The disappeared air disaster Sairo and fire embers have spread their wings and flew a little far away from Beehive Island, and just saw Blackbeard take the opportunity to slip away with the guys of the Blackbeard Pirates, which means that the battle this evening has completely come to an end, and if you don’t leave, you will suffer the wrath of the entire navy.

“Are we going back to Wano Country now, boss?!”

On the silent sky, Sairo suddenly asked such a knowingly question, causing Fire Ember to turn his head to look at Sairo suspiciously.

“Oh… I think it’s time to patrol Fishman Island, I’m worried that some bad guys will destroy our territory! ”

Being stared at by his boss Fire Ember like this, Sairo was a little flustered, but he still righteously said such a reason that was necessary when he heard it.

In fact, Sairo just wanted to go to Fishman Island to see White Star, and after such a fierce battle, Sairo missed White Star even more!

“Whatever you want.” Fire Ember has no opinion, this time the matter is over, and there are no other things that Sairo needs to do, so let Sairo move freely and go wherever he wants.

After getting the approval of his boss Fire Ember, Sairo said goodbye to his boss Fire Ember with joy, flapping his wings in the direction of Fishman Island and flying faster, feeling that he could reach Fishman Island before dawn.

Thinking that after Bai Xing opened his eyes, he saw him, and Sairo suddenly flapped his wings even harder, so in less than three seconds, he completely disappeared from the sight of his boss Fire Ember!

“Hurry up! Hurry up again! Rush !!! ”

On the endless sea, Sairo flew at great speed unscrupulously, and even rushed into the sea, and then fluttered his huge wings and rushed out of the sea, like a bird that had just released its cage.

A bird that does not know how many tons it weighs!

Flying, Sairo saw an ordinary island appear in front of him, usually such an ordinary island would not attract too much attention from Sairo, but Sairo seemed to see a somewhat familiar guy sitting on the beach of this ordinary island.

Flying closer, he startled Sairo in the dark night, it was actually Marko, the captain of the first team of the white-bearded pirate group who was swallowed up by Blackbeard before, and at this time, he was sitting there with thin skin and yellow face, his eyes were blank, and he felt like he had no soul.

“In addition to being able to devour power, the Dark Fruit can also devour souls?!”

Sero changed back to human form and landed in front of Marko, looking at this guy who used to have his own blue flame more closely, don’t say blue flame now, even the spirit is ready to float away with the wind, a little afraid.

After a while, he noticed Seloko, raised his head to stare at Selo, opened his mouth that was about to dry up with difficulty, and asked weakly: “Tichy… dead”

“I’m sorry to tell you that he lives better than me.”

This is really an extremely cruel answer, but Selo feels that there is no need to weave a lie to deceive Marko, and as for living better than him, it is reflected in being stronger than him.


As if asking and not answering, Marko sighed in frustration, fell backwards on the beach, looked at the starry sky, his mind was full of blanks, did not think of anything, could not think of anything, did not know what to think.

Seeing Marko in such a situation that he didn’t know whether to die or not, Sailo inexplicably thought of Marko’s tragic experience in the past two months, and the more he thought about it, the more tragic and miserable!

First he couldn’t save Ace, he hitched a ride with many companions, even Whitebeard, and then the captains disappeared, their lives and deaths were unknown, and even all their power was devoured by Blackbeard, or everything Marko once had was swallowed by Blackbeard!

“It’s more than a tragedy that can be described! At least two miserable! ”

Sairo sat next to Marko, took out the Ancient Wind God Pterodactyl Form Demon Fruit that had been kept in his trouser pocket, put it on Marko’s hand, and said, “The great revenge has not been repaid, should you just give up?!” ”

Hearing Sello’s question, and the thing that Selo put in his hand that didn’t know what it was, Marko didn’t have a chance, still staring blankly at the starry sky, as if he saw all the companions of the Whitebeard Pirates in the starry sky.

It may be that only he is left to survive in this world.

“The Whitebeard Pirates are not only your captains, but also many, many crew members, they may soon be driven out and killed by the Blackbeard Pirates, you don’t care about them?!”

“The places sheltered by the Whitebeard Pirates will be slaughtered by the Blackbeard Pirates, can you see this Whitebeard Pirates?!”

“Did Whitebeard’s will just disappear into this world?!”

Seeing that Marko did not react in the slightest, Sairo continued to ask Marko questions in the name of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Sairo himself was a little stunned.

The reason why he did this was because of a bold idea that had just appeared in Sailo’s mind, summed up, was to let Marko eat the ancient Animal Dragon Dragon Form Demon Fruit, and then continue to find Blackbeard to take revenge!

Sero feels that there will be no guy in this world who hates Blackbeard more than Marko, and such a hateful power will definitely make Marko hunt Blackbeard endlessly, and at least it will be able to interfere with the progress of Blackbeard’s development and growth in the new world.

Maybe one day if you are not careful, you can solve Blackbeard?!

“Bah! Vomit! Why did you put a devil fruit in my hand?!!! ”

While Selo was thinking about it, Marko suddenly ate a bite of the ancient Aeolian Pterosaur form demon fruit that Selo had placed in his hand, which scared Marko and threw it directly into the sea.

“It’s not a big problem, don’t panic, it’s useless to panic, you’ve eaten it all.” Sero also didn’t expect Marko to be so stupid and eat the ancient Aeolian Dragon form Demon Fruit of the animal lineage, and he wanted to laugh a little.

“Devil Fruit Ability, you can’t eat a second Devil Fruit! Will die!!! ”

It seems that Marko still thinks that his body has the ability of the devil fruit in the form of an animal-based phantom beast species of immortal bird, and he nervously lies on the ground to vomit out the mouthful of devil fruit that has been accidentally swallowed, but his body involuntarily turns into a huge strange bird.

This sudden transformation pushed Sairo aside, so shocked that Sairo raised his head and looked at it with wide eyes, and then, he was very glad that although Peng Bird was not as cool as a toothless pterosaur, it was more normal than the strange bird in front of him.

“Gee! It turns out that the Fengshen pterosaur is so ugly! What a spicy eye!!! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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