Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 179 The Great Pirate Era is Coming, Opportunities Are Seized by Oneself

"Everyone, do you want to join us? Although we are still weak now, one day in the future, we will definitely shake the world!"

Ivankov tried his best to lower his tone, but could not hide his inner excitement.

"I will take action, but there is no need to join. Our actions are different."

"Well, that's such a shame."

Both Ginny and Bear's eyes were on Oran, and Ivankov knew very well that they were now focused on Oran.

From the day he met Olan, Ivankov knew that the other person was a very independent person. Now that he had made this decision, he would not change it.

Ivankov just expressed regret for this.

Olan really has no interest in joining this matter. As a volunteer army that was the predecessor of the Revolutionary Army, many of Long's actions seemed a bit unreasonable, and there was also a huge gap in the personnel arrangement.

However, this does not mean that Olan is discriminating against this organization. He just thinks that what the other party has done is a bit problematic, but Olan still supports this idea.

In a sea where royal rule is deeply rooted, the word revolution is very unfamiliar, and the dragon is simply crossing the river by feeling for the stones.

Organizations that actually work hard are much better than spectators who do nothing. Olan has no reason to belittle them. Of course, joining is also impossible.

"You appear here. It seems that your recent range of activities is all over the world."

"We are short of manpower, so we have to come step by step. Coming here is also related to Roger. The death of the Pirate King will definitely cause an uproar in this sea.

Okay, I have something else to do, so I won’t be with you. "

Ivankov gave himself another shot, changed his gender and walked out of the tavern.

Shortly after this, Olan and his group also left the tavern one after another, but when leaving, Ginny came close to Olan.

"Brother Olan, there are a few people in the tavern who have been staring at us before, are they okay?"

"Meow has also noticed it, do you want to strike first? That look makes Meow feel very uncomfortable."

"Calm down, Rogge Town is a mixed bag at this time, and smart people will exercise restraint.

If no one takes action against us, ignore them. "

They are not afraid of trouble, but there is no need to look for trouble. This is their main logic for this trip.

If someone really wants to die, you can ask Xiong to shoot them on the execution platform.

When he appeared on the execution platform on the day of the execution of the Pirate King, some words were completely unclear.


A flash of electricity flashed across Ginny's fingertips. She sensed the situation behind her, and after confirming that no one was following her, she ignored the matter for the time being.

"Young Master, what's wrong with you?"

At the same time, shortly after Oran and the others left, several more people stood up in the corner of the tavern.

"Nothing, I just heard some interesting stories and saw some special people.

Alas, how many interesting people will be gathered in this event? "

Don Quixote Doflamingo, the young master of the Don Quixote family, also came to Roger Town because of Roger's execution.

Although he has not yet entered the Grand Line, and he has not even been on the wanted list as he has just set sail, Doflamingo has begun to pay attention to various news about the Grand Line, and through the underground world of the North Sea, he has a little understanding of the Grand Line. .

[Gray. Gray in the underground world, blah blah blah, what a good location]

"Please wait a moment! Your Majesty Sidilir! Please wait a moment, I have something to tell you!"

As Ivankov said before, Olan is well-known to the outside world. If you pay attention to similar industries, you can recognize him.

Doflamingo, who has ideas about the underworld, is an example.

Ordinary people have little impression of Oran. After all, they may not even know what the king of their own country looks like, let alone the kings of other countries.

But there are always exceptions. After leaving the tavern, Oran and the others passed by many shops. The owner of one of the weapons shops ran out in a hurry as if he had seen some treasure.

It is rare for someone to refer to themselves as Your Majesty in Rogge Town, so Oran stopped to see what was going on.

Then he saw a young man with rosacea running in front of him.

"Haha. Thank you very much for stopping. Please give me five minutes. I want to discuss a business deal with you."

The rapid running seemed to have consumed a lot of his energy, and speaking to a big shot for the first time made him a little nervous, so he kept breathing heavily and took some time to calm down.

"Business? You?"

"Yes, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ippon Matsu, and I just inherited the weapons shop inherited from my father.

This store has a history of 178 years in Rogue Town and is an old store that everyone knows about.

Even the navy from Rogge Town often come here to buy things. "

Ipponmatsu pointed to a nearby shop and told its history, but this was not enough to arouse Oran's interest.

"You have four minutes."

"That's right, Rogue Town is the only place where pirates go to the Grand Line. They all need to purchase weapons, just like the navy, so I want to become your prosthetic franchisee in Rogue Town to sell some parts. .

I am willing to pay you 80% of the profits! Please give me this opportunity to try it! "

Ippondo bowed. Prosthetics are not illegal items that are only sold in the underground world. On the contrary, they are normal products placed in stores.

Just like the swords and guns in the weapon store.

The same is true for Ippondo's store. In addition to swords, armor, muskets, and naginatas are sold here.

The increase in personnel turnover these days has allowed Ippondo to sell a lot of weapons, but he is not satisfied with this until he just saw Oran.

For this reason, he even left the customers in the store and chased out alone.

Through newspapers, he also has a certain understanding of the world. He doesn't know what the technology of prosthetics represents, but he knows that these things are very valuable.

Doctors in Rogue Town can perform this kind of operation. Since Oran disclosed the installation method that year, this operation has long been known to the outside world.

At the beginning, Ippondo saw with his own eyes that several pirates fought for a rusty prosthetic.

In the four seas, there are no fixed stores for the prosthetic business. It is generally circulated in the navy. Therefore, Ippondo had an idea about this and wanted to get the agency rights of Rogue Town.

Even if he can't make a profit, it doesn't matter. With the prosthesis, he firmly believes that he can attract more customers. Maybe the navy will come here to buy suitable prosthesis parts.

