“Depend, is the old man blinded?”

“Isn’t this guy supposed to stay in the headquarters…”

“How could the old boy of the Warring States allow him to hang out in the East China Sea again? It must have just woken up and the reason why the brain did not fully wake up was hallucinating…”

At the door, Karp still had a hint of getting up after being disturbed. But after seeing the figure at the door, he quickly transformed, and the anger immediately disappeared, and his expression seemed a little caught off guard! Because the distance was too close, Liu Xing could hear the muttering of this product talking to himself, and he looked unwilling to believe in reality.

“By the way, that’s right, it must be an illusion.”

Then he closed his eyes.

Before he could open it again, he heard a voice in his ears.

“Well? Old bastard, how long are you going to make me stand in the doorway and wait? ”

Karp’s eyelids twitched.

It’s really him!

It’s not that I was hallucinating!

So, under the gaze of many navies in the Roguetown branch, Karp let Liu Xing into the house, and then closed the door.

The voice of discussion suddenly sounded in the corridor.

The two most maverick lieutenant generals in the department were in the same frame, but they heard something unusual.

“Hey, did you hear me, Lieutenant General Liu Xing’s address to Lieutenant General Karp…”

“Vice Admiral Karp is a hero of the Navy, that claim is too much…”

Generations of navies are constantly changing, and the navy in a place like Rogue Town is naturally unaware of the scene that was staged at the headquarters of the navy! In fact, there were actually few soldiers of the Navy headquarters who knew about this at all….

Because Karp also knew that it was too scoundrel, holding his newborn son to carry the black pot for him… How can such a thing be hyped up?

Suddenly, the door opened again.

The discussion came to an abrupt end.

I saw Karp’s face poke out and scan the navy in the corridor.

“Keep your mouth shut, don’t go out and talk nonsense to me…”

After speaking, he slammed the door again, leaving a group of navies who looked at each other.

At the same time, Karp’s ears at the door were pressed against the door, and when he heard that there was no movement outside, he said to Liu Xing with some resentment: “Just because of your words, the old man’s status in this group of recruits is going to be discounted, I don’t know, I thought I was caught by you!” ”


As soon as Liu Xing came in, he occupied the place where Karp was sleeping.

At this time, the whole body was trapped in the wide chair, and Erlang’s legs were lifted and placed on the table in front of him, and the whole person was very relaxed. Hearing Karp’s complaint, he immediately looked at him with a smile, and the meaning hidden in his eyes could not be more obvious.

Karp decisively pretended to be a fool.

Compared to when I was in the new barracks, I don’t know how much thicker my skin is.

It was obvious that he deliberately diverted the topic and said, “Liu Xing, aren’t you having fun with that kid from the green pheasant?” Hey…… I heard that he had been educated to understand what it meant with a single look? Why is it that now you have a good day to swim, but you run to the East China Sea? ”

“It’s a long story… It was a really pleasant life. ”

Karp instantly understood, “Targeted by the Warring States again?” ”

Liu Xing nodded and said, “Almost, but it is not so simple to summarize.” Never mind…… I’m too lazy to describe the specifics, it’s too troublesome to say it again, if you want to know, go to a soldier from the headquarters to inquire casually, and basically understand. ”

After saying these words, it seems that it took a lot of effort.

Liu Xing remained slumped in the chair and lay down for a while, then looked at Karp, who was helplessly driven to the sofa, and continued: “By the way, Karp, the vacation that was finally invited from the Warring States, how did you sleep in the Rogue Town branch this time?” Heard…… Your son ran away from home? Also threatened that absolutely not going to the path of the Navy like you. ”


Karp originally wanted to drink saliva to suppress the helpless mood…

Now hearing these words, all the sip of water that had just been drunk into his mouth sprayed out, and he coughed violently.

The heart is annoyed – damn it, how did this matter spread even Liu Xing this guy know?

On the surface, he said very lightly.

“After all, it’s a new generation, and it’s normal to be a little out of touch with the ideas of an old man like me.”

“Besides… Men are meant to go to the sea and experience something to grow. ”

“I believe that after seeing the scene of pirates running rampant and in this world, this kid of the dragon will finally wake up and come back to become a navy and change the era of this pirate, because he has the blood of my Karp on his body!”

At the end, the tone became a little impassioned.

According to Karp’s description, the story of this prodigal son’s return seems to be very complete….

But Liu Xing knows very well that Karp, this old bastard, is purely dreaming!

The dragon of the future is indeed poised to change the world….

However, the goal was not to start from the pirates, but to establish a revolutionary army organization, which became a major problem for the world government. If it weren’t for the remarkable merits of Old Man Karp, it is estimated that he would have been knifed first! From another point of view… This father and son one is Lao Tzu let his son back the pot, and the other is a typical son pit Lao Tzu in the future, which is really worthy of a family!

Or to put it another way to describe it more appropriately….

Not a family, not entering a house?

A few small talks.

Liu Xing fell lazily on the chair and didn’t want to speak, he was not a person who talked much.

And Karp had no one to pick up the stubble, sat on the sofa, and actually slept again, blowing a transparent huge, very joyful snot bubble in his nostrils.

I don’t know how long has passed.

Suddenly outside the door, there was a cautious knock from the navy.

“Lieutenant General Liu Xing… Sorry to bother you? ”

“There’s a woman out there who claims to be your apprentice…”

“Oh, let her in.”

Liu Xing said directly.


Thank you for the tips and flowers of the smoky bosses, thank you very much.

Not much BB, continue three more.

Ask for flowers….

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