!!”

One punch!

With just one punch, the long fist punched out, and the terrifying fist wind directly punched a terrifying deep pit directly in front of it, and the hundreds of pirates in front of it were smashed into meat foam in an instant.


This scene is so amazing that the originally crazy pirates couldn’t help but stop and look at Zuo Kong in horror.

“What’s wrong? Is that all? Since you don’t make a move, I’m going to make a move!” ”

Zuo Kong said cruelly and viciously.

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