Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 148 Isn't this Roger? How about taking the blame for me?

For the Four Seas, the upper limit of the military rank is the brigadier general, and it is the brigadier general of the Four Seas branch.

In the Navy Headquarters, it is the level of major.

That is the pinnacle of the Four Seas Navy. Those who are capable have long been promoted to the Navy Headquarters or the G-type branch.

For the Navy Headquarters and the G-type branch, the vice admiral is the pinnacle of most of the navy.

The base chief who guards one side, has his own warship, and the right to lead the troops alone belongs to one person. There are very few positions higher than this.

The configuration of the Navy Admiral has always been three people, and those who can become the Navy Admiral are all absolute monsters. They usually sit in that position for decades, not to mention the only one Navy Marshal.

Now there are not many people in the entire Navy who are treated as admirals.

He is just a thief. Petty thefts and other things are nothing compared to the pirate robberies that often happen on this sea.

At least after being frightened by this, he who just tried to refute chose to turn against him and dragged his previous accomplices to help him share the blame.

After a few simple polite words, Orlan took Leliana to the direction of the Bubble Park.

Like other specialties of the Chabaodi Archipelago, the Bubble Park itself is not special, but all the entertainment equipment is built based on bubbles.

The most eye-catching equipment is the Bubble Ferris Wheel here. As the Ferris wheel rotates, the hanging box composed of bubbles slowly rises. When it reaches the top, the surrounding scenery is unobstructed.

The sea in the distance is sparkling, and the sun also forms rainbows under the refraction of soap bubbles. It is with this scenery that the Bubble Ferris Wheel has become the main project of the Bubble Park.

As for projects such as the Bubble Roller Coaster and the Bunker Jumping Machine, Leliana also experienced it, but her evaluation was average.

Terra took her to dive from the sky, and that feeling was not comparable to amusement equipment at all.

At this time, on the bench in the park, Kate took out a comb to comb her hair. She had just come off the roller coaster, and her fur looked a little messy.

Leliana helped an ice cream seller get off work early, and was holding a thermos filled with vanilla ice cream in her arms.

Screams and laughter were heard from time to time around them. At least they were having a great time in the Soap Bubble Park.

"Riley, have you had enough fun?"

"Well, it's almost time. Are we going back?"

Licking the ice cream at the corner of her mouth, Leliana looked around again.

She had basically played all the projects in the amusement park, and had ridden the most special Ferris wheel for several rounds. She really had nothing to miss.

"Yes, it's time to prepare to go back, but there is one more thing to do before leaving. We have to buy something special."

"Buy things? Haven't we already bought souvenirs? It's in my book."

"I bought gifts before, but this time I bought something different. Riley, what do you think of this park?"

Kate on the side didn't interrupt. She knew a lot of Orlan's habits, such as periodically entering the Riddler session and saying some weird things.

Leliana thought about it and didn't understand what Orlan was hinting at, so she answered truthfully: "Not bad, everyone playing in the park is very happy, and it seems that everyone is very happy.

Dad, is there anything wrong with this?"

"No, this is reasonable. The Sabaody Archipelago is a transit island in the eyes of pirates, but for ordinary people, this island is just a special tourist island.

Everything has two sides. What you see is just the appearance of the Sabaody Archipelago, the part under the sun.

But under the sun, the shadows follow closely. Next, we are going to see the truth hidden under this veil."


Leliana was still thinking about what the truth hidden under the veil meant, but she heard a sound of bullets being loaded. The comb in Kate's hand had turned into an automatic rifle without knowing when.

"Meow, are you ready? Are you going to make a big fuss?"

Kate has indeed been following Orlan all these years. She looks harmless and has not made any radical actions.

But this is only because in Kate's cognition, Orlan's plan is greater than her personal goal.

Now she is still working hard to target the biggest villain. From what Orlan means, the opportunity is coming again.

"Kate, don't be so excited. Although there is such an idea, it still depends on the situation.

Riley, this world is not as good as you think. In a sense, it is rotten."

So far, Leliana has not experienced too complicated battles. Although there are many achievements, they are all some useless bandits and thieves.

The highest achievement is to give San Juan Wolf a punch. All these are battles derived from the rules.

Now Leliana has not really seen how bad things are hidden under the rules.

She will come into contact with these sooner or later. Orlan thinks that the day when Leliana has new power is a good node.

So after she has fun, he plans to let her see something worse.

You know, in the Sabaody Archipelago, one-third of the area is illegal.

With a hint of confusion, Leliana followed Orlan's footsteps.

As we went deeper into Oran, the number of tourists around gradually became scarce, and the environment and public security gradually became chaotic.

A sign on the side blatantly said that the navy was prohibited from entering, and street fights were very common.

If the tree island just now was just stealing, then the illegal zone was robbery.

Such an illegal zone is right under the nose of the World Government’s office and the Navy’s station. If the World Government wants to eliminate it, the Navy can complete all tasks within an hour.

But it still exists. The birth of this illegal zone was originally fueled by the World Government.

Although the World Government’s laws prohibit the sale of human beings and the existence of slaves, the place in the world with the greatest demand for slaves is Marijoa.

Along the way, Leliana, who loves to resolve fights, resolved four meaningless fights and finally came to a special building.

Here, Leliana saw many people in luxurious clothes and many people who wrapped themselves tightly. They seemed to be expecting something.

"Dad, is this a shopping mall?"

"Yes and no."

This is the auction house in the Sabaody Archipelago. Of course, Doflamingo is still a nobody now, and he is not the boss behind the scenes.