DIY magic modification is not uncommon. Many people with prostheses will add some messy things to them. Because the size of the parts is not suitable, this modification often brings trouble.

Opportunities are grasped by oneself. Under normal circumstances, he who lives in the East China Sea has no chance to contact the country in the Grand Route.

Yibensong can be sure that if he doesn't seize this opportunity, he will definitely regret it.

The most important thing for a weapon store is to have a treasure in the town. His store does have an heirloom-Xuezou, but it is the only one.

Under normal circumstances, Yibensong does not plan to sell it. After all, he needs to rely on this treasure to attract customers.

If he can get the right to sell the prosthesis, he will have a stable advertising source. Therefore, he tried his best to introduce himself in a limited time to show that his store has commercial potential.

"Leave me your phone number. If there is a chance in the future, I may consider you."

The code name of the operation of the prosthesis is Mixue Ice City, and it is reasonable to open a franchise store for this kind of thing.

However, Oran's recent plan has not yet expanded the sales channels to the world, so Yibensong's idea cannot be realized in a short time.

But Yibensong feels that he is still successful, at least he has left some impression on Oran.

Oran and his party wandered around in Rogue Town for about a day, and the day of Roger's execution finally arrived.

The sun was scattered on the streets of Rogue Town, and the hot temperature made people feel a little irritable.

The streets were crowded with onlookers, and the windows of the houses on both sides were also full of curious people.

From the prison to the execution platform, the whole Rogue Town seemed to be crowded.

"Make way, make way."

At the end of the street, a boy in a green jacket and white hair squeezed forward.

He Smoker, now an ordinary boy, he wanted to see what this Pirate King who owns the whole world looks like.

Finally, he saw a man walking forward with his head held high and his chest puffed out like a triumphant general.

It was clearly the road to the execution platform, but there was no fear in Roger's steps.

The shackles made Roger's steps a little heavy, and every step brought the friction of the chains.

When Roger walked onto the execution platform, he looked at the dense crowd below and smiled. Everything was just as he thought.

On a roof near the execution platform, Oran and others were looking at the direction of the execution platform, but Oran's eyes also swept down from time to time. There were indeed many future rising stars here.

Jurakol Mihawk, Don Quixote Doflamingo, Sand Crocodile, Gekko Moriah.

Some were pirates who had been rewarded, and some were newcomers who had not yet set out to sea, but all of them gathered here because of Roger alone.

In the corner, there is another person hiding under a green hood. Monkey D. Dragon also appeared here with Ivankov.

Shanks and Buggy, the two trainees of Roger's pirate group, are no exception.

But their eyes are full of tears, full of reluctance to part with their captain.

The executioners have long been standing on the execution platform, waiting for Roger's arrival. The sultry weather and nervousness make them sweat profusely.

This is not an ordinary pirate, but the Pirate King. Who can guarantee that there will be no problems during the execution?

"Anything else to say in the end?"

It is customary to give the dying person the opportunity to make a last word before a public execution.

"Can you untie this for me? It's itchy."

Roger raised his hand and put the handcuffs in front of the executioner, but this action scared him.

"I can't do this!"

"Really? I won't run away. Why are you taking it so seriously?"

If Roger wants to run, these shackles can't restrain him at all. It's like handcuffs on Superman. It has no practical meaning except for self-consolation.

"Well, forget it. Hurry up and end this as soon as possible."

Seeing that no one was talking to him, Roger sat cross-legged on the execution platform and signaled the executioner to start quickly.

"Dad, he... he's smiling"

Not only Leliana, but everyone nearby saw the smile on Roger's face. They found it hard to understand why someone could smile in such an occasion.

"Yes, he is smiling. This is his choice. Since he made his own choice, it is natural for him to smile."

"Hey, Pirate King, where are all your treasures? Is it in the Grand Line? You got it! It's the legendary great secret treasure!"

It was originally very quiet in front of the execution platform, but someone suddenly shouted to Roger and asked about the location of the treasure.

"Shut up!"

"Get the unique great secret treasure, ONE PIECE!"

Someone wanted to stop the people below from asking questions, but it was useless.

To be honest, Orlan was very curious. If there was no such supporter, how would Roger say the next words reasonably?

"Do you want my treasure? If you want, I can give it all to you. Go find it! I put all the treasures there, the end of the Grand Line, Raftel!"

"Don't talk!"

The executioner wanted to stop Roger and raised his long sword to complete his execution in advance, but for some reason, an invisible force seemed to control them.

A sense of powerlessness appeared. The execution weapon that had been used for half a lifetime seemed to weigh a thousand pounds at this moment, and it was impossible to swing it. He could only let Roger finish this sentence.


After Roger finished speaking, a roar sounded in the sky, and dark clouds gathered from all around.

In an instant, heavy rain poured down.

The blade pierced Roger's body, and a lot of blood flowed to the bottom of the execution platform, but Roger's words before his death had spread throughout the square of Rogue Town.

Shanks lowered his straw hat and sobbed quietly below. Buggy covered his ears with all his strength, as if he didn't want to hear those words, and his tears wet his clothes with the rain.

In order to curb the growing number of pirates, the World Government planned to execute Roger, and even arranged a live broadcast of Den Den Mushi to achieve a better deterrent effect.

But now all of this has been used as a wedding dress by Roger.

[I put everything there! ]

Roger's words spread across the sea, and the enthusiasm for the great secret treasure was instantly ignited.

"Big news! Big news! Go prepare the newspapers. In an hour, I want this news to appear on the headlines of the newspaper!"

Morgans laughed excitedly. This was the most explosive news he had heard since he started working.

Roger ignited this long-suppressed powder keg with his own life. Whether it was the four seas or the Grand Line, countless people embarked on their journey with the great secret treasure as their goal.

The Great Pirate Era has arrived!

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