Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 152: A helmet? Magneto said it was good after using it

Appearance does not represent age. While having the ability to learn, Frankenstein also has a rich knowledge reserve in her database, which has unlimited possibilities for self-growth.

But this cannot cover up the fact that her mental age is the same as Leliana.

As a special individual, everything about Frankenstein is a process of self-learning.

Frankenstein likes to take care of some flowers and plants. She is responsible for the plants in the laboratory. This way, she can experience the growth of life and let her better understand what life is.

She likes to save electricity, which is the result of her personality.

Frankenstein also likes the so-called "Princess Regency". In this process, she will see the so-called human diversity, which is also part of her learning.

Listening to stories is also one of her hobbies.

Originally, she was just charging. Since someone is willing to tell a story, there is no need to drive the other party away.

Of course, this is just the initial reason.

At first, Frankenstein did not realize who Redfield was. Although Frankenstein's memory bank stores information about many people, monsters like Redfield are naturally no exception.

But this is the most special thing about Fran. She is not a low-level robot that can only work according to the program. She chooses the switches of some functions by herself.

When she was charging in the hinterland of the country, she certainly would not turn on the identification function like she did at the customs.

But Redfield talked a lot, and she realized who the other party was.

From that moment on, Frankenstein's goal changed from simply listening to the story to observing the other party to see what the person wanted to do.

If such a person did something dangerous on the island, it would cause irreparable consequences.

But after a period of time, Frankenstein found that the other party seemed to simply want to make friends, and was a bit talkative, and always wanted to show off his strength.

Since the day Redfield went to sea, he has not met many people who can confide in him. The last one he met was Brooke.

That time was a special case. Redfield was still young at that time, and his ability of observation and hearing had not grown to such an exaggerated level, so he had not closed his heart.

It's different now. Even if Frankenstein scolds him in his heart, Redfield can accept it because he can't see the other person's heart.

If everyone can read minds, it will be a very scary thing. After all, a complaint when you are in a bad mood may be heard by the other party.

In a sense, Redfield said all the words he had been holding back for so many years at once.

"By the way, have you heard of Gol D. Roger? Edward Newgate is also OK, there is a man with a white crescent beard. Even if it is them, I am not afraid, my strength is quite strong."

In the past, when Redfield was discovered by others, he would always receive some flattering words, and at that time, the other party's thoughts would also make him feel distressed or disgusted.

'I heard that he is moody, he won't be killed suddenly'

"I really want to join his army, so that I can rob others as I please"

He has heard a lot of similar ideas, and each time it only brings him troubles, but now Frankenstein's expressionless look makes him feel lost. When he really wants to show off, he fails.

At this time, he really wants to hear the other party say, "Are you the great pirate Redfield? The legendary lonely red? So cool!" and so on.

However, he was doomed to fail. Frankenstein didn't say anything about it, and just nodded.

"Your Highness! Hello!"

At this time, several workers passing by greeted Frankenstein.

There were not many people here, and these few people were the first group of people passing by during this period. However, this princess made Redfield stunned for a moment.

"Is the princess resting here again? I heard that she especially likes to stay near the power station."

"Who is that man? Why does he seem to be very familiar with the princess? Does he want to marry the princess? His Majesty the King has no sons. If he marries the princess, maybe..."

Several thoughts were read by Redfield, which made him feel more interesting.

Redfield's observation color can be roughly classified. Mind reading is a passive skill. As long as you look at the other person, you can perceive what he is thinking in his heart.

This ability is close to noise for Redfield, always surrounding his ears, and it is very difficult to get rid of it.

Reading memories, which is a deeper thing, requires physical contact, and it also takes a certain amount of time.

But what a person thinks when speaking is also very complicated. If it were in the past, Redfield would have read the inner thoughts of "I am a princess" long ago, but this time is different.

If it weren't for the experience of others, he still didn't know Frankenstein's true identity.

This feeling made Redfield feel quite interesting. After many years, he finally felt what the unknown was in others.

"Interesting, are you actually the princess of this country? Originally, I wanted to invite you to go to sea to be a pirate, but now it seems that this idea is going to be shattered."

Redfield's style of doing things is very similar to the Rumba Pirates. After all, he went to sea under the influence of the Rumba Pirates and Brook.

In his eyes, Frankenstein was still a child. Forcing others to go to sea with him was obviously not in line with his style.

"You didn't ask either."

Frankenstein responded lightly, which made Redfield realize his mistakes these days. He was just telling stories and didn't even pay attention to introducing himself.

"So, do you know or not those pirates I mentioned and my name?"

Frankenstein nodded again, obviously indicating that he knew these things, but this kind of thing was not enough to shock her.

For Frankenstein, perhaps the blooming of a flower would make her happier.

"Is this the feeling of the unknown? It's great."

Redfield was least afraid of the Riddler. After all, outsiders had no secrets in front of him. Frankenstein's unreadable heart gave him a very strange feeling, and it was also a new experience.

"Let's stop here for today's story. I'll come here to find you tomorrow."

The voice he read did not affect Redfield's thoughts. The reason why he stopped here was because he didn't know what to say.

The story that Redfield told was his own sailing experience. Although he had rich experience, he couldn't say what was interesting.

Even most of the trips seemed meaningless to Redfield, just a journey to kill time. It takes a certain amount of energy to extract some interesting parts from it and turn it into a story.

