“Warring States, the ranking is still the first, continue to work hard, I am optimistic that you will one day become a pillar of the Navy headquarters.”

“Thank you, Instructor Alec.”

“Zefa, although it ranks second this time, the progress is obvious to all, and it is remarkable to fight to this extent with the Warring States that have made them capable, I hope you have higher attainments on this road of pure physical cultivation.”

“I’ll keep trying.”

“Third place, XX…”

The assessment is over.

Aggreko routinely announces the rankings and leaves a comment for everyone.

Involuntarily, it took on a sensational tone. Because this is the last assessment before graduation, it is impossible to get along for several months and say that there is no emotion, not to mention that several of the recruits in this class are good seedlings that he fancy, and he has a hunch that his future achievements will definitely not be lower than his own.

Review each one by one.

When he came to Liu Xing, the sensational atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

Looking at Liu Xing, who had just been dragged out of the dormitory by the Warring States, Alec only felt endless mental fatigue, and the thoughts of anger were gone, and a thousand words turned into a sigh and said: “Liu Xing, it is still similar to the previous ranking, and the performance is still very stable… Well, I don’t want to say more about you, let’s do it yourself in the future, what kind of achievements you can achieve depends on your own attitude. ”

The analysis hit the nail on the head

If Liu Xing wants a marshal position, as long as he shows his strength, he will immediately be at his fingertips, and the position depends on his own will!

“Next, Karp…”

Hearing his name, Karp, who ranked closely behind Liu Xing, had a gritted teeth on his face.

It doesn’t matter if the top five have fallen sharply, the most important reason is that you can’t accept the result of ranking behind that salted fish!

He clenched his fists and secretly vowed: “Angry Uncle Ben, this hatred I will repay sooner or later, despicable and cunning guy, if it is not to take advantage of the danger, in the absence of my mistakes, how can this guy Liu Xing win me?” ”

Until now.

Karp also naively attributed the failure to that stone.

Without thinking about why the stone appeared just right, in the position he used to shave.

In fact, it is naturally impossible for that stone to appear for no reason!

Although Alec unfolded his domineering look and spied on the side, if Liu Xing wanted to hide from him, there was still no difficulty.

Liu Xing turned his head by chance, noticed the look in Karp’s eyes, lazily spread his hands, and then immediately turned his head back, this action of Karp’s heart beating wildly, grinding his teeth and looking angrily ahead.

“The last one is XXX…”

After reading out everyone’s rankings.

After Alec left a word, he let everyone disband directly.

“Prepare early tomorrow, this will be the last hurdle before you graduate, and then you will step on the cruel battlefield and experience life and death, and then … If you look lazy all day, no one can save you, and the pirates will not show mercy to your subordinates because of this. ”

Looking at the back of Alec leaving.

Liu Xing was a little helpless.

Is it really so good that he can pull hatred, the last sentence before leaving, to hint again, is really enough!

The idea had just come to his mind.

Then he saw another person jump in front of him.

It was Karp, who had already had ideas about him in the team, that the name of the battle maniac did not come in vain, and directly issued a challenge, saying: “Liu Xing, I am not convinced, let’s try another game alone, if I lose to you again, I will really be convinced!” ”

Liu Xing’s eyes were half-open, and he asked lazily, “Why do I want to fight you?” Is there a benefit? There is no benefit, I have enough to eat, idle nothing to waste physical strength to fight with you? ”


A set of three in a row, asked Karp there.


In his impression, if it were not for the irrefutable iron order, this guy would not have wasted energy on other things for no reason.

“I don’t care so much, you have to fight me today!!”

At this time, Sengoku and Zefa came over, grabbed Karp’s arm, and dragged him back.

The two who were recognized by Alec, at this time, very consciously played their role and persuaded.

“Karp, forget it.”

“There is no way to change the ranking, at this time, don’t mess up the instructors anymore.”

Liu Xing yawned, turned around and walked to the dormitory, ready to go back and rest to catch up on sleep, throwing down a sentence, “Warring States, Zefa, it’s over to you.” ”

This guy….

Sengoku Zefa’s expression turned a little black, and he even had the idea of letting go of his hand and letting Karp continue to trouble him.

And at this time, Kapu, who was combined by the two and could not control the movement to the rear, waved his arm, and suddenly moved and made a voice: “Liu Xing, don’t you want benefits, if you come again, as long as you can defeat me, from now on I will promise your servant!” ”

Thanks to his cleverness.

I even thought of a way to mortgage myself.

However, Karp did not know that this was a typical example of digging a hole and burying himself.

Decades later, he dreamed of returning to this moment and slapped his round arm to himself who said this….

At this time, Liu Xing weighed a little in his mind, and felt that he could agree, an excellent paddling salted fish around, indeed the existence of servants, although Karp this guy is hairy, but a little education, can also be qualified for this position.

“Sengoku, Zefa, let go of your hand.”

“I promised.”

So, the two left the team and went to a battle training ground in Malinfodo alone.


Ten minutes passed.

I saw Liu Xing with his hands behind his head, humming a small song, and slowly walked out like a walk.

“Win or lose?”

“How do you look at it, it seems that Liu Xing has won.”

Including Sengoku and Zefa, who couldn’t hold back their curiosity, everyone rushed into the practice ground.

Then he saw Karp sitting on the ground, slapped his face in dismay.

Suddenly he looked up to the sky in pain and asked, “Can anyone tell me why another stone appeared there this time?!!! ”

(ps: Thanks to Thunder Fighter for the tip, this account can not reply to comments for the time being, very helpless, but if there is a new message I will definitely read, I hope that most of you readers will support this book ==)

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