“Instructor Alec is powerful, and I’m far from being an opponent.”

At the door of the instructor’s office, Liu Xing clasped his hands into fists and complimented him seemingly seriously.

Alec was not appreciative.

“Since you know that you are not an opponent, then don’t put away your lazy appearance? How can strength be improved without spending time on cultivation? ”

He couldn’t be happier.

Instead, his heart was full of depression.

Although Liu Xing’s performance in the battle just now was error-free, it was completely in line with the level shown in daily testing, and it seemed that he really hovered in the middle level and was a decent image of a naval recruit.

But for some reason, Alec still felt that he had not tested the true depth, and a voice in his subconscious reminded him that he could not believe it….

“Probably thinking too much.”

If he is a lieutenant general who has experienced hundreds of battles and has rich combat experience, he cannot force him to show flaws….

So what should his strength be?

And for what, willing to play the role of a recruit in the Navy ?!

Alec rubbed his temples, watching the figure that made him feel extremely headache slowly walking away, he couldn’t help but shake his head slightly, and whispered to himself: “It seems that I am indeed mentally illergic, and I will actually produce this kind of fantasy speculation, but everyone else is fine, but only when looking at this kid, there is always a feeling that I can’t figure out the depth…”

The other side.

As a man with invincible strength when he crossed over, Liu Xing felt helpless.

He tried his best to restrain his momentum and strength, but after all, it was too strong, and it was inevitable that Alec would notice that something was wrong.

If it weren’t for that.

The posture of paddling in the boot camp can be a little more calm and dashing!


Liu Xing returned to the boot camp, where a navy with the rank of rear admiral was watching everyone in pairs and pairs for battle training.

Actually, the curriculum in boot camps has long been about the same.

Now daily training, that is, some basic training and real combat exercises.

The major general glanced at him and said, “Let’s go back to the team.” ”

Liu Xing coughed twice, and said weakly: “Cough, instructor, I just fought with Lieutenant General Alec’s instructor, and now I feel a little weak, can you…”

“Sengoku, he’s a partner who came back with you, right?” The major general turned his head and heard Sengoku admit that Alec had said to leave Liu Xing alone for the assessment, so he agreed to let him rest next to him.

“Gee, the privilege of a typical good student.”

Liu Xing slowed down and sat down against the wall.

He suddenly became happy and found that not far away, a naval recruit with a colorful body and an unruly face was standing at the punishment station.

Who else can there be besides the stunned Qingkapu?

Even because of his young age, the newborn calf is not afraid of the spirit of the tiger, and he is much more reckless and brainless now than in the future plot.

Every time I come back from a mission, I will basically get complaints from my teammates, for a variety of reasons.

Then there are the various punishment plots that are popular….

“Isn’t this Karp? What’s going on, or is it the same as the previous times, and I fell out with my partner again when I went out on a mission? Liu Xing took the initiative to speak, feeling that this image of a stunned blue nose and a swollen face, with an unruly expression, was very joyful.

“Ha, a group of cowards with shrunken heads and brains, not qualified to partner with me.” Karp pointed his nostrils to the sky, his tone full of disdain, and he cast a defiant and contemptuous look at a man in the distant naval ranks, giving the impression that he should be punished and the person who should be condemned is his teammate.

“Bah, obviously under my leadership, you can complete the task, and on the contrary, you have to report Uncle Ben, bah!”

“I support you, the penalty is obviously unfair, continue to appeal to the instructor, or directly complain to the chief instructor of Alec.” Liu Xing suggested with a smile.

He wanted to see if Karp would actually storm Alec’s office to protest.

That’s interesting….

Karp hesitated, seemingly pondering the feasibility of the proposal.

In the end, he reacted and shouted in annoyance: “Damn, you actually dare to take Uncle Ben to make a joke, Liu Xing, you wait for me, I will definitely beat you to the ground in the next actual combat match, and you can’t get up!” ”


A flying stone accurately hit Karp’s forehead, leaving a very obvious red mark.

The voice of the major general in charge of supervising everyone sounded.

“Karp, are you yelling and not satisfied with the current sentence? Or do you feel that you have the energy and no place to vent? Go and give me thirty laps around the square! ”


Vicious glared at Liu Xing, who was leaning in the corner of the wall with a lazy posture, Karp had to follow the order and start running around the square.

Before leaving, Liu Xing noticed the shape of his mouth.

That means saying.

“You wait for me.”


That evening.

Downstairs of the female soldiers’ dormitory.

A figure took advantage of the night and quietly approached.

Then he expertly touched a telescope and began to look at the lighted window.

Who else but Karp?

I have to say that in the matter of men and women, he is much more mature and proficient than Luffy at the same age in the future.

I already know how to use binoculars to peek into the dormitory of female soldiers!

Karp was engrossed, and at this moment, he felt like his head had suddenly been hit by some hard object.

“Which bastard is it?!”

His violent temper immediately shouted indignantly.

In an instant, dense footsteps sounded all around, and a group of naval patrol soldiers rushed directly over.

“Who’s there?”

“Take the initiative to come out yourself!!”

Karp’s heart was cold.

It’s going to be over again….

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