Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 120 Glory or Death? The Gun of Elbaf

"Awakening consumes a lot of energy."

The activation of fruit abilities requires physical strength as "energy". Although many bug-like abilities consume little energy, they still consume physical strength when activated.

Awakening is undoubtedly the most consuming.

By extending his ability to the entire island, Oran's physical strength has also dropped a lot, but he is also a well-rounded type and can still bear it for now.

Pa, pa, pa.

There was a round of applause from the side. Leliana didn't know what Oran's lines meant, but responded literally.

"So, Dad, what are we going to do next?"

"Just do what you wanted to do before. You can pretend that nothing happened. True or false, the stories in the book are not necessarily false."

Now the whole small garden has become Oran's plot. He can be the author of the book to describe the next story, and even create something real in this awakening field.

But in that case, the consumption of physical strength will be an astronomical figure. The stronger and bigger the things created, the higher the consumption will be. It would be difficult to finish writing a story even if Orlan's physical strength was exhausted.

If it is just to generate illusions, the consumption will be much smaller. Everyone on the island has been integrated into the story at this time and has become the protagonist of the story.

Illusions can be simple illusions, or they can feed back illusory damage to the real body. What Orlan wants to do is just to speed up the process of the duel.

"Ga Ba Ba Ba, Dong Li, it's a familiar draw again."

"Ga Ha Ha, yes, after so many years, we still can't tell the winner."

"Today I met a few humans on the island and got a lot of wine."

"Oh? Is that so? Give me some, I haven't drunk for a long time."

"Of course, I brought it all to you."

Broki handed the wine to Dong Li from his pocket. He seemed to have never considered that he would die in the battle and regarded all this as an inevitable result.

"Okay, my guests are still waiting. I have to go back and prepare barbecue for them. See you in the 51427th battle."

"Hahaha, go ahead. I will definitely be the winner next time!"

"Stop it. I am the strongest warrior in Elbaf!"

Brocki walked back with his axe and greeted the people watching the battle enthusiastically.

"Sorry for the long wait. The bonfire just happened to be fully burning at this time. Dinosaur meat roasted in a big fire tastes better."

The bonfire burned fiercely, and the smoke floated upward around the skeleton of the sea king. The dinosaur meat was roasted by the flames and the fat was overflowing. Broki smeared some ancient plant juice on the meat as a seasoning.

"Okay, these are almost cooked, you can eat first."

"Thank you, Uncle Giant."

Brocki cut off some of the first roasted parts outside, skewered them on wooden sticks cut from a big tree and handed them over. The volume of the skewers has exceeded the total of Orlan and others, but it is still decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It tastes like chicken, Dad, don't you want to eat it?"

"You eat first, I'll eat later."

"You're welcome, there are still a lot here. If it's not enough, I'll go hunting again. Elbaf doesn't make sense to let guests go hungry."

The taste of dinosaur meat is not amazing, it's just more curious, after all, it's a rare creature in the outside world.

It's just that the dinosaur species seems to be more suitable for Orlan and others. Leliana is not picky about food and eats everything. The big quantity is the biggest advantage, and the meat produced by a large dinosaur is much more than that of poultry such as chickens and ducks.

Kate is more picky about meat because of her race, and dinosaurs, as oviparous animals, can also meet her needs at the same time.

As for Absalom, he had no say, and was satisfied as long as he was full.

"Uncle Giant, why do you keep fighting with another uncle giant?"

"That, I forgot."


"Yes, we seemed to have quarreled over something at that time, and in order to determine who was right and who was wrong, we started dueling according to the tradition of Elbaf, and it has been almost seventy years.

As for why we fought, I can't remember it anymore. Now we are fighting for the glory of warriors."

Brocki's memory of what happened at that time was already vague, but he didn't resist anything, and he said the reason for their fight very directly.

"Seventy years is so long"

"Giants can live for three hundred years. Seventy years is very long for you humans, but it's not so long for giants."

"But you were both very happy when you talked before. You've been fighting for seventy years, so you should have known each other for longer, right? Is the glory of a warrior more important than the lives of brothers and friends?

Is it really worth sacrificing one's life for that so-called glory?"

Leliana is not good at fighting, but she is best at resolving fights. In some ways, she is very similar to Charlotte Linlin. After all, they are born under the same genetic template. Resolving other people's fights is something she often does.

"Little guy, you don't understand. This is the glory of us warriors. We have a long lifespan, so we hope to die gloriously in battle.

Life, treasure, these things will be destroyed sooner or later, but as a warrior of Elbaf, being able to die with dignity is a glorious death!

This dignity will be inherited by the next generation of Elbaf and become an eternal treasure! "

“I really don’t understand, but I think life is the most precious.

Shouldn't strong warriors protect their country and watch the next generation continue to grow?

Dying on the battlefield to protect your homeland is a glorious death, but for reasons that you cannot remember, you have to kill your good brothers. Is such an honor worth it? "

"Kabababa! This is the concept of the giants in the city. Maybe they are right, but this concept is not mainstream in our warrior village. To attack a warrior who is eager to fight with all his strength is the biggest problem in our eyes. of respect!”

After listening to Leliana's words, Brockie was not angry, but continued to communicate with the other party.

It is common to have different ideas, even among the giants.

As a country of giants, Elbaf is also quite large. The giants in it are roughly divided into two factions, one of which is the giant clan in the city.

This group of giants also includes the royal family of giants, who are more lawful, and most of the giants who join the navy are also this group.

Correspondingly, in the surrounding Elbaf Village, the giants living here are more advocating duels of honor, and most of the members of the Giant Pirates are also from here.

Although there are differences in concepts, the giants did not have any conflicts because of this.

