Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 169 The Fruit Belongs, the Birth of the Pirate King

With the Thunder Fruit in hand, the purpose of coming to Sky Island has been basically accomplished.

Oran had no intention of staying here any longer. After a brief stroll around the area, he returned to Piltover.

As for Enelu, Olan is not very interested in him.

It is unknown how far Enelu can go without the Thunder Fruit. Since Enel has not eaten the Thunder Fruit, his value has become irrelevant.

It is not certain whether Enel is gifted, or whether he was born with this talent after combining it with the Thunder Fruit. There is no need to let him eat this fruit.

Even considering his age, Enelu is already a twelve-year-old boy, and his character has basically been finalized, so Olan is not obsessed with this person.

Then, they faced a new problem, the ownership of the Thunder Fruit.

In the conference room of Shushuguo, a new meeting was held again.

"Okay, you two decide who will eat this fruit."

The people Oran trusts most are still the life forms he created and the people who fought together in the Valley of Gods.

He himself is a user with the ability of the Shushu Fruit. Although he has completed the process of slaying demons, the impact of the double fruits is still unknown, so Olan has no intention of eating it himself.

The bear has a meat ball fruit, the core of Frankenstein is the storage fruit, and Zach was born out of the mercury fruit and alchemy potion.

The only non-powered people left are Kate and Ginny, and if the scope is wider, there are Terra and Blitzcrank.

Terra, as an elemental dragon, even used the Sea Tower Stone as a popsicle, so she had no affinity with Devil Fruits. Blitzcrank had a more suitable choice, and the final candidates were Kate and Ginny.

"I checked the illustrated book again, and I can confirm that this is the thunder fruit of the natural system. Even in the natural system, it is a very powerful fruit."

There is also Olan's hand-drawn drawing on the small blackboard next to it. In a clearer way, he showed the potential contained in this fruit and part of its development direction.

Controlling thunder and lightning is the most basic ability of this fruit. It goes without saying, but the relationship between electricity and magnetism is quite close.

But magnetism is only a possibility. Although the natural devil fruit represents a natural element, as long as you eat it, you will be in an invincible position most of the time.

But this kind of power often comes at a price. In terms of regularity, natural devil fruits are far inferior to superhuman ones, and their abilities often refer to a single element.

The Thunder Fruit can produce something like magnetism but may not be able to control it. Whether it can be done or not, we still have to wait until someone eats it to find out.

"Don't worry about being afraid of water. I have a little invention that can overcome this weakness.

Riley's bracelet is an example. Even if the animal's transformation changes its body shape, its strong malleability will still prevent it from being damaged.

This invention is top secret, so be sure not to tell anyone about it. "

If it were in a certain pirate group in the outside world, this fruit would be enough to cause an internal strife, but here in Oran, they were more modest.

"The fur tribe already knows how to use electricity. Meow thinks this fruit is a bit repetitive for Meow. Give it to Ginny.

Otherwise, if there is a big operation in the future, someone will have to be specially arranged to protect her. "

"Well, I'll forget it. I feel like it's a waste to eat this fruit. Let Kate strengthen her abilities, or Brother Oran, just keep it for research. Your research needs materials anyway, right?"

Both of them have their own reasons for evading it. Duan Duan is a natural type, and even has a tendency to be disliked at this time.

"Zach is special. The normal state of the mercury fruit is liquid metal, so it can be combined with the medicine.

Among the three types of devil fruits, the natural type is the most difficult to study. It is more difficult to directly serve as the core. Moreover, to study the fruit's ability, the blood of those with the ability is enough. "

Looking at the Thunder Fruit, Oran thought for a moment, and then placed the Thunder Fruit in front of Ginny.

"Kate is right. We will face a full-scale war in the future. By then, no place can be called safe, and you, the intelligence minister, may become a key target of fire.

