Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 11 You call this a sniper?

Chapter 11 You call this thing a sniper?

"What is this?!"

The agent whose legs were clamped was aware of the crisis, but failed to make any effective resistance.

The World Government is huge in scale, from CP1 to CP9, plus the special CP0. They have a huge group of agents, but not every agent is dedicated to fighting.

The CP0s in white suits are undoubtedly the most powerful group of people, and are even called the Shield of the Dragons. However, such agents do not appear in this hunting game, at least they do not have to act as hounds.

These agents are undoubtedly the most basic group of people. Their combat effectiveness is only higher than that of Spandam, the ultimate contact person. They belong to the miscellaneous part of the agents.

Although he has been trained in combat, is proficient in firearms, and is loyal enough to the Celestial Dragons, he is still physically mortal.

They are good at bullying defenseless people, but it is hard to say when they are really in crisis.

"What are you looking at? Help me get it out of the way!!"

The metal petals had cut into his flesh and blood, and the pain prompted him to struggle hard, but no one dared to help him. The purple halo rotating under the petals was not a good thing no matter how you looked at it.


A gunshot sounded from behind the agent, and Eladin mercilessly killed the man who had stepped into the trap.

"There's so much nonsense, it's so noisy."

"Saint Eladin, you."

The remaining agents on the side were frightened and wanted to say something, but they were worried that they would become the next one and did not even dare to touch their dead colleagues.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally retreated.

"The stupid pariah actually used such an inferior tool to hinder my progress. I don't want the points for one-hit kill. I want to torture him!"

In the eyes of the Celestial Dragons, resistance is a serious crime of disrespect. Compared with what it means to have a trap, Eladin cares more about this attitude and has no intention of looking back.

Perhaps in his opinion, the lotus was just an ordinary animal trap.

Not to mention Eradin, even Ivankov and the others didn't understand what was going on. Although one of the guards had been killed, it was done by the Celestial Dragons themselves.

"Olan, your device seems to have malfunctioned. What should you do next?"

"Misfunction? There won't be any low-level mistakes in my works. Not to mention me, even that guy Kadar Jhin won't have any accidents. His artistic pursuit in this area is a bit pathological."

Kadar Jhin, the fortune teller, regarded killing as an art. Oran had participated in the hunt for him, and these things were studied from the captured weapons.

These lotus traps are tools for completing art in Jhin's cognition. For a sick "artist", there is no room for mistakes in his killing art.

Olan has strengthened it on this basis. After all, Olan himself never mind learning what others are good at to make up for his own weaknesses.

Especially for these external objects, after all, there is no right or wrong in power itself. Whether it is Glimmer or Hex Core, how to use it is fundamental.

For example, in the lotus trap that was just stepped on, Olan extended the fuse of the explosion. If the people around him rescued him, it would have a greater effect.

It's just that Olan still underestimated the lower limit of the Tianlong people.


After a short delay, the lotus trap detonated as scheduled, and it was a series of instant explosions.

There is more than one triggering method for traps: stampede trigger, timed trigger, manual detonation. The blooming of the first lotus is just the beginning. After determining the appropriate location, the mechanical lotuses in the canyon begin to bloom one after another.

Purple gunpowder smoke instantly filled the nearby area, the explosion tore apart flesh and blood, and the anesthetic in the lotus began to exert its effect.

"Protect Eladin Saint!"

"Saint Eladin, there is an ambush, run away!"

In order to catch those alive, the amount of explosives in the lotus trap was reduced to a certain extent, and the arrangement was not too dense. Otherwise, this one blow would be enough to wipe out these people.

There are still a few agents left, but they don't dare to run away. They die here, and they are the only ones who die. If something happens to Eradin, their whole family will not have a good ending.

It's just that Eladin didn't listen to what these people said. Unlike those Celestial Dragons who wore glass masks, Eladin used to wear a gas mask, which not only filtered the air but also prevented the inhalation of harmful gases. By coincidence, he happened to escape. these anesthetics.

And he himself is not a simple waste like those ordinary dragons. At this time, Eradin also realized that this was not a tool for the bear to stop him, but a premeditated trap.

"Get out of the way! A bunch of trash can actually let these untouchables get explosives. The Navy is really becoming more and more trash."


Before Eladin finished speaking, there was another explosion in his ears, and the agent who just shouted for Eladin to run now only had his lower body left, and his upper body seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the Bloodstains can also prove that he was once a whole person.

"Bastard. How dare you let these guys' dirty blood splatter on me."

The mask's goggles were dyed red, and anger almost overwhelmed Eladin's sanity at this moment, but the attack would not stop there.


There was another explosion, and even a big crater was blown out of the ground. At the same time, the last agent standing next to Eladin also fell down.

"This way, you damn untouchable, just wait for me."

The death of the agent did not scare him. He saw Eladin draw his weapon, holding a knife in each hand and running in the direction of the sound.

At the same time, on a hill not far away, a group of people were looking at Orlan with dull eyes.

"What's wrong? Haven't you seen a sniper? Why use a sword when you can solve it with guns and cannons?"

No matter why those agents worked for the Celestial Dragons, when they landed on the island and began to help the tiger, they were essentially no different from the Celestial Dragons, so Orlan had no intention of showing mercy.

"No. This thing. You call it a gun?"

The technology on the sea is very crooked. The continuous-fire flintlock rifle that fires round projectiles is a mainstream weapon.

Although there are many people who call themselves snipers on the sea, those people rely on their own marksmanship rather than the advantages of equipment. Scopes are rare equipment on the sea.

Looking at the big guy with a muzzle as thick as a fist on Orlan's shoulder, Ivankov could not equate it with sniping.

"Single shot, one shot kills, this is of course a sniper."

"What a joke, Oran, be careful!!"

"I found you, you lurking guy!"

As he spoke, Eladin in the canyon below rushed out of the smoke, the blade in his hand flashing with cold light, and slashed at Oran without stopping.

According to Eladin's cognition, this kind of person who can only hide in the distance and play with guns must have very weak close combat ability. As long as he can reach him, he can easily catch the other party and then let him experience the wrath of the Celestial Dragons.

Looking at the unexpected emergency, Ivankov and others just wanted to go up to help, but found that Eladin's weapon was firmly held in the air.

At some point, Oran also had two more sharp blades in his hand.

"You have misunderstood one thing. I never said that I can't use a knife."

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