One sentence poked directly at Bucky’s heart.

Then before he could speak, he heard the sound of mending a knife again.

“But don’t say it, he cleans really clean, he has this craft.”

“Mr. Renly cleaned the warship for you? No kidding, this can’t be! ”

Bucky jumped up directly, and the rest of the words were not said in his heart – Mr. Reilly, he, he is the deputy captain of Roger’s Pirates! is a character that he once admired and yearned for when he was an intern in the pirate group… Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible to clean warships for the Navy!

At this time, I saw Liu Xing hook his finger.

The slender and perfect fingers seem to have magic…

Just a gentle pull in the void, it seems to pull a silk thread representing life!

Bucky flabbergasted.

His eyes were extremely frightening, because he suddenly had an extremely clear feeling at this time, and his little life was now being held in the hands of the other party.

Then, he heard a lazy voice in his ears.

“For the sake of the food you consciously delivered, just waste some physical strength to prove it, now believe it?”

“No… I still don’t believe that Mr. Reilly will never bow to the Navy! ”

Bucky trembled with fear in his heart, but he still refused to believe it on the surface.

Faith collapses!

Thinking of the scene of the powerful and perfect man bowing to the navy, he said that he could not accept it.

This made Liu Xinggao look at him.

Unexpectedly, this guy still has some backbone….

So he said again.

“It’s not a big deal to bow your head at a critical moment, knowing how to make trade-offs is a real man.”

“Besides… I didn’t violate his dignity too much, did I? It is not a normal and fair thing to force him to bow his head by force, labor in exchange for food, both sides are willing to do so. ”

“Hmph, Mr. Rayleigh in your mouth should thank me for giving him a bite to eat at a critical moment.”

After speaking, Liu Xing waved his hand casually.

“Okay, it’s time to be content after asking two questions, don’t disturb my meal.” Get out. ”

That is, to see that Bucky is more conscious, and the food and drink sent are more in line with his own appetite.


Believe it or not, shut yourself up?

He didn’t bother to spend his strength on this to explain so much!


Bucky walked out reluctantly.

The goal when I went in was achieved, and I finally had a half-understanding of the strength of that navy.

But the more I learned, the more I broke down.

Especially when I learned that Mr. Rayleigh had willingly wiped his warship for food, that feeling… It was as if the sky was falling, no matter what he said, he couldn’t change his mood at this time, and he didn’t even react to a few hearts around him shouting at him!

After finally recovering a little.

Bucky gave orders forbidding his men to approach and touch the room and the people inside.

At first, everyone was a little curious, and when they passed there, they would glance at the closed door from time to time.

Gradually, they found out.

This vice admiral was not at all what they remembered, and especially liked to be stuffy in the house, occasionally moving out of the chair and lying on the deck so swaggering to bask in the sun. The pace of life is like a vacation! The overall atmosphere of the pirate group is a little off-track….

Yes, watching him lying comfortably and basking in the sun, with wine around him, leisurely enjoying the appearance, it is too contagious!

So a few of Bucky’s henchmen found him.

All with a belly of grumbling.

“Captain Bucky, what about that navy? Shouldn’t he just stay on his ship like this? ”

“The atmosphere of the pirate group recently is very bad, I have caught a lot of lazy and deserted people, obviously all of them are influenced by that guy! Don’t obey the management anymore! One of them complained angrily. To be honest, he himself felt a little jealous.

“And there’s Captain Bucky…”

The last person said with a sad face: “Our last few sorties, listening to you are all other pirate groups that have robbed, and if it goes on like this, I feel that I have to specifically maintain order at sea and become a small detachment of the East China Sea Navy, what is it called a pirate group?” ”


Bucky closed his eyes and coughed twice.

In a “everything is under control” tone, he said: “Okay, I know, you guys stand down, I will go to him to discuss.” ”

The three people in front of them were in awe, completely stunned by the posturing.

He said “Captain Bucky is mighty” and “There is a captain here, what are we worried about”, then he pushed open the door and left the captain’s room one by one.

I don’t know.

The next second after they were gone.

Bucky instantly switched to a sad expression.

During this period, although he was still entangled in Mr. Renly’s bowing to the navy, he also understood one thing – although the strength of this navy is very vague, it is at least above Mr. Renly!

What can he do in the face of such an enemy?

However, the pressure given by the feedback from his subordinates still made him pick a time and come to the door of Liu Xing’s room with good wine and food.

Bang bang bang ~~

Knocked on the door three times in a gentle row.

“Come in.”

So, Bucky walked in with an earnest look.

With that very conspicuous red nose, it looks quite funny.

The three pirates who found Bucky before, it is estimated that they did not expect that the captain who had faced them quite fancifully before, dragged like a twenty-fifty-eighty thousand, would go to Liu Xing to “discuss” with such a performance, which would definitely make them stunned!

Good wine and good food are served.

Rubbed for a while.

It wasn’t until he felt that Liu Xing was about to rush people that Bucky finally asked, “That… How long are you going to stay on my ship? No, no, no, I definitely didn’t mean to rush people when I said this, but I just think that you have such a key official position on your body, there must be a lot of affairs to deal with, right? ”

Bucky said as he comforted himself quite spiritually.

Since Mr. Reilly has lowered his head, his current performance is nothing, right?

“It won’t be long, Karp’s old dog will come to pick me up in two days…”


Thanks to the [o.o] boss for the tip.

New week, ask for collections, ask for flowers~~

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