Navy Headquarters Malinfodo.

Sengoku, who stepped off the warship, exhaled deeply …

Then he saw Liu Xing pass by, jump off the deck, and walk towards his house with a clear attitude.

The corners of his mouth tugged uncontrollably.

After that guy went back, it can be imagined that he had to paralyze all kinds of salted fish and wait for mold. In contrast, he still has to wipe his ass for him first, and solve the work accumulated some time ago non-stop. Kindness…… Thinking of this, there is really no wave in my heart, and I don’t envy it at all.

“Let’s go back to the office first.”

“I don’t expect that guy Liu Xing to do anything when he replaced me, and besides, the vacancy created during this time after he went to the New World…” At this point, Sengoku felt a little dark in his heart and thought: “Hehe, Marshal Kong should be forced to come out and preside over the overall situation, right?” Think of it this way, the amount of work accumulated may not be so large. ”


The two were supposed to come back a few days early.

However, when passing through Fishman Island, he was forcibly held by the very excited Neptune .

Good food and drink, naturally there is no need to say more.

Just a few beautiful mermaid maids are waiting for you!

However, anytime, anywhere, there are also guards of Dragon Palace City who can be sent at will. After entertaining the two with the highest courtesy for several days, seeing that the Warring States had already decided, he did not keep the two. The look in his eyes when he said goodbye was still mixed with a trace of resentment, and his attitude was already diametrically opposed to when he first saw Liu Xing…

Sengoku returns to the office.

I was dumbfounded in the face of the hill-high piles of documents on the table.

It didn’t take long.

It should have heard the news of the return of the Warring States, and the sora passed by his door “by coincidence”.

Because of the previous mood swing, Sengoku forgot to close the door.

At this moment, sitting on the chair, facing many documents helplessly with a bitter smile. He inadvertently looked up and met his eyes with the empty space passing by the door of his office.

“Air Marshal …”

“Yo, Warring States, when are you” As a marshal, Sora smiled, holding a teacup in one hand, and waved it casually with the other hand and said: “Some of the more timely documents, I have handled them for you.” No need to thank me. ”


Sengoku rubbed his temples.

It felt as if I had been targeted

But why?

Could it be that a few days before leaving, he won the empty space that had been kneeling countless times more than a dozen times? Thinking about it this way is like rubbing salt on his wounds…

After a few polite and polite conversations, Sengoku closed the office door and devoted his body and mind to work. His attitude towards these documents is not as casual as Liu Xing, since he is known as a wise general, then he must take into account all the benefits and losses, and it is not a job that can be completed in a short time at all!

Before you start.

Sengoku thought about it, or first called the five old stars…

A moment later.

He hung up the phone worm, his face full of stunned expressions.

“Is this a fake drama?”

“Permanently authorizing the right to use the Demon Slaughter Order to Liu Xing, this is the result of joint discussion between five people?”

Sengoku muttered.

If the content of his call with the five old stars just now spread, it would definitely cause an uproar within the navy!

After all, the only people in charge of the demon slaughter order are the general and the marshal of the navy headquarters, and the vice admiral is only used as the combat power to execute the demon slaughter order, which can be said to be the first time in the world! Never before in the entire history of the Navy!

You know, even Karp, who has made outstanding contributions to the Navy, has not been qualified to launch a demon slaughter order… Although this is also inseparable from the character of that old mad dog, isn’t that guy in Liu Xing just as strange? What kind of signal did the five old stars want to convey by giving this power to him?

The Warring States couldn’t help but be full of doubts.

Let’s talk about the other side.

Belch…… Guarding the artificial beach, there is no need to say more about someone who is already sleeping deeply in a chair.

As for the five old stars’ intention to give him the power to launch the Demon Slaughter Order permanently, he was completely unaware of the idea that he was expecting him to do things quickly. In his dreams, he is enjoying the service of Ain wearing a maid costume and cat ears. Of course…… It’s not the type of service that kids shouldn’t watch.

In a good mood, he also raised the corners of his mouth slightly in reality.

As everyone knows, in addition to someone from the Navy headquarters who is entangled because of him, there are also people who are falling into rage because of him!

The news of the death of the wind disaster spread in the new world.

It’s also full of drama.

Maybe it’s because no one believes that Whitebeard and Kaido will easily lose at the hands of the same person? In short, the inside story that the two of them had been injured and severely injured by Liu Xing, no one doubted. On the contrary, the death of one of Kaido’s subordinates received considerable attention at this time.

Base camp of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

“Damn Doflamingo!”

“Even if your kid dies, you actually have to pull my cutest subordinate?!”

“Wind disaster, no matter who killed you… If I were to find out, I would definitely go one by one and break his bones!! “_

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