Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 167 Rubber Band Trading, Bi Ka's Traces

After a short rest, Xiong and Zack recovered, and Ginny and the others returned to the cabin to change into dry clothes, and then the ship continued to move forward.

"Dad, look at these clouds, they are elastic, and they are different from the water-like clouds below."

"These are island clouds, because the density is different, the properties are also different. Don't look at them as clouds, these clouds can even grow crops like soil."

The essence of island clouds and sea clouds is the combination of P particles and water molecules. In Sky Island, people here have already mastered the way of artificial clouds for their lives.

They can process clouds like island clouds in a special way, making them materials for building houses and bridges, and this island cloud processing technology is also what Orlan is more interested in.

The island clouds and sea clouds seem to have created a maze with winding paths. When they walked out of it, a waterfall composed of clouds appeared in front of them.

"HEAVEN'S GATE? Is there heaven behind this?"

There is a strange gate in front of the waterfall. Xiong himself is a believer. Although he doesn't do it often, he is also a part-time priest, so the meaning of this word is a bit strange to him.

"Don't get me wrong, the word here is just literal. There is nothing wrong with calling the country at an altitude of 10,000 meters heaven. Is there anyone? We want to enter!"

Olan shouted to the inside, and soon a middle-aged woman came out.

"One hundred million Ike per person to enter."

"One hundred million??? Why don't you go and rob!"

Hearing this number, Ginny roared at her like a madman. In any case, the entry fee of one hundred million is too exaggerated.

"This is the currency of Sky Island. The exchange rate with Bailey is 10,000:1. We only need 40,000 Bailey in total. Don't be so excited."

Among the many things done by the World Government, the unified currency is one of the few good things. At least Bailey is a universal currency in most countries, and there are channels for circulation even in Sky Island.

Everyone can understand that charging an entry fee is an unspoken rule on the sea. Piltover also does this. Ginny just couldn't believe the astronomical figure at first.

After paying the entry fee, the four entered the country on the Sky Island with legal identities. Then, in front of Leliana, Oran demonstrated the nature of the transaction, which was also one of the purposes of this trip-teaching.

There was no monetary transaction, but the most traditional barter model. Oran used a bag of rubber bands bought for 100 Baileys to exchange for two sacks of various supplies on the Sky Island.

Various magical Sky Island shellfish, unique Sky Island fruits and Sky fish, these things can be easily sold for millions of Baileys, and the profit can be said to be more than 10,000 times.

"Making money. Is it that easy?"

"Not really. This is essentially taking advantage of the difference in information. There are no rubber bands on Sky Island, and people here have never seen this thing.

But Sky Island shells can be seen everywhere here, and you can see a lot of them on the beach, so we can exchange them for so many things that are beneficial to us."

In addition, Oran also exchanged a piece of soil the size of a bottle cap from the people here for a nearby map of the sky.

Due to the geographical location, soil can be said to be a priceless treasure in Sky Island.

Although Arpaiado is full of soil, ordinary Sky Island people cannot set foot there.

Arpaiado is the Gaya Island that was washed up to the sky. Because of Sky Island's desire for soil, it has become a holy land in the eyes of Sky Island people, and only the gods of Sky Island can live there.

"Bika. Found it, it's here."

Through a pack of rubber bands, Oran has exchanged most of the supplies he needs, and the remaining goals are gold and devil fruits.

The location of the thunder fruit is not on this Sky Island, but on another Sky Island-Bika.

That is, the hometown that Enel destroyed with his own hands in the original timeline.

Due to the closed nature of Sky Island, there is basically no communication between the outside world and here. If you can become a fruit ability user, the fruit is 99% born near here.

In addition to gold, the purpose of coming to Sky Island is basically completed. Afterwards, Orlan did not take Leliana and others to Arpayard, but went to the other side of the sea of ​​clouds to look for the Shandia people who were washed up on Sky Island together.

"Dad, the people of Angel Island said that Arpayard is their holy land.

It should be the same as our royal city, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. What are we looking for here?"

Orlan is not a pirate who does what he wants. He has to pay attention to principles when doing some things, such as discussing with the owner.

"Riley, this is different. The royal family of Piltover abandoned this country in the past. We drove away the pirates who invaded there, and the local aborigines also supported us to become the new royal family.

But the holy land of Sky Island did not belong to them before."

Nearly four hundred years ago, Gaya Island was still intact, and Shandora did not come to Sky Island.

This is also the origin of the fairy tale of the North Sea, the great liar Rolando.

At that time, the North Sea navigator Wenbrand Rolando accidentally came to Gaya Island to avoid the rainstorm and saved the Shandia tribe who were attacked by "tree fever", making a great contribution to Gaya Island.

He also forged a deep friendship with the great warrior Kalgara at that time.

The Shandia people were undoubtedly ignorant at that time. They did not know that the source of the plague was the sacred trees in their eyes.

The so-called trees that housed the souls of their ancestors were constantly harvesting their lives.

In order to save his friends and stop them from harming others' lives through sacrifice, Rolando cut down those trees and eradicated the disease.

When Calgara learned the news, Rolando had already sailed away, and the two friends said goodbye.

Calgara made a vow to ring the golden bell every day and use the bell to guide Rolando.

But soon after that, the surging sea current sent Shandora to the Sky Island.

In a sense, the Shandians were a blessing in disguise.

Although after arriving at the Sky Island, because of the greed of the Sky Islanders for the land, the Shandians and the Sky Islanders broke out countless battles in order to protect their land and fulfill their original promise.

But if they had not come to the Sky Island, with Rolando's king's greed for gold, I am afraid that it would cause greater damage to Shandora.

Rolando may not have thought about so many things, but such an explorer may not bring happiness to the locals, but may also bring destruction.

"One thing is certain, the gold of Shandora belongs to the Shandians.

Violating the laws of Sky Island to enter the Sanctuary and steal the gold that belongs to the Shandians is untenable from any angle. We may even become their common enemy. That is not what we should do.

Just like the previous rubber band deal, our goal is to take advantage of the gap in intelligence and reach a win-win deal."

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