“Whitebeard is moving?”

“Yes, General Sengoku, our intelligence system has detected that Whitebeard has left the sea area he rules.”

As the Four Emperors, the attention he received was naturally much higher than that of ordinary pirates.

Especially Whitebeard, because he doesn’t know, why did he choose to become a dormant beast after becoming famous? That’s why the world government paid more attention – found that even if he was often provoked by some newcomer pirates who didn’t know whether he was dead or alive in recent years, he only devoured them with the smallest movement…

No more high-profile stand up, show the power belonging to the “strongest in the world”, shock all the little ones…

Sengoku has long felt strange.

Obviously the body is still in the final peak, why not take advantage of the near decline to strengthen your momentum?

It has the most destructive shock fruit, but it is the most low-key among the four emperors…

Now you finally can’t help it?

The warring country felt a little excited and nervous, “How many people did Whitebeard bring with him in this operation?” ”

“According to the information transmitted by the Special 17th Division, he did not take the Moisan Bike, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, but just took an ordinary pirate ship.” The Navy soldier reported: “There are only two captains who are followed, Marko the ‘Immortal’ and Joz the ‘Diamond’. ”


Although there are not many people with it.

But he brought Joz, who is known for his defensive power, and Marko, who has air supremacy. The ability of both of them can play a decisive role in critical moments – it seems that there are only two people, but in fact, various situations have been taken into account.

After listening to the report of that naval subordinate …

“Whitebeard, this is also careful enough.”

Sengoku couldn’t help but want to complain.

Actually, he didn’t know the details. Because he knew the strength of the person he had met, Whitebeard didn’t even plan to take anyone with him at first, how could he take his sons out on adventures that didn’t know anything about it? It was only in the end that he couldn’t resist the unanimous petition of everyone on the ship, so he agreed to let Marko and Joz follow and help him solve the group of pirates he might meet along the way, who don’t know whether they are dead or alive…

“Since it is the action of the white beard, you can’t pretend to ignore it.”

“But there is no need to completely fight him now, Whitebeard has not done any vicious incidents that hurt nature and reason over the years.”


After letting the soldier leave, Sengoku thought about it alone.

The final decision is decided.

“Or should I send the yellow ape over…”

“In terms of pure reconnaissance, no one has the advantage over his fruit ability. The character of this guy will not be like Sakaski’s disobedience to orders and indiscriminately hands. ”

At this time, if the yellow ape heard the thoughts of the heart of the warlord, it must be another confused face.


Feelings eat the shining fruit, and the speed is too fast and their own pot

Originally experienced a search incident in the East China Sea, the yellow ape was a little resistant to the task assigned by the Warring States. But recently, he has often gained grace, and everything can always be easily associated with him, and now there is another drudgery that is about to fall on him…

And the target of the investigation is still Whitebeard and his two very strong captains…

But just then, the door of the office was opened.

As soon as the Warring States turned around, his face was suddenly full of black lines.

Because I saw Liu Xing sitting on a chair with swagger, chewing fruit in his mouth, and was carried in by several naval soldiers. Those few people did not dare to look at the Warring States after putting it down, as if they were afraid that they would be named, and ran out in a hurry.

“Liu Xing, you really enjoy it more and more.”

Sengoku Pi said with a smile.

Who knew but saw Liu Xing pouting, disagreeing with his statement. And said that this experience is very poor, and I will not think about it in the future.

“So… What are you coming to me for today? ”

“Huh? Oh…… Nothing happened. ”

Liu Xing’s attention was originally on the words hanging above the head of the Warring States, but he really took back the silent night meditation that was only half of it, and seriously wrote it again with a brush. He also continued a poem at the back, framed it and hung it in the office. However, compared with the level of the original author Li Bai, it is undoubtedly a dog-tailed marten…

Liu Xing, who was silently reading the verses of the Warring States, only explained his intention after hearing his inquiry.

“Whitebeard is moving?”

“Your information is quite well-informed, originally I thought that you were out of touch with the outside world…”

Sengoku couldn’t help but complain, but then thinking of the three favors he still owed, he put away the long list of stupid sentences in his heart and replied: “That’s right, Whitebeard has indeed left the sea area where he was from. According to the route, the next thing he is going to is likely to be a stop on Fishman Island…”

This was told to the Warring States by the navy just before leaving.

Plus the Navy had previously detected that the Whitebearded Man had intersected with Fishman Island… 033…

This time, based on a slight inference of the route he sailed, it is not difficult to guess the final goal.

“It’s really weird.”

Warring States was surprised, “I didn’t expect that you would take the initiative to find me for the matter of the Four Emperors, the first time in the world.” I didn’t expect you to care about the world situation… Ahem, the intelligence has already told you, what else do you want to do next? ”

Saying that, he quickly took a sip of tea.

Damn it!

Why can’t you stop the thought of wanting to complain today?

It must have been after seeing Liu Xing’s abnormal behavior, and he couldn’t control his mood…

In fact, not only Sengoku, but even Ain, who followed Liu Xing to the office, felt very curious – there must be a reason for such an unnormal move, but even she didn’t know what the reason was.

“I’m going to meet Whitebeard.”

“Just go… Wait a minute! What did you say? ”

With an incredulous gaze, Sengoku looked at Liu Xing, who was leaning on the sofa and lazily saying this sentence.

The first reaction was to secretly pinch the flesh on his body, only thinking that he was living in a dream? Otherwise, how could you hear the amazing words of that salted fish just now? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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