Chapter 193 Pacifist-Garp

"Shichibukai? There is quite a vacancy in the position. Do you think he is suitable for this position?"

Peter adjusted his tie on the side. Among the five people present, he was the only one standing.

In the Shichibukai, Roger used his life to initiate the system proposed by the World Government after the Age of Great Pirates.

In the final analysis, the purpose of this system is only one - constraints and balance.

In a sense, the five old guys in this office and the old-fashioned people in Ionia will get along well.

Although the Five Old Stars did not care about the appearance of pirates, the wave of pirates triggered by Roger was somewhat beyond their expectations, and the entire Grand Line was in a state of turmoil at this time.

The King's Shichibukai system was also born.

"He is not a pirate. Is this position suitable for him?"

"It doesn't matter, identity is not important. Kings of non-franchised countries do not have legal rights. According to our plan, the status of non-franchised countries is even smaller than that of the Shichibukai.

The power of this invention is enough to deter most pirates, and the Shichibukai is directly affiliated with the World Government. Under special circumstances, it needs to accept the military conscription of the World Government. If it is a joining country, it cannot do this.

This way we can better control this power, and that's enough. "

Sartan stated his reasons, in order to have reasonable and correct procedures. This logic has always been the core of the operation of the world government.

The results can be wrong, the process must be compliant.

It doesn't matter whether the Shichibukai are pirates, as long as they can have enough force to scare the pirates.

If Oran was already the king of the franchising country, Sartan would not have made this suggestion.

However, Piltover is only a non-franchise country and does not have any legal rights legally.

To be realistic, even if the naval force robs the place, or if a nearby alliance country declares war on Piltover, there will be no problem from a legal point of view.

The country's ability to stabilize in this environment depends entirely on Oran alone.

Therefore, Sartan's idea was not to directly order Oran to hand over the technology, but to let this person's power be used by the world government.

Sartan, who has also made some achievements in research, knows very well that the people who develop the technology are more important than the technology.

Now that Oran has shown itself to be "friendly" to the World Government, we can try some special methods.

"Do you have any other opinions? This is one of the options. We will discuss the details after calling him over."

"No, I agree."


Peter and Wuchuli agreed with Sartan's opinion one after another. Seeing this, Maz and Nasshouro didn't say anything else, which was regarded as acquiescing to Sartan's opinion.

A special order was sent by Sartan to the execution warship of the Demon-Slaying Order.

Faced with the combined efforts of Garp and Sengoku, Barrett did not persist for long and eventually lost.

Leliana's deliberate punch hit the target. Although she had not yet figured out how the armed color caused internal damage, after the fusion of heroism and domineering, the punch still had strong penetrating power.

Leliana and Shiji, Barrett was already serious about fighting at this level, and then he was bombarded by the Demon-Slaying Order for a long time. Even the Golden Lion in its heyday could only lose when faced with the combined attack of Garp and Sengoku. , let alone the current Barrett.

"Well, looking at it this way, this guy looks really similar to Shiji."

After the battle, Garp knocked on Shiji's body, and then looked at the cold robot up and down, looking very curious.

If the person here was not Garp but Zefa, then his interest would be even greater.

"Did you just realize that? And have you forgotten all about Porusalino's previous report?"

"Pfft, hahaha, that's right what you said. It seems that I am really old and my hearing has declined."

If Garp has an attribute table on his body, then his verbal resistance against Sengoku must be full.

"You guy. Forget it, Dr. Sidilir, I have a question. How much do you plan to sell this thing for?"

Sengoku pushed Garp aside. He was really in no mood to argue with Garp.

Barrett's problem had just been solved here, and before the battle report was sent back, he received information from other branches.

A big conflict broke out between Charlotte Lingling and Wang Zhi in the New World. The two groups fought in the waters of the New World and destroyed the navy's surveillance ship.

The search for Roger's bloodline is also continuing.

The Self-Resident Army is always holding big parades, and some conflicts have even broken out recently. The alliance countries have asked the navy to arrest these people quickly. As the only current general, he is in high-intensity work every day.

When Olan took this thing out, he obviously wanted to sell it.

It can't be that it has been stored in the warehouse for a long time and you want to take it out for airing.

This is a fighting body that can compete with Barrett for a while. There are only a few people in this sea who can match Barrett's strength.

Moreover, the robot will not argue or eat senbei. If the navy can equip this weapon in batches,

As long as each branch has one, there is no need to worry about the stability of the first half of the Grand Line. The navy can gather the remaining combat power to the new world and focus on eliminating the remaining pirates.

By then, the sea should be calm.

This is the inherent thinking of most navies. It is pirates who destroy the order of the sea, but they have never thought carefully about the reasons why so many pirates appear.

