Feelings for their own front in order to save their status, and show the armed color domineering.

In the end, it has become a foreshadowing for Liu Xing in disguise?

As for letting the armed color domineering not be revealed, he can also do it. It was only for a better demonstration that the two fists, including the section of skin that extended along the arm, all showed a layer of rich pitch black…

Zefa looked at Liu Xing.

That gaze couldn’t help but be full of resentment.

In the eyes of many recruits, the mysterious and powerful Liu Xing, at this time, towards Zefa, helplessly shrugged his shoulders.

After all……

The rank of chief instructor of this recruit on his body was originally secretly decided by Zefa and the Warring States in private, and the strong safety was on the body…

Subsequently, Zefa also accepted his fate, and successively picked several recruits to answer their questions.

Feeling that the time was about the same, he coughed and said with a majestic face.

“The two sessions of self-introduction and answering questions are over.”

“Before lunch, let me see you one last time, and the other instructors who will be in charge of your cultivation will be next.”

Finish speaking.

Only to hear the sound of footsteps.

These subsequent lieutenant generals, compared to Zefa and Liu Xing, the momentum on their bodies is much more direct, and there is no concealment – but when they pass by Liu Xing’s side, they still honestly bow their heads and call out “Chief Instructor of Liu Xing”, which makes the group of recruits firmly believe that Liu Xing is strong.

Zefa was helpless in his heart.

Fortunately, among these major generals, there were two more who did not disappoint him.

I saw that when he came to Zefa, he took a more respectful attitude.

“General Zefa!”

This is a navy who was once saved by Zefa on the battlefield.

At that time, he was just an ordinary soldier, and there is still a scar on his back so far …

Zefa nodded quietly.

At this time, another major general also came to his side: “Teacher Zefa, are these all the newcomers?” I heard that there is also an ability in the nature department, I wonder if you have a fancy teacher? ”

Zefa replied coldly.

“The qualification is okay.”

“But it depends on the next performance.”

In fact, in his heart, he was a little concerned about the performance of the group of recruits in front of him. Because I don’t want to be compared by Liu Xing, but those words seem a little deliberate…

Now looking at the two major generals next to him who have invisibly strengthened their momentum, the more pleasing it is!

Sure enough.

There are already some recruits in the ranks

First of all, the title…

Zefa… General?

The rank is actually higher than that of Chief Instructor Liu Xing, who is a lieutenant general!?

And the second major general, after rushing here, returned General Zefa to the teacher … That is to say, some of his disciples, have they already grown into major generals of the headquarters? And also appeared as their instructor …

So in an instant, Zefa’s status in their hearts rose a lot!

Zefa naturally felt this change.

Finally pulled back some, and couldn’t help but glance at Liu Xing with a somewhat relaxed and pleasant gaze.

However, it turned out…

That guy was already wandering around and didn’t care about it at all.

“It’s just stupid, what winds and waves have you not seen in previous decades? Now they are complacent because of the change in the opinion of a group of recruits…” Zefa reacted at this time, and a trace of chagrin suddenly appeared in his eyes.

At the end of the day.

It was still because of Liu Xing that he let himself have a mood of comparison and suffering from gains and losses.

“Why can’t I keep my usual calmness every time I meet him?”

When the major generals spoke, Zefa couldn’t help but wander around and seriously think about this issue.

Right at this moment.

“Lord Liu Xing, Lord Liu Xing, I can be considered to have found you.”

I saw a fish man dressed as a chef running over from not far away. It is not clear what kind of fish man he is, his appearance is a little strange, and he is still holding a large octopus jumping alive and shaking with tentacles in his hand, which seems to parasitize on his head from a distance.

While shouting Liu Xing’s name, he ran over.

The whole thing looks a little funny.

After coming to Liu Xing, he said: “Master Liu Xing, today’s dish is teppanyaki. I searched for you while the ingredients I had just shipped from Fishman Island were still fresh, and finally found you here… Do you need me to ask my staff to bring the tools here to make them for you? ”

Liu Xing thought about it.

“Right here.”

So, next to the group of naval recruits, soon several other fish people brought tools, set up stalls, and began to process and make on the spot.

Those recruits of the navy, who spent the morning showing their strength again, and listened to Zefa’s lectures there, their stomachs were already hungry.

I can’t help but feel a little surprised.

The headquarters of the Navy was specially equipped with a cook of the mermaid family?

And the food materials used are all freshly transported from Fishman Island?!

Isn’t that a great treatment?!!

So, a recruit who was slightly wider in size and seemed to have a good appetite couldn’t help but ask: “Instructor Zefa, can we eat the food over there later?” Is there any price to pay? After all, that octopus doesn’t look like enough for all of us. ”

Zefa was expressionless.

“Don’t overthink it.”

“I’ll meet at the restaurant of the headquarters in a moment.”

Of course he knew the origin of that Fish-Terran chef…

It was specially sent from Fishman Island for the taste and quality of the food. At present, there is no doubt that for the time being, Liu Xing will only serve (King Li’s) and follow his orders. However, I heard that in the future, I will open a special fishman restaurant on the headquarters of the navy in Marinfodo…

But even if it is opened, it is difficult to eat this kind of recruit who has just joined the Navy …

Ten minutes later.

The hungry Navy recruits finally began marching toward the restaurant.

When passing by that small stall, I couldn’t help but take a few more breaths of the fragrance wafting in the air.

“Yo, Smogg.”

Liu Xing waved his hand, and in a lazy tone, ridiculed a certain white-haired boy with his head held high and his nostrils pointed to the sky: “I still have some chores in my house.” If you come and help me pack up for a week, you can eat here today…”


I saw Smog snort spinelessly.

The speed of walking increased a little, so as not to let myself smell the seductive aroma next to me……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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