No wonder Croobi was annoyed, if the navy was on the sea, they could easily sink the navy ship with the superiority of the fishman’s water.

Now that the Navy has been brought ashore, it has become much more difficult to defeat them.

Moreover, because today is the day to collect rent from Cocosia Village, Along took most of the members of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group to Kocosia Village, and with the strength that remains now, it can be imagined how difficult it will be to resist a large number of naval attacks.



“I am Brimbler and Commander of the 77th Branch of the Navy, Brimblin! The pirates of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group listen, I am on the order of the headquarters, come to fight Along’s gang, you have been surrounded, immediately put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender, otherwise you will be killed! ”

With the sound of a voice, groups of naval soldiers in white sailor suits rushed in, surrounding Croobi and his men in Alongland, as well as Hawk’s group.

Seeing so many navies pouring in, Hawk’s eyes were also slightly surprised, in the original work, Aaron and his gang were not unattacked by the navy, but they were all members of Along’s gang, and they were easily eliminated on the sea.

“It seems that because of our arrival this time, Xiao Ba, who was in charge of vigilance, left his post to deal with the ingredients, and the moo manatee was scared away by the previous shark sea beast, which allowed the navy to exploit the loophole and quietly kill into the Along Paradise.” Hawke figured out the key in an instant.

“Hehe, want us to surrender to your navy, dream!” Croobi sneered a few times and gestured to the few subordinates who remained behind, signaling them to fight together.

“Wait!” Hawke suddenly spoke up.

Croobi turned his head and saw Hook holding the hand he had given the order to his hand, and couldn’t help but frown.

“Prince Tigerstar, what do you mean, you want us to surrender, can’t you and the navy be together?” Croobi asked in an unkind tone.

“This time the navy can smoothly invade in, which has a lot to do with our arrival, since the matter is caused by us, let us solve it!” Hawk said lightly, lowered Croobi’s arm and walked forward.

Dossen and the others followed Hawke and walked towards the swarthy muzzles of the navy together.

“Stop, you evil fishmen, if you dare to take another step forward, we will shoot!” Brigadier General Brimpriner shouted.

But as if ignoring his warning, Hawke continued to walk forward.

“Since you are looking for death, then complete you!”

“Open fire and kill all these abominable pirates!”



Hundreds of pitch-black muzzles burst out of fire at the same time, and the dense gunfire sounded, which was deafening.

At the moment when he heard the gunshot, Hawk’s figure disappeared in place.

“Fishman Karate 20,000 Wazhengfist!”

“Fishman Karate 20,000 Watt Roundhouse Kick!”

“Fishman Karate~”





With the improvement of muscle strength, Hawke’s fishman karate has also been greatly improved, and the previous 10,000 watts and roundhouse kicks have been able to make 20,000 watts.

Such a powerful fishman karate power made Hawke, who rushed into the naval phalanx, like a tiger entering a flock, setting off a whirlwind.

Everywhere Hawk went, it was like a tornado, sweeping away the naval soldiers everywhere he went.

The smoke and dust in the sky were set off, and the screams and muffled sounds in the smoke and dust resounded throughout the entire Along Paradise!

“Ahhh… What kind of monster is this…”

“…… He’s too strong… The third squad requested support…”

“Brigadier General … Brigadier…… The commodore kicked the monster … I don’t know if I’m alive or dead…”

“…… Abominable pirates… I fought with you…”

“Retreat … All retreat… The enemy is too strong for us to deal with! ”

The naval soldiers who were still majestic just now, in the blink of an eye, became embarrassed, crying and shouting and fleeing towards the warships at sea!

“This~this is too exaggerated~” Croobi opened his mouth wide, unable to believe his eyes.

“Prince Tiger Star ~ he actually punched a 20,000-watt front punch and kicked a roundhouse kick with 20,000 watts… It’s simply impossible…”

“I’ve never seen such a powerful Fishman Karate master…” Croobi wanted to give Hawke’s Fishman Karate a level, but found that there was no level to rate this kind of strength.

He, the black section of Fishman Karate, is simply pediatric in front of Hawke, and even a Fishman Karate Master level expert like Nanabukai Jinhei can only hit a five-thousand-watt front punch and a seven-thousand-watt roundhouse kick at most.

Now in front of him, this master of fish-man karate masters far surpassed Jinpei, which made him dare to believe his eyes.

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