On the route back to the headquarters of the Navy.

After experiencing the incident of Whitebeard, it can be regarded as a wish to be fulfilled, and Liu Xing, who also arranged everything on Fishman Island, is very relaxed. At first, after the warship surfaced, he drank without a sip of wine from the sunlight shining overhead. But then everyone saw that the frequency with which he was holding a wine glass to his mouth was getting slower and slower, slower and slower…


At this moment, the other rear admiral on the warship suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Reach out and point in a certain direction.

“Isn’t that Lieutenant General Qingheasant? Has he returned from a mission to the New World? ”

In fact.

“Nine Five Zero” did not need him to remind him, many navies on the deck had already noticed the very coquettish figure riding a bicycle on the sea. The place left behind a shining ice tunnel, an iconic feature that made people instantly recognize his identity.

The green pheasant also saw the warship next to it.

One turn of the handlebar.

I saw the wheel of the bicycle turn 90 degrees, and then approached the warship.

“Something unexpected.”

“I didn’t expect that Teacher Liu Xing and Major General Ain were also here…”

The green pheasant stepped onto the warship, and after seeing Liu Xing’s state at the moment, he consciously lowered his voice…

Sure enough, he was the first apprentice and attendant and servant to be accepted earlier, and he was very perceptive.

Then, when he felt that he was about to arrive at the headquarters of the Navy, Liu Xing forcibly opened his ignorant sleepy eyes, cleared his head, and then saw that the green pheasant that came to the warship only said a faint “en”, and was not too surprised.

Ain had a brief exchange with the pheasant before.

At this moment, I also continue to close my eyes and enter a meditative state. During this time, he has not given up, and through his own efforts to enter the state when Liu Xing assisted his cultivation, mainly because Liu Xing has helped less often during this time, in contrast, Ain has become extremely dissatisfied with his current cultivation progress.

The whole ship.

Only the major general assigned by the Warring States took the initiative to speak to the green pheasant

“Lieutenant General Qingheasant, why did you suddenly come back from the new world this time? Isn’t there still a few months before the lieutenant general of the headquarters returns to the headquarters to report on his duties? ”

The green pheasant scratched his hair, and then revealed that it was Karp who told him to come back from the new world, and the specific reason was that he had not heard of what it was…

“Ala la la, I heard that Lieutenant General Karp seems to have preceded Linfodo?”

When you go back, you will know the reason.


It didn’t take long.

The warship arrived at the port of Malinfodo.

Liu Xing glanced at the dozen or so navies lined up in two rows behind him.

With a wave of his hand, let them disband directly – this time out, these dozen or so people that the Warring States forced to send to the warship completely played the role of salted fish playing soy sauce from beginning to end. If the only thing that still has a little effect, it is to play a somewhat confusing role when doing it yourself, otherwise it will be seen through by Whitebeard at a glance.


Although somewhat camouflaged.

However, as long as Whitebeard thinks in his heart, it is not too difficult to investigate himself.

“It depends on how he chooses, I think Whitebeard should be a smart person…”

Liu Xing thought to himself.

At this time, he heard Qing Pheasant’s inquiry: “Teacher Liu Xing, are you going to go to the office of the Warring States General first?” Although I was called back by Mr. Karp, I still have a task to report to him. ”

“It’s enough to have Ain….”

Saying that, Liu Xing dragged his steps slowly to the right front.

I plan to go back to a comfortable night’s sleep first.

As for the matter of Fishman Island, to be honest, it has little to do with him now, and then it depends on when and how the Warring States announce this news to the world – after all, in the discussed plan, because his reputation is not obvious, the matter of showing his face fell to the Warring States.

There are not a few steps to get out.


Only to hear a voice full of anger and resentment resounded throughout the headquarters of the Navy.

“Warring States, you have the ability to play tricks, you have the ability to open the door!”

“Warring States, you have the ability to play tricks, you have the ability to open the door for me!!”

Such a voice, coupled with such a blunt content, who else dares to shout it in front of everyone in front of the Navy headquarters besides Karp?

“It won’t be…”

The green pheasant suddenly felt bad.

Following the sound of walking quickly, he saw Karp standing under the Navy Headquarters building, directly opposite the position of the Sengoku Office. Putting a megaphone pose to his mouth with his hand, he was shouting loudly—0.6—beside him, and beside him stood a yellow ape with a bitter face.

Originally, he came back to report the results of the Don Quixote family’s processing.

But I didn’t expect to be directly put into a camp by Capra, who came to the door to find fault…

But let’s be honest…

In his heart, the yellow ape couldn’t help but feel a trace of dissatisfaction and wanting to take revenge for the warring States righteousness that obstructed him from playing fighting the landlord, but turned around and fell into it with Marshal Kong…

So, now it’s helpless and happy.


“It just so happens that you are also here.”

“Today, the three of us will debunk the true face of this guy in the Warring States…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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