A bear can't always be by your side. You need a certain ability to protect yourself. The natural type of thunder is very suitable. "

Ginny is actually not weak, she is considered a strong member among ordinary people, and she at least has the potential to become the commander of the Revolutionary Army.

She feels that she is weak mainly because of the contrasting items.

Let’s not talk about Leliana. Apart from her, there are no ordinary people around Oran.

The fur tribe, a natural fighting race, the Bakania tribe with the blood of giants, Olan, an "old monster" whose mental age is unknown and has countless knowledge of planes in his mind, plus the life created by Olan.

Compared with these people, she will inevitably look weak.

If it is among other forces, Devil Fruit is indeed unique. Considering Ginny's upper limit, it is a bit of a waste of potential.

But it's different here.

With top technology, the ability of Devil Fruit has already become something that can be reproduced. The natural type is just difficult, but it is not impossible. With the progress of research, it is only a matter of time before the natural type Devil Fruit can be perfectly reproduced.

Although this may take a long time, Oran does not feel that he cannot do it.

In addition to this, there is another reason, the selectivity of Devil Fruit.

Since the Thunder Fruit appeared when Ginny was picking apples, it means that there is a little fate between the two, which eventually led to the ownership of the fruit.

"Nothing is wasted. This fruit is valuable only when it is in someone who trusts it enough. But I may need you to donate some blood regularly in the future."

"No problem, it's just blood. Brother Oran, you can take it when the time comes!"

She was given all the natural devil fruits, so she would not be stingy with blood.

Although Xiong has never said anything, his sense of belonging to this country has become stronger, and his belief in protecting this place has become more firm in his heart.

Xiong avoided Ginny's emotions because he was worried about her safety. The decision of the ownership of a fruit can even make the sense of belonging in the hearts of two people stronger at the same time.

This is the original team. If you don't give them good things first, who can you give them?

Even if the personal relationship between the few people is very good, you can't always rely on the original feelings to do things. In a sense, this is also "winning people's hearts".

The Thunder Fruit has its own owner. After Ginny made a blood donation declaration, Oran also asked Kate about her own wishes.

"By the way, Kate, do you have any abilities you want? There are so many abilities in this sea. As long as you have an idea, there is always a way."

"Meow is not interested in devil fruits for the time being. Let's keep one non-ability user among us. Although your invention, Oran, can make people swim, it is also possible to be lost.

If everyone is an ability user, then if someone falls into the water, no one can rescue them. We can't always let you, Oran, be the lifeguard."

Everything changes rapidly, and the years pass by, only time flows endlessly. Time passes, leaving only the deep marks of time. The fleeting time is like a dream, which is impossible to capture.

Two years have passed since Oran and others returned from Sky Island and Ginny ate the Thunder Fruit.

"Brother Bear, I will be taller than you soon. I will definitely surpass you in a few years."

In the square of the royal city, Leliana gestured her height. This year, her height reached 5.88 meters, and the gap with Bear became smaller.

"Well, Riley, you are growing up fast and getting stronger. Brother Orlan must be very happy."

"Of course, I am the best. Now I have mastered both the Boom Fist and the Powerful Kingdom.

When I grow up a little bit, I will go to Elbaf to challenge those two uncles. We have already agreed on it.

I also want to visit my father's hometown in the future. He showed me many interesting people and things in the book."

Olan's book world is a special door for Riliana to broaden her horizons. The dragons flying in the sky, the Vastaya running in the forest, countless races and worlds weave into a beautiful picture, which also makes Riliana have infinite reverie about it.

And Orlan calls it hometown.

"Traveling is great."

"Brother Bear, make a decision as soon as possible. I heard that Sister Ginny is planning to drug you. I can't remember what the words were."

"Ahem! Okay, Riley, let's not talk about this for now. Let's finish today's practice first."

Hearing Leliana's words, Bear covered his eyes somewhat at a loss. Judging from his red face, he seemed to be shy.

