Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 129: Piltover Police Cat, Cat Blitzcrank


Kate took out a bag of dried fish and fed it to the black cat in front of her. There are many strange creatures in this sea, not to mention the huge monsters on some islands. In many countries, special animals are even unique there. Landscape.

Alabasta's running duck troops, although just some ducks, act as cavalry scouts, and the kung fu manatees living near rivers and seashores are even more intelligent.

Not only can he understand human speech, he can even learn domineering skills like humans.

The baboons on Krajana Island also imitate human martial arts. The strongest baboon king is even learning the swordsmanship of Hawkeye. The specialty of Firefly Island, in addition to fireflies of different colors, is cats.

There are a group of highly intelligent cats living on this island who can understand human language, and Kate, as a cat fur, can better communicate with them. In the past two years, Kate has been training these cats. Batch cats.

Due to personal preference, Kate dislikes dogs, so a whole new position was born in Piltover - police cats.

Cats' sense of smell is also not weak, and their bodies are more dexterous. Although they are not as powerful as dogs, they can play their role better than dogs in many places, such as in gathering intelligence.

Even on pirate ships, it is very common to have cats.

Pirates need to use cats to protect their food and water sources from rats hiding in cabins, so these cats can quietly find out a lot of special information.

This black cat is one of the better ones among the cats, and his position is also biased towards the sergeant, so he can also be called the black cat sergeant.

"Meow meow~"

"Having a party? What a strange group of pirates. You can go do your own thing."

The black cat rubbed against Kate's feet, and then disappeared into the night. These cats are still in training and are still a non-staff group. Although they will do things according to Kate's instructions, they will go wherever they go after "get off work". Not necessarily anymore.

According to this development, cats may become standard equipment for Piltover police officers, and they will have their own feline companions after they officially join the service.

When Kate returned to the Royal City, there was a bulky figure staggering forward in the square of the Royal City, and Blitzcrank was guiding him like a teacher.

"This is wrong. You must pay attention to maintaining balance and release the hook quickly enough so that you can capture the target stably."

Blitzcrank is an individual name, but Blitzcrank's body is not. As a Zaun rescue robot, Blitzcrank's body has been tested in Zaun's harsh environment, and it is a model that can be mass-produced.

Today, there are many "Brits" busy on the construction site in Piltover, responsible for many heavy tasks. It is precisely because of the assistance of these machines that Firefly Island has been able to develop rapidly in the past two years.

However, Blitzcrank's consciousness is unique. The consciousness born from the Hex Core has not been replicated. The other robots are just subordinates of Blitzcrank, and some have special pilots.


"Meow meow!"

Several meows came from the robots in front of them. They were not driven by humans, but by cats.

In addition to ordinary police cats, cats with higher intelligence form the Cat Secret Service.

Cats are not as powerful as dogs, but dogs are not as powerful as machines. After these special cats learned to operate machines, they became the backbone members of the cat team.

The overall appearance of the cat-shaped robot is similar to Blitzcrank, but it adopts a unique dual-cat driving mode. One cat controls the body and the other is responsible for controlling the mechanical flying claws. Therefore, it requires certain cooperation to better capture its target.

"Kate, are you back?"

"Well, it's over. Meow went to see the pirates. There are some weirdos on the boat. Is Oran asleep?"

"Not yet, the master is still studying that big guy there."

"Okay, Miao understands, I'm sorry to trouble you."

No one knows how to operate a steam robot better than Blitzcrank. If Blitzcrank teaches this, the effect will naturally be the best.

After walking through the circular stairs leading underground, Kate accurately found the entrance to District Thirteen in the book maze and saw the busy Oran inside.

"Olan, I sent Xiao Hei to check the movements of the pirates. They are currently having a banquet on the ship."

"Having a banquet? It seems like something they can do."

"Niao has inquired with the nearby citizens. These pirates pay honestly when they buy things. They are a relatively well-behaved group."

"Let them go, these guys' goal is not here, and they will leave soon.

You should also prepare yourself. After I finish what I am doing, I will go to Punk Hassad in a while. "

"Meow got it."

Things are similar to what Oran predicted. Roger's goal is to challenge the Grand Line and complete his final voyage, but now he has not even discovered the way to the final island.

The Roger Pirates finally stayed at Firefly Island for six days, because the time it took for Firefly Island to fill up the record pointer was six days.

"Captain Roger, why don't we set off yet? The record pointer is already full, the supplies have been replenished, and the wind direction today is also very suitable for travel. It's a good time."

"Wait for another day, and that guy Garp hasn't come yet. I thought about it, if we leave early, it might give the navy a weird feeling.

It’s better not to cause trouble to the people here. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen this guy Garp for a while. It seems pretty good to run away in front of him. "

Sometimes, Roger and Luffy are quite similar. They both have their own unique way of thinking, which makes it impossible for outsiders to guess, even if there is news that Garp has forced Roger into desperate situations several times.

But in fact, no one on this ship is afraid of Garp. They never think that they will be caught by Garp.

"Wait a minute, Captain Roger, I think I saw Cap's ship, um. His ship is jumping over here."

"Jump? How could the ship jump?"

As he spoke, Roger came to the other side of the deck and looked at the sea in the distance. As a result, a dog-headed warship really "jumped" towards this side.

At this moment, on Garp's warship, the navy on board were trying to hold on to things around them to stabilize themselves.

"Lieutenant General Garp! It's almost done! If this continues, the ship will fall apart!"

"Yes, Vice Admiral Garp, we have seen the Roger Pirates' ship! Now we can sail normally!"

"Pfft hahaha! Isn't this just for the purpose of rushing? It seems like if it's delayed any longer, they might really let them run away. Hold on tight and do it again for the last time! Fist and bone impact!"

Garp punched the rear, and using the shock generated by the punch, he flew the warship into the air together, achieving accelerated navigation in an alternative way.

Ordinary people simply cannot do this. Although Garp was able to transmit the force of the shock to the ship and move it with him, he also caused considerable damage to the ship, as evidenced by the collapse of the deck beneath his feet.

"Roger! Stop, I will definitely catch you and imprison you in Impel Down this time!"

"Stop dreaming, Garp! Kids! Let's set sail!"

The Golden Jackson set sail and headed in an unknown direction. Garp's dog-headed warship followed closely behind and chased forward, but it did not close the distance much.

Garp's ship is still a standard warship, but Roger's ship is a rare ship built by Tom, the world's best shipbuilder, and made of Adam tree. Under the same circumstances of using wind power, the warship can really catch up. Not on them.

In this case, Garp once again activated his human acceleration device, which also caused Oran to make a new phone call.

"Hello, I'm Oran."

"Oh, Olan, how is the situation there?"

The call was still made to Zefa's number, which was also the main channel for contact between Oran and the Navy.

Unless it was a formal business matter, he would contact the landline bug at Navy Headquarters.

"It's not bad. I've already seen Garp, and Roger has started to run away."

"Isn't this great? It seems like your troubles have been solved."

"The trouble caused by Roger was solved, but new troubles arose. Karp used an unconventional way of traveling, which had some impact on my dock."

"This. The impact of the battle is also a force majeure factor."

"I can understand this, but the cargo ship that was capsized contained items for your navy, so tell Warring States for me that the delivery will be delayed for two days until I send someone to fish it out. "

That’s all for today, I’ve been working on household appliances all day

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