Leliana's words did not sway Broki. If they changed their inner thoughts because of others' words, then they would not be Elbaf's warriors.


The volcano in the center of the island emitted black smoke again. Brockie raised his head in surprise and looked in the direction of the volcano.

"Why is the interval so short this time? Forget it, maybe this is the will of the God Elbaf.

Little guy, wait until I come back to discuss with you what the glory of a warrior should look like. "

Without hesitation, Brockie picked up the battle ax again and walked towards the center of the island. Although he could not remember how this agreement was made, the moment the volcano erupted was the moment of duel, and this was already engraved on his mind. In the bones.

"The chapter has begun, and the duel between the giants has come to an end in the book."

Neither Brockie nor Dongli felt that the sun was setting much faster today than usual.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on Dongli and Brockie, as if playing an elegy.

Dongli's giant sword turned blood red under the sunlight, and the ancient totem patterns and scars on the shield seemed to tell his glory and glory.

"Broky, you're a little slow this time!"

"Isn't this entertaining guests? The guests this time are much more interesting than before!"

In the past seventy years, many humans have appeared in the small garden, and the skeletons on the island are proof of their existence.

It's just that each island in the Grand Line has a different time record for filling up the time. It takes a full year for Little Garden to do this.

While waiting, many people died of heat, disease, and predators from dinosaurs. There were also people who were greedy for the bounty of the two giants and were killed after attacking them.

Most people cannot discuss honor with Brockie without fear.

"Hahahaha, those are really interesting guests. If you lose, I will continue to entertain them for you!"

"Gababa, don't worry too much, I still want to return to Elbafu in advance!"

The shields and gloves of the two collided together, and the air around them seemed to solidify at this moment.

Suddenly, Dongli let out a thunderous roar, raised his other arm and swung his giant sword to stab Brocki.

The giant sword came through the air and brought up a gust of wind, but Broki was not afraid. He swung his battle ax and faced Dongli's attack.

Neither of them left any strength behind, and tried their best to attack each other's vital points, giving each other the utmost respect.


In the new duel, Broki discovered that Dongli's giant sword was broken due to stress during the duel, but his ax blade did not stop because of this, but instead increased the force of his swing.


With a roar, the giant ax slashed Dong Li's chest, blood spurted out, and Dong Li's tall figure fell to the ground at this moment.

"51427 battles, 1 win, 51426 draws. Dongli!"

Brockie defeated his opponent, enemy, and brother. As a warrior, he won, but there was no joy in his heart. Instead, there was only sadness, and tears flowed out from the corners of his eyes uncontrollably.

[Is the glory gained by killing one's best friend really glory? 】

Leliana's words reminded Broki that perhaps for the dead, this honor is the glorious death of a warrior, but for the winner, it is a burden.

"51427 battles, 1 win, 51426 draws. Broki!"

At the same time, the result from Dongli's perspective was completely different. In his view, it was Brockie's ax handle that suddenly broke and he pierced the opponent's chest.

Dongli had not communicated with Leliana, but his heart was also filled with sadness, and he cried bitterly while holding the other person's "corpse".

Click. Click.

The surrounding environment suddenly shattered, and time returned to noon as if reversed. The giant sword and ax had been broken aside. This was not false. The weapons of the two had been fighting for a full seventy years.

It is already a good craftsmanship to just collapse after experiencing high-intensity battles every day. The biggest difference is that Dongli and Broki are not dead at this time. They are just hugging each other and crying.



"Excuse me, are you two really satisfied with the future results? Except that the final result is affected by my ability, everything just now is the most real dream, which is your consciousness, the real fight in the illusion space."

Both Dongli and Broki have scars left by weapons on their bodies. The damage suffered by the Shushu Fruit in the illusion can be reflected on the body synchronously. Even while fighting in the dream, their bodies can also move synchronously.

Of course, whether the specific event is synchronized is decided by Orlan himself.

Like the transparent fruit, the awakened Shushu Fruit also has an extremely powerful first sight killing. People who don't know his ability may fall into the trap unknowingly.

As Orlan said, the duel is real. He did not interfere with the duel process of the two. He just used the illusion created by the Shushu Fruit to change their perception of the result.

The Giants' ideas will not change. The only thing that can make them change is the result. It was not until they saw each other die in front of them that Dongli and Broki realized that this kind of glory was not what they wanted.

"Gah ba ba ba, Dongli, don't even think about enjoying an honorable death and then let me bear the feeling of killing you!"

"Gah ha ha ha, that's what I want to say, Broki!"

The two smiled at each other, and then sat cross-legged on the ground carelessly, as if they had no intention of continuing to fight.

Not long after, Dongli and Broki seemed to have reached a consensus and looked at Orlan who was sitting on a book.

"Dwarf, are you a Devil Fruit user? You have a good ability. Maybe our duel should really end here."

"It seems that you came prepared, right? But I'm afraid what you did was not for our heads.

Your ability does make us realize some problems. We are also preparing to return to Elbaf. You should tell us your purpose, right?

You have also solved the big problem between me and Dongli. If it is not too difficult, we will not refuse."

If they continue to fight, they will regret it when the day of life and death is really decided. After realizing this, Broki and Dongli are ready to repay.

"I have heard about your legends in the outside world, and I have also heard about the Elbaf giants. I came here this time mainly to let you two act as teachers for my daughter."

It is easier to communicate with these giants in a straightforward manner. They all said so, so Oran directly stated his purpose.

"Teacher? We don't teach you anything."

"No, this is something you know, the Spear of Elbaf, I want you to teach her this move."

".Ga ba ba, I thought it was something difficult, but it's just this?"

"Ha ha ha, yes, this thing is very simple, but we don't know if we can learn it."

After a moment of silence, the two of them laughed, as if this matter was a piece of cake for them.

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