In fact, it was Ginny who asked Leliana to reveal these words to Bear. She was expressing her firm attitude in this way. If Bear didn't take the initiative and kept rejecting her, then Ginny might be more proactive.

"Okay, next is my new move. Brother Bear, you have to be prepared."

Leliana re-entered the dragon mode. Now that she has transformed, she has surpassed Bear in height. Then she raised one hand above her head and made a hand knife gesture.

At the front end of the sharp dragon claw, an invisible wind is gathering on her palm.

"It's coming!"

It was no longer fire, but wind. With the waving of the palm, a wind blade was swung out.

Although it was finally bounced into the sky by the bear's meat ball fruit, the wind blade also left deep marks on the ground during its flying.

Flames and flame clouds are only the most basic power of this fruit. As the strength increases, the power of wind and lightning is gradually mastered by Leliana.

"Look over there, are the clouds above the palace cut by something?"

The bear just bounced Leliana's wind blade into the sky, and did not directly crush the attack.

In the unobstructed sky, the wind blade flew for a long distance. Even after it dissipated, the wind generated had a significant impact on the clouds.

"Maybe Princess Leliana is practicing some new moves, or maybe His Majesty the King has a new invention?"

Time will leave an indelible impression in people's hearts. At this point, Leliana has vaguely become the strongest in the kingdom.

At least no local people in Piltover can get through a move in Leliana's hands.

Even the people around Orlan only managed to do this because of their age.

If they were the same age, they would not be Leliana's opponents.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. An immigrant ship has arrived. I'm going to help over there."

A member of the security team casually exchanged a few words with the citizens on the street, and then drove his bicycle to the direction of the port.

The ring bike is a special means of transportation in Piltover. It looks like a ring, but there is a seat in the center of the ring, which is essentially a wheel.

On the built roads, this means of transportation is very convenient to move, and it is the most commonly used tool for ordinary police officers outside the special forces.

As for the immigrants mentioned by this police officer, they are some people who heard about the stability of this country, ventured across the sea, and finally came to this land.

Most of them came from non-member countries or illegal areas, and they pursued that stability. It happened that Piltover had a considerable demand for population due to its development stage.

So Orlan used his relationship in the underground world to ask Feld and others to help send some people who were interested in living here. At the same time, he also used Morgans' newspapers to do a little publicity here.

Nowadays, Piltover is the most popular country in non-member countries.

Even some poor households living in member countries have a certain yearning for this place.

The pirates' sixteen-year rule caused Piltover to lose a large number of people. Currently, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and there are no conflicts caused by immigration.

However, with a huge base, there will always be some exceptions, and what awaits them is not indulgence, but the law brought by power.

Oran does not allow others to break the rules he has set, whether outsiders or locals, there are no exceptions.

"Olan, this is the recent population situation. Most people are willing to abide by the rules and work normally.

A very small number of people who disrupt order are on the list and have been imprisoned in the Still Water Prison. The above is their criminal history."

In Oran's laboratory, Kate was reporting to him with the latest news, and Oran was holding a row of blue test tubes, which were blue bloods made after researching Ginny's blood.

In terms of effect, these blue bloods are similar to the green bloods invented by Vegapunk, and they are all replicas of the devil fruit ability.

However, due to the particularity of the natural system, these blue bloods only acquired the ability to discharge electricity. The current function is to serve as the energy source of the mecha and give the mecha the means of electric shock.

On the table next to it, there is a "hand-made" of Galio. It is a model made of seastone, which is Orlan's specific experiment on the war colossus.

However, it is not easy to use seastone and other materials to replace the forbidden magic stone, so no action has been taken yet.

"Just follow the old rules. You know the process. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, something incredible happened on the sea."

Kate pulled out a newspaper from under the file and handed it to Orlan.

"The news bird just delivered it. The pirate who came here three years ago really found the final island."

[Pirate King! Gold Roger! ]

A title, a name, these two words occupied the entire headline of the newspaper. For this sea, this may be the most shocking news in recent years.

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