“Blue … Blue … Blue …”

As soon as the phone worm fell, it rang once, Xia Qi connected the phone worm, and the calm voice of the left air came out, and said interestingly: “Old lady Xia Qi, how about letting you help?” ”

“Little devil! I said, if you dare to call me that again, I will definitely not be polite to you. Xia Qi said with a smile at the left sky monster.


Zuo Kong pouted and said boringly: “It’s better to quickly contact the headquarters of the navy!” After five years of silence, if no one sends me off, it will be too boring, how about setting sail again with the fall of the general? ”

“Really!” Xia Qi directly hung up the phone worm and said helplessly.

In fact, for Grandma Zhao’s request, Xia Qi originally did not intend to agree, but she did not expect that Mother-in-law had already called the phone worm before, just hoping that Xia Qi would agree to Mother-in-law’s request to continue the Navy headquarters!


“Blue … Blue … Blue …”

“Lord Marshal!” The navy soldier hurriedly saluted.

“What happened?” Sengoku raised his head and said in a gentle voice.

Although the gentleness is full of majesty, it is undeniable that the mood of the Warring States is indeed good, mainly because no one has been doing things recently!

The four guys of the four emperors of the new world have calmed down, everything can be said to be orderly, and the distribution of the balance of the seven martial seas of the great shipping route, although there is still this revolutionary army every three to five to make trouble, but now there are no strong winds and waves, the revolutionary army does not dare to make big moves, in general, everything is calm now.

“It’s nice that the little devil isn’t there!” Sengoku sighed in his heart.


Suddenly, his heart beat violently, and Sengoku instinctively rose up with a bad thought, secretly thinking: “It can’t be such a coincidence, right? ”

“Lord Marshal, there is a phone worm named Xia Qi, do you want to answer it?” The soldier said respectfully.

“Xia Qi?”

The two people in the room Sengoku and Karp widened their eyes at the same time, they were absolutely very familiar with this person!

At that time, Xia Qi was also a famous sea thief, who was chased by Karp and ran, and later Xia Qi washed her hands and opened a bar in the Chambord Islands, and this past was put down, which can also be regarded as an unspoken rule!


The soldier nodded respectfully, although he wondered who Xia Qi was, he still knew what to ask and what not to ask.

“Take it…” Sengoku felt that the uneasiness in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, and said helplessly.

“Blue … Blue … Blue …”

“Warring States, I haven’t spoken for more than thirty years!” As soon as it was connected, I heard Xia Qi’s faint voice and said very boldly.

“If I could, I really wouldn’t want to see you for the rest of my life.” Sengoku said with emotion.

“Don’t say that, I have interesting news for you this time!” Xia Qi said with an interesting smile.


Xia Qi didn’t care about the words of the Warring States, and still said with a smile: “The mother-in-law of Nine Snake Island was expelled from Nine Snake Island by the contemporary emperor Boya Hancock of Nine Snake Island, and she wants me to help her contact the naval headquarters!” ”

“The matter of Nine Snake Island…” said Sengoku with a frown.

But his mind is full of thoughts, to be honest, Han Cook as His Majesty Qiwu Hai is actually nothing at all, but it is obvious that there are very important things hidden in it.

Considering his subconscious uneasiness and the things that may be hidden in it, but Sengoku has also given up the possibility of finding out from Xia Li, this mystic will never tell him.

“I know!” Sengoku nodded and said.

“It’s a fun game!” Xia Qi said with a smile.


The phone worm was hung up, and the Warring States immediately ordered: “Inform down, find the mother-in-law of Nine Snake Island herself, and bring it to the naval headquarters.” ”


“I hope it’s not what I thought!” Sengoku looked at the departing soldier and said solemnly with his head supported by his hands.



“What did you say?” Warring States looked at Grandma Zhao, directly slapped the table and stood up, and said in amazement.

Mother-in-law looked directly at the Warring States and said calmly: “Contemporary Nine Snake Island Emperor Boya Hancock!” One of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty is actually a person from the left void of the ‘demon’, and the demon has been cultivating in the windless zone for the past five years. ”

“Old woman, are you still kidding?” Karp’s rough nerves couldn’t help but say.

After all, this game should sound too mysterious, Zuo Kong has no intersection with people at all?

How did Han Cook, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, suddenly become his person? Could it be that Zuo Kong is still the kind of person who can do doppelganger?

“It’s quite possible.” Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and the crane walked in, sweeping past the mother-in-law and whispering.

“Quite possibly?” Karp asked strangely.


After nodding, the crane continued: “Back then, I saw some other people around the devil, and I didn’t pay attention at that time, and I didn’t even care about the number of people, but if I think about it, it is indeed three people, most likely the three Boya sisters back then!” ”

“If that’s the case, then it all makes sense.” Sengoku also nodded.

“Do you believe in the old body now?” Mother-in-law said calmly.

“You are the emperor of Nine Snake Island, why did you betray Nine Snake Island?” Tsuru looked at Grandma Zhao and suddenly asked.

“It’s not an old body betrayal!”

Mentioning this matter, Mother-in-law immediately showed a crazy look, and said firmly: “Nine Snake Island will perish sooner or later in the hands of that devil, the old body will never allow it, the old body wants to become the emperor of Nine Snake Island again, only in this way can Nine Snake Island become stronger.” ”

“If this is true, Boya Hancock’s King Qiwu Sea will be removed, and you will become the new King Seven Wuhai.” Sengoku said calmly.

“Good!” Mother-in-law nodded and said.

Although it was only a verbal transaction, it represented the determination of the Warring States.

Sengoku decided to make a move, this calm sea can definitely not make any waves, this time absolutely to take the left sky!

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