At this time, this auction house is not just a human auction house, and the things sold are still very mixed.

Following the flow of people, Orlan and Leliana entered the auction venue and found a relatively back seat.

There is a flyer in front of each seat.

[Human trafficking, the sales targets are criminals and citizens of non-governmental member countries. 】

"Trafficking in humans?! How can humans be treated as commodities?"

Leliana has excellent learning ability. At the age of seven, she has no problem reading and writing, and only a few uncommon words cannot be spelled.

Therefore, she could clearly see what was written on it, as well as the clear price tags for each race below, humans starting at 500,000 Baileys, expensive mermaids and giants, and people with abilities with uncertain prices.

"This is the bloody truth here, Riley, a group of people who rely on power and trample on the lives and freedom of others without scruples."

The targets are criminals and non-members of the member countries. This sentence sounds fine. After all, from the perspective of the members of the member countries, the non-member countries have nothing to do with them.

But once this hole is opened, no one can tell what will happen.

The Kingdom of Dragon Palace is a member country, and the mermaids all over the world are people of this country, but the mermaids are clearly marked here.

That note is just nonsense, a fig leaf prepared by the people here for themselves, purely an act of covering up one's ears and stealing the bell.

A member country may become a non-member country one day in the future, and there is no need for the national conditions to change.

As long as you are caught by these human traffickers, their identity is up to them.

Criminals, members of member countries? This kind of thing is just a matter of one sentence.

Even if you shout that you are a member of a member country, it is meaningless. No one will listen here.

Firefly Island is very strict in judging this aspect. Whoever touches it will die. There has been no exception so far. Under this influence, human auction is wrong in Leliana's cognition.

Not to mention that Piltover is now a non-member country. According to the rules here, Leliana and others can be auctioned.

"But isn't this under the eyes of the World Government and the Navy?"

Leliana has come into contact with many navy. The slogan of justice in the Navy Headquarters has never stopped, and many people are really using their lives to protect others.

"This is the fact I told you. The stronger the light, the darker the shadow. There may be countless dirt hidden under the seemingly bright windows and clean tables."

"Hahaha, are you from a remote island? How can you say such ridiculous things?"

When Orlan was teaching Leliana, there was a burst of laughter in front of him, and then a man wearing a top hat even turned back to lecture Orlan.

"Existence is reasonable. Since the World Government allows this place to exist, it naturally acquiesces its legitimacy.

What else can you say about something that even the World Government recognizes? Since you are so noble, why do you come to this place?"

The man in the top hat did not finish his words, because it was not someone who answered him, but the muzzle of a gun.

"Get lost."

The muzzle of Kate's gun was against his head. Judging from the finger on the trigger, if he dared to say another word, Kate would shoot without hesitation.


In the end, he did not dare to say anything, but just muttered a sentence in a low voice, and then sat far away.

He often went in and out of the auction house and knew that there might be some desperate people here, but Oran looked a little easy to bully, so he did not think about it, and it turned out to be a life-threatening one.

For a while, the people around Oran chose to change seats, leaving a large area here empty.

"Riley, I've told you before that absolute justice is hard to find, but seeing injustice but no one speaking out is the real sadness of the world.

We're going to live in this world for a long time, and we have to make it a better place, and what we're doing is changing it."

According to common sense, Orlan should touch Riley's head at this time, but unfortunately the height difference makes Orlan only choose to pat his knees.

"The stronger the light, the darker the shadow, but when the sun is directly overhead at noon, the shadow will honestly shrink in the corner.

So Riley, do you understand what I mean by the correct use of power?"

The biggest difference between people and weapons is that they have their own thoughts and ideas. In this world, people without a firm heart cannot become real strong people.

That's why Orlan spent a lot of energy on Leliana, making her grow into a reliable top strong person, rather than an unstable factor that makes trouble.

"Well, I think I understand. This kind of place should end up like the human traffickers on Firefly Island, and be completely destroyed."

At this time, Leliana can only see the superficial phenomenon of treating the symptoms but not the root cause, but it is enough for Orlan. After all, if you want to treat the root cause, the current foundation is not enough.

Coming here today is to let Leliana see the dark side and prepare to make a big fuss. Anyway, even if he demolishes this place, it will not cause any consequences.

However, before Leliana was ready to act, some special circumstances occurred.

"Hahaha, wait a minute, there's something I need here. If it's too messy, it'll be bad if I can't find it. Let's wait until the auction is over before we start, how about that?"

A familiar laugh came from behind Oran. The whispered words between Leliana and Oran didn't spread, but were heard by some stronger people, and it was an "acquaintance" of Oran.

"You sailed fast enough, have you arrived here already?"

"We are looking for some clues now, so it's a little faster. I guess we'll have to go again in the future."

The person who came was none other than Gol D. Roger. He had found out some information and wanted to get some intelligence at this auction.

Because there was no one around Oran, Roger came here. He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance and hear some interesting topics.

"Doctor, you are really an interesting king. This is the first time I've seen such a special royal family like you since I sailed all the way.

And thank you for your medicine. I've experienced this feeling of not being tired for the first time in a long time."

Roger sat aside carelessly, talking about the previous trivial matters.

"It's just a deal, no thanks, I have a problem now, are you willing to help?"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"What will happen if I make a scene here?"

Many times, pirates are ready-made scapegoats, no one would doubt that there was anything wrong with Roger's pirate group making a scene at the auction, after all, pirates are inherently unstable factors.

Listening to Oran's words, Roger was stunned at first, then he slapped his legs and laughed.

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