Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 160 Dear Kaido, do you want this gold potion or this silver potion?

Kaido's expression did not change much, but the hand holding the mace was constantly exerting force.

He did not want to hit anyone, but he was hiding his inner excitement.

After Quinn told him the news, Kaido became quite interested in the so-called animal transformation potion.

To build an army of animal-type ability users, money alone is not enough. Devil fruits are sometimes not available even with money.

This potion is exactly what Kaido urgently needs.

But even if you want it, you can't be too excited, otherwise you will be manipulated when negotiating the price. Kaido still understands how to negotiate business.

"Indeed, I have never heard of a wolf that can be invisible, but this is not enough. I can't believe you just by saying it."

Kaido still maintained his calm verbally, but when a person really likes something, the joy in his heart cannot be hidden.

The depth of Kaido's eyes revealed his desire for this thing, but Absalom was still a little young at present, and compared with Kaido, who had been a pirate for many years, he had a lot less experience, so he did not notice this.

"I brought the sample."

Absalom lifted his invisibility and then took out the incubator from the One Page Book.

Of course, during this process, Absalom still maintained the transparency of the objects he carried, so from the perspective of Kaido and Quinn, there was a sense of déjà vu of taking things out of thin air.

Absalom took out the incubator and took out two test tubes, one gold and one silver.

The color is not important. If you want, it is not difficult to mix it into rainbow colors. These two colors are just for better distinction.

"The gold one is the third-generation potion. I use this one. It is similar to the ability of the devil fruit, but it does not have the multiple transformations of the animal system."

If you look more carefully, you can make another distinction. You can use the bloodline factor of the animal system devil fruit and the genes of ordinary animals.

The success rate of the transformation of the devil fruit bloodline factor is higher and more stable, but after this transformation, you can't eat other devil fruits. Absalom's process is more difficult, but the effect is also obvious.

Superman system + animal system transformation, rounded to a small fantasy beast.

"The silver one is the second generation potion. The transformation ratio of the second generation is lower. The third generation transforms into a complete orc, and the second generation is a half-orc, with only partial animalization."

This partial animalization is not the irregular transformation like Caesar. If you are lucky, you can have claws, and if you are unlucky, you may grow another head on your butt.

It is a stable change, such as an extra tail and fangs, and hands and feet become claws.

"What is the difference between them?"

"The success rate of the third generation is lower, and it tests the willpower of the person being transformed. If the willpower is not up to standard, the transformation will fail.

At the least, you will suffer in vain, and at the worst, you will die directly.

The second generation is more stable, but the effect of successful transformation is worse."

Listening to Absalom's explanation, Kaido's eyes swept back and forth between the two potions, and then asked a new question.

"What about the output?"

Hearing this word, Quinn suddenly felt his back tighten. If he said something like mass production, it would not be good news for him.

"Not high, only a few every year, and even fewer for the third generation."

This sentence is false, but that's what Orlan said.

Some things are worthless if they are too many, and it is necessary to control the production reasonably, so that the highest profit can be achieved.

Besides, Kaido made this thing for war. For a long time in the future, he will develop in Wano Country. If too many are made, it will lead to too much news, which will not be good for Orlan.

If he can make a few a year, and the materials purchased can meet Orlan's demand for seastone, that's enough.

"So Captain Kaido, which one do you want?"

"Hehe, do you still need to ask such a question? Of course I want them all!"

Kaido doesn't care whether it's an orc or a half-orc.

The stronger ones are given to the third generation, and the weaker ones are given to the second generation. This principle is simple. Even if he buys all of them, Kaido still thinks it's not enough.

"In terms of price, three third-generation potions are equivalent to an ordinary animal-type devil fruit, and five second-generation potions are equivalent to an ordinary animal-type devil fruit.

We don't want Bailey or gold, please exchange it with equivalent seastone."

Absalom said his price, which still has a certain floating space, but Kaido did not bargain, but agreed directly.

"Deal, but I need to do a test, and I can give you a specific answer tomorrow."

One example is not enough, Kaido must use the sample brought by Absalom to do a test.

"Quinn, isn't the person behind him an acquaintance of yours? Then you come to entertain him."

Kaido waved his hand, signaling Quinn not to treat the other party unfairly, and to find a place for Absalom to arrange it first.

After taking the test equipment brought by Absalom, he walked to the side with Jin.

And when Absalom didn't notice, he went to the Flower Capital.

