Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 18 Steam Robot Blitzcrank

Chapter 18 Steam Robot-Blitz

"Thank you for your help."

"We each take what we need. I will help you practice the control of the fruit power, and you will help me make the materials I need. Where did you start to not understand the booklet I gave you?"

"Uh, the first page."

The voice of the bear gradually became smaller, and he became more and more embarrassed.

His character is like this, too gentle. Even if a stranger asks him to do something that has nothing to do with himself, the bear will do his best.

The booklet is some chemical knowledge written by Oran, in order to let the bear better understand the composition of materials.

"Don't be embarrassed, after all, you have no foundation, it's just a test, so I know where to start teaching you."

The bear was born in a pastor's family and was captured as a slave in his childhood. Being able to read is already a big improvement.

The palace of the Kingdom of Solbe is not large. After chatting for a few words, Oran and others came to the banquet hall of the kingdom.

Although the people Orlan brought with him were a little strange, Bulldog did not show any overly shocked expression. After all, he was a king. If he couldn't control this expression, he would not be able to sit on the throne for so many years.

"Mr. Orlan, I have been waiting for a long time. Please take a seat."

"King Bulldog, I will not say much nonsense. Do you have any questions about the content of the agreement?"

"No, Mr. Orlan, the conditions you proposed are very meaningful for the development of the Kingdom of Solbe.

But you have also seen these days that this country is not rich. The Sky Gold alone has basically drained the domestic economy.

I want to pay part of the fee first, and the rest in installments. If your design is really effective, then the rest will be paid soon."

To be honest, Bulldog did not want to do this.

There are no local scientific research talents here, and there are no powerful warriors. It is the limit of Bulldog to collect the Sky Gold to prevent the country from becoming a lawless place.

Finally, there is an opportunity to upgrade technology. If Orlan leaves directly, the Kingdom of Solbe will lose an opportunity for development.

But he dared not gamble. If he gave the money directly to Orlan, if something unexpected happened, there would not be enough gold in the sky next year.

"Of course, the Kingdom of Solbe can pay the interest, and you can also share part of the profits from the profitable projects."

Buldog proposed a new condition. As long as Orlan was not drawing big pie in the air, Orlan would gain more.

"I can accept this condition, but the specific situation needs to be arranged by me. I don't want to encounter the situation where laymen guide insiders."

"Of course, Mr. Orlan, this is the agreement drafted by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Do you think there are any problems?"

Olan knew that Bulldog was not confident in the technology, but this was normal. It was rare to pay the full amount directly. The two sides quickly reached an agreement. Orlan solved the problem of initial funds, and the Kingdom of Solbe had an opportunity to bet on the future.

Both parties were generally very happy. If there was any problem, it was that Bulldog regretted letting Orlan bring people to the banquet.

Except for Orlan's appetite, which was barely like a normal person, the remaining three were more gluttonous than each other. Ginny, who looked the youngest, was the one with the largest appetite. She had to reimburse the palace for several days.

Time began to pass gradually. During this time, Orlan taught Bear math, physics and chemistry from scratch, allowing Bear to master a lot of knowledge, which was also rewarding.

Put a piece of newly mined iron ore in front of Bear, and Bear can separate it and compress and fuse some elements, making up for Orlan's lack of instruments.

To be precise, Bear is even more useful than those machines, provided that he can understand the existence of this substance.

There is also a prototype of a factory inside the Kingdom of Solbe, which has some forging and processing capabilities, and can even undertake forging orders from some small countries around.

When Orlan tested his body, he also found changes in his body. His strength and recovery ability have been significantly enhanced. In layman's terms, his physique is closer to that of the natives of this world. Perhaps this is the change brought about by traveling through time and space.

The world of Valoran enhances mental strength, while the world of pirates enhances the body.

With the initial funds provided by Bulldog, Orlan also began to make some things that could help him. Bear, Kate and others also helped him in this temporary workshop.

After a period of hard work, a large iron shell about five meters tall has taken shape.

There are shiny screws on the brass metal, and pipes made of special materials are connected to its arms and body. The two radiators on the back are emitting white smoke.

As Orlan filled some fuel into the gate on the chest and abdomen of the machine, the eyes on the robot's head also lit up.

"The engine has started and it can go at any time."

"It's moving! Orlan, this thing is really moving!"

Seeing the steel robot stand up by itself and even make a sound, Ginny, who was helping on the side, was shocked.

"I saw it, isn't it natural? Blitz, grab the stone in front of your left."

"Stone. Got it"


Two streams of steam spurted out of the pipe behind the robot, and the flying claws in its hands also extended, grabbing the stone in the palm of its hand, and with the recovery of the chain, the stone was also grabbed back by it.

"Master, the mission is complete."

"Shut down and hibernate."


"The system is running basically normally, so now there is only one step left."

After the robot was shut down, Orlan reopened the power compartment on the robot's chest, where a groove was reserved above.

The robot, to be precise, is a steam robot, a disaster relief and rescue robot born in Zaun, mainly replacing humans in toxic environments.

But that was only the initial model. It has now undergone several modifications. Then Orlan took out a modified Hex crystal.

That was not an ordinary Hex crystal, but a new technology was integrated, adding a new core similar to the Seraph rights protection chip. It is both an energy core and a controller.


With a loud bang, the core was firmly fixed in the groove by Orlan, and the power contained in the Hex crystal immediately flowed into the robot's body along the line.

But as the electric sparks flickered, the light on the robot gradually dimmed.

"Almost, Kate! Aim at the core and discharge with all your strength."

"Meow, I understand."


The electric current flowed along the metal shell, and the robot's eyes flickered again. It was still a cold mechanical voice, but the tone seemed to have changed.

"Blitz, reporting to you."

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