At this time, in the distant sky, a pink dragon was flying towards this side, and finally crashed into the landing platform of the royal city.

This was originally a special "helipad" prepared for Terra, and Leliana borrowed it this time.

She didn't rest, but flew back in one breath.

At this time, Leliana discovered an advantage of the animal fruit. As long as she maintained the beast form, she could eat more food in one bite and experience the satisfaction of swallowing big mouthfuls.

And some disadvantages of the ability also appeared. Leliana, who was flying at high altitude for the first time, was not familiar with landing. In the end, she chose a hard landing after putting down the people brought by Yanyun.

"Well, this is not right. It feels weird to land like this."

"It's nothing, Riley, you're just not skilled. There is no fixed standard for this kind of action. Just do the action that you feel most comfortable with.

Also, Ginny, bear, don't be so nervous, we are back."

Olan just said that he was coming back, but he didn't come back in a big way. This made the bears and Ginny in the royal city nervous, thinking that they encountered a sudden attack.

"You scared me, brother Oran, what are you doing? This dragon."

"Sister Ginny, it's me. Dad went out this time and found me a mythical beast devil fruit, and then I learned how to use it. Isn't it amazing?"

Leliana regained her human form, patted the dirt on her body and stood up from the ground.

"Yeah, it's amazing!"

"Right, by the way, sister Ginny, let me tell you, the feeling of eating when you become a dragon is completely different."

In terms of eating, Leliana and Ginny have plenty of common topics, and Ginny even drools when she hears it.

"Is it so convenient? I want to be a capable person. It's really enviable."

Compared to the enhancement of other aspects of the fruit, the focus of the two people seemed to be a little off track, and Leliana's rumbling stomach also showed her current thoughts.

After saying something to Oran, the two ran back to the restaurant. It seemed that they were planning to hold a new round of big eater competition.

"Brother Oran, these people are..."

At this time, the bear noticed the slaves who were brought back together. These people were a little haggard after a few days of flying, but their tired eyes were full of excitement.

On the way here, they had prepared for the harsh environment here.

But they didn't expect to come to such a magnificent building as soon as they landed, especially in the subsequent conversation, after knowing that Oran was the king here, their expressions became richer.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to be your people!"

A king took the princess to rescue the slaves. How bad can such a country be?

Some people have given up the idea of ​​returning home, and instead knelt in front of Orlan, wanting to truly become a part of this place.

Orlan naturally did not refuse such a request. After sixteen years of destruction, the population gap on Firefly Island is very large, and now it needs to be supplemented.

After notifying Brand and asking him to bring people to arrange these people to the place where immigrants live, Orlan also took out some things from his book.

"Bear, this is for you, religious books. I see that you are quite interested in this aspect, so I brought it back for you."

Bear himself is a priest, which is the influence of family factors. There is also a small church prepared for Bear on Firefly Island.

However, Firefly Island does not believe in this very much, so Bear's church is always deserted. In addition to dealing with the affairs of the guard team, Bear likes to read a Bible in his spare time.

Seeing similar things this time, Orlan brought it back for Bear as a souvenir.

As for Ginny's, the snacks in Leliana's book are, and the two are now competing to see who eats more Weibao.

"Thank you, Brother Oran."

"It's okay, no need to be polite. I'm sorry to bother you during this period of time."

"It's all small matters. In addition, I have also compressed the batch of metals that Brother Oran needs. Now it is placed next to the bookshelf outside District 13."

After chatting with Xiong briefly for a few words, Oran also met Frankenstein who returned to the royal city.

"Father, during the time you were away, I met Redfield on the island."

Frankenstein described in detail the communication process between him and the other party in the past few days. After objectively evaluating the matter, he expressed some opinions with his own emotions.

"The story he told is quite interesting. In addition, I can feel that he really wants to make friends."

"Redfield, Frankenstein, what do you feel about him?"

"Well, there is no malice, and it's a bit strange. There is a feeling of... a child?"

Frankenstein was a little confused about the words, and finally gave such an evaluation because Redfield seemed to be deliberately maintaining social relations.

"Is that so? Well, since you have agreed to meet again tomorrow, you can give him something for me."

Olan brought the metal made by Xiong during this period to the laboratory below the royal city. In addition to the traditional scientific research area, there is even a forging area here.

Here, Orlan began to use a special method to combine unique materials to create something. The metal was integrated with special plants from Valoran, and finally a helmet-like thing was created.

Due to his ability, Orlan has a complex network of relationships on Valoran and has many teachers.

One of the teachers is named Dolan. He has created many well-known weapons through his special skills and named them after himself.

Dolan's shield, Dolan's sword, Dolan's stick, these weapons all have suitable users. In addition to conventional weapons, there are also some additional equipment, such as the seven-degree insight eyepiece.

And this helmet, according to the customs of Valoran, can be called the Orlan helmet. Its function is very simple, shielding, or it is a limiter.

As long as you wear it, your vision will no longer be so uncontrollable, and you can be closer to normal people in life.

In a sense, it has similar abilities to Magneto's helmet, but one is to prevent oneself from being mentally controlled, and the other is to prevent one's mind-reading ability from appearing so frequently.

This is a weakening prop, but for Redfield, it may be just right.

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