It is an important area in Wano Country, where the royal city is located.

The king of Wano Country, who is called the Shogun, lives there.

The Shogun here is now Kurozumi Orochi, and the Shogun's successor, Kozuki Oden, has become a pirate with Whitebeard, while the original Shogun, Kozuki Sukiyaki, is seriously ill.

At this time, Heitan Orochi teamed up with Heitan Muchan to usurp the throne.

Kuo Tan Mu Chan is a person with the ability to imitate the fruit. Through this ability, she transformed into the appearance of Kozuki Sukiyaki and made Kuo Tan Orochi a general.

The purpose of the Black Carbon Orochi was not to develop this place, but to turn Wano into dire straits, so he contacted Kaido last year and led him here.

At this time, the beasts still had little control over the country of Wano, and were just collaborators of the Black Carbon Orochi.

Although Wano is rich in seastones, in the end it is the general who has the final say. If Kaido wants a large amount of seastones, he has to get them from the Black Carbon Orochi.

Although he is eager for this deal, if Oran only wants Hailou Stone, Kaido will have to work hard to get it.

After Kaido and Jhin left, Quinn's expression became relaxed again, and then he looked at Absalom.

"Olan and I are also acquaintances. He called me and asked me to take good care of you. Do you need anything? Just tell me directly."

Hearing what Quinn said, Absalom's desire was aroused. He felt that he had completed the task now, so he mentioned "adult's happiness" again.

"Mhahaha, if you have good taste, I will take you to have fun."

With that said, Quinn pulled Absalom and also headed to the Flower Capital.

It's just that Quinn's purpose is completely different from Kaido's. Kaido went to discuss business with the Black Carbon Orochi. Even if he doesn't care about the rest of the matter, Kaido must first get a batch of sea floor stones from the Black Carbon Orochi to solve the problem. A question about the first order.

But Quinn's goal is Flower Street, a veritable place for fun.

This time, Absalom got his wish smoothly and did not encounter the slightly embarrassing experience Brand brought him.

Although the Hundred Beasts do not control Wano Country, because of the Black Carbon Orochi, there are many conveniences in doing things in Wano Country. At least in Flower Street, Quinn can be called a VIP customer.

However, Quinn did not play here together. After arranging for people to entertain Absalom well, Quinn received Kaido's message, and then took his pig cart and returned to the camp of the beasts.

"Brother Kaido, what's the problem?"

Some time later, Kaido returned to Onigashima from the Flower Capital and seemed to be in a good mood.

The black charcoal snake basically obeys Kaido's request, and this is also related to Kozuki Oden. After all, no matter how bad Kozuki Oden is, his ability to fight is still there.

Black Carbon Orochi is well aware of Kozuki Oden's power and is deeply afraid of it. He knows that the only one he can rely on is Kaido.

For hundreds of years, Wano Country has stored countless seastones. If Kaido wants so many, it is nothing.

"It's time to take a test. Aren't you and that person used to be colleagues? You must know more or less about his skills, right? It's up to you to take a test today."

Kaido then casually called two of his subordinates and motioned to Quinn to use them for experiments to see how effective the products Olan brought were.

The potion comes with instructions for use. Although Olan sometimes likes to be the Riddler, he has always been concise and capable in this regard. The instructions are extremely clear. Quinn quickly figured out how to use it and even read the notes.

[Note: The risk factor will increase if you use it with someone with Devil Fruit abilities, so be careful. 】

"Okay, you two lucky guys, I have two potions here, both of which may give you great power.

This one is stronger, but the process will be more painful. The other one is the opposite. Make your choice. "

Looking at the two pirates in front of him, Quinn couldn't even remember their names, but he still placed two potions in front of them.

"This one is mine!"

"Asshole, it should be mine!"

The two of them grabbed the third-generation potion in unison, and neither of them wanted to let go.

They joined the Hundred Beasts because they admired Kaido's power. In this case, they naturally wanted to pursue more powerful power.

Kaido did not stop them, but instead allowed the two to fight, and in this way completed the ownership of the two potions.

"Mhahaha, you are really desperate. You should take a rest first and adjust your condition. I will inject him with medicine first, and then it will be your turn."

Quinn picked up the silver potion jar first. The second-generation potion was simpler than the third-generation potion in many aspects. After all, the third-generation potion was an enhanced version.

As the medicine inside gradually disappeared, the body of the pirate who had been injected with the medicine began to show special changes.

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