“Going back with you?”

“I thought that in the last era, the old people who had appeared in the same picture would not be so stupid…”

The golden lion raised his eyebrows.

Open your arms and make a look like you’re embracing the entire sky above your head and controlling your freedom.

Then he sneered and said, “I didn’t expect to hear this boring conversation from your mouth? Are you also infected with the childish common disease of this group of little guys in the new era? Those who know my abilities should know in their hearts – as long as I think, no one in this world can keep Lao Tzu! Even if all the high-ranking officials of the Navy headquarters came, they didn’t dare to say that they were 100% sure that they could recapture me back to Push City! ”

Spent so long in the sixth level of infinite hell.

I finally escaped from prison, especially when I met the old people who had crossed paths – and even regretted that I couldn’t hand it over…

Therefore, the golden lion couldn’t help but be a little speechless.

He said as he looked down again.

But found that Liu Xing on the deck did not react at all, looking at it with indifferent eyes, waiting for him to finish speaking…

At this time, 507 is better than sound…

The corner of the golden lion’s mouth twitched twice.

What the hell does this damn guy think of himself? Even when Karp and Sengoku joined forces, they didn’t dare to treat themselves with such contempt!

Urge the Devil Fruit ability with all your might.

All the clouds in the entire sky above have converged, and it is no longer a simple lion’s head, but directly turned into a proud giant lion hovering in the sky – at the same time, a large amount of sea water on the sea surface also began to churn, and the rocks on a nearby island changed…

Everything happens in an instant.

Relying on the ability of the fluttering fruit, even the golden lion, the biggest natural enemy of the ability of sea water, can be manipulated.

In an instant, there were three more lions composed of clouds, sea water, and rocks on top of Liu Xing’s head.

The golden lion Shiji, who was guarded in the middle, had blond hair fluttering in the wind, stretched out his arms, and made a clenched fist – although his body became small against the background of the three behemoths around him, there was no doubt that he was the real Lion King (BDFA) who ruled over the lions.

While creating a monstrous power, the heart is also proud!

“Hahahahahaha, I haven’t seen it for so long, your strength should also grow.”

“Last time I blocked my chopping wave on the battlefield, don’t let me down too much this time!”

As the last word’s words fell, the three lions stepped on the void and rushed towards Liu Xing.

The whole picture is extremely powerful.

“Hey, it’s a bad thing that once left a mark in my heart, and if you don’t react, your warship will be torn apart… Kindness? Wouldn’t you be crazy? ”

Before the golden lion finished speaking, his eyes widened, and his expression changed to that look mixed with amusement.

Because he saw that until the attack was approaching, Liu Xing raised a palm and pressed it at the three lifelike lions with different postures…

“Tuoda, it’s really too arrogant, even the old mad dog Karp, who has the strongest physical skills and fighting power in the navy, did not dare to say that he could do this at his peak.”

The golden lion did not believe that his attack would be blocked, and did not even want to see the result, turned around and prepared to leave. Subconsciously, the worldview that has long been formed does not believe that such absurd things will happen…

Until today, I saw the whole process of Liu Xing’s shot…

I clearly heard three disintegration sounds in my ears, and the golden lion, who turned half of his face, turned his face back abruptly, stunned, and felt unbelievable: “How is it possible?” Is this the ability of the Devil Fruit? Or do you say… Lao Tzu dreamed and didn’t wake up? ”

Right at this moment.


The golden lion only felt that an indescribable terrifying force suddenly descended directly above his head, and he could definitely kill himself countless times in an instant.

However, this terrifying power was not so much, but like a big hand, controlling his body. Capture him alive, and watch the whole person continue to approach the warship below, and finally turn into a posture lying in front of Liu Xing.

The body can’t move.

The golden lion used all his strength to raise his head a little with difficulty, his eyes full of horror that could not be described in words, and… Fear!

Yes, after becoming a pirate for so many years, the golden lion finally experienced what it is to be afraid – because you can’t understand this absolute, unacceptable force to resist, think about what happened to Liu Xing on the battlefield, I’m afraid that the chopping wave he sent out at that time was also because …

“Is it more powerful than I understand?”


“Why didn’t a monster like you have a reputation in the last era!”

The golden lion gritted his teeth and roared.

However, Liu Xing’s next words made him completely stunned on the spot.

“Why do you think Edward Newgate is so secure?”

“You mean… Whitebeard? Don’t?!! ”

The golden lion’s pupils dilated again. At this time, he felt that he had revealed an unknown corner of the world – after the formation of the climate of Whitebeard, the man known as the most powerful man in the world was still so careful to do things, is this the reason?


An explosion of information flooded into the golden lion’s mind.

If you say so, Whitebeard’s actions are completely understandable. I remember that I laughed at it at that time, and Newgate, who was ranked as one of the three legendary pirates alongside himself and Roger, turned out to be the one of the three people to the world… The one who has the clearest understanding of the Navy!

“What about Roger?”

“Does Roger know you exist?!”

The golden lion suddenly thought of something again and asked.

Then he saw Liu Xing in front of him furrowing his eyebrows, and seemed to have experienced some entanglement.

Still shook his head to answer his question.

“Roger didn’t know I existed.”

“And Whitebeard hasn’t seen my real body either.”

The golden lion then felt a hint of comfort.

Suddenly laughed at himself: “Hahahahahaha, compared to Roger, who was kept in the dark until death, it can be regarded as finally having a place to surpass him.” Three legendary pirates… Hehe, this name is really mocking enough to think about it now! “_

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