"Here are the details, Mr. Zhan Guo, take a look yourself."

Olan took out a scroll from his arms, then shook it loosely, and a long list of price lists unfolded in front of Zhan Guo, rolling all the way to Borsalino before stopping.

"Dr. Sidilier, you really have been prepared."

Even the price list was prepared. If Zhan Guo told him that Oran had no premeditation, Zhan Guo would not believe it.

But it doesn't matter if this happens a few more times, after all, they really caught a powerful pirate.

The reason for making the report like this is simple, it makes it look expensive.

After all, some things can only make customers feel that they are worth the money if they are sold at a high price.

After browsing the above expenses, Zhan Guo quickly turned his attention to the total price below.

And this price also made him feel nervous. Although he expected that this thing would be expensive, Zhan Guo did not expect it to be so expensive.

The Navy can afford it. After all, it is an organization that spans the Grand Line and the four seas. Hundreds of naval branches serve as transit stations for the Navy in various places. Maintaining these institutions is also a huge expense.

Even a single member country cannot compare with the Navy in this regard.

After deducting the annual necessary personnel expenses, the Navy can afford to buy one with the remaining funds. The price is that the equipment cannot be updated this year, and new warships cannot be built if they are broken.

[It would be great if he joined the Navy]

This is the real thought in Warring States' heart. It would be more cost-effective to pay only the cost.

"Your Majesty Sidilier, I am here to convey the message of the Five Elders. Please go to Mary Joa. Several adults have something to talk to you."

Before Warring States can say anything, an agent of the World Government came over.

Although Warring States is a navy admiral, the navy and the agent are two systems, and there is no ruling relationship between them.

With the order of the Five Elders, this agent also has the confidence to interrupt Warring States' conversation.

And Zhan Guo did not say anything else. It was reasonable for the World Government to receive the news.

It was obviously unrealistic for the Navy to equip this kind of weapon alone with its funds, and it was normal for the World Government to negotiate.

After all, the Navy was a violent agency under the World Government. With this kind of equipment, it would eventually be equipped in the Navy's camp.

Since then, the fleets that executed the Demon Slayer Order began to act separately. Zhan Guo led his men to continue to carry out the mission, and Leliana and his men returned to Firefly Island with the warships of Bruglas.

Garp led the team to escort Barrett to Impel Down, and Gumier and Borsalino took Oran and the people of the World Government back to Marijoa.

After a period of sailing, the warship arrived at the Red Port below Marijoa. As the bubble elevator floated up, Oran came to Marijoa again.

"Your Majesty Sidiliel, please."

In the reception room of Marijoa, the official who received Oran respectfully poured a cup of tea.

In terms of address, the Navy prefers to call Oran "Doctor", because of the prosthetic technology.

The people of the World Government prefer to use the title of His Majesty. In their opinion, the royal power is the most important.

This official has also worked at the reception desk for a while. Orlan is one of the few people he knows who has been summoned by the Five Elders several times, so in his opinion, Orlan is a person with "limitless prospects".

As a person in charge of reception work, pleasing these distinguished guests is the most basic principle.

"Please wait a moment, the Five Elders will be here soon"

As soon as the voice fell, the figures of Nasu Shoulang and Satan walked out of the room behind him. One of them is responsible for finance and the other is responsible for scientific defense. It is just right to talk to Orlan about the next thing.

"Saint Nasu Shoulang, Saint Satan."

The official bowed and then withdrew from here.

The word "saint" is originally an exclusive honorific for male celestial dragons. There is no need to add the word "adult" after the word "saint" in the address, otherwise it will become a grammatical error.

"Sidilier, forget about the unnecessary things. I believe you are a smart man. You used that weapon to participate in the operation of capturing Barrett in order to achieve your own goal.

Now I can tell you clearly that the world government is very interested in this technology, so how much does it cost?"

"Satan Saint, you are also a researcher, you should know a lot of things, I won't waste any more words, the specific situation is here."

Olan put the report on the table and waited. Satan quickly browsed the project list given by Oran. From the data, he didn't feel any problems.

"This cost is not low. Even the navy's warships are just fur compared to it."

Nasu Shoulang glanced at the price behind, and the string of zeros made him, the Five Elders who were in charge of finance, feel the expensive atmosphere.

"But it's worth the money. A warship alone cannot defeat a monster like Barrett. Besides, there is also the time cost.

To make such a weapon, it takes time to record, cultivate, and run-in.

I started to make it a long time ago, but it was only completed today."

"Vegapunk also mentioned this matter. There are also records in MADS's research log. As a scientific researcher, I want to congratulate you on completing this goal."

After Satan put down the paper, his tone did not change. The so-called record was a foreshadowing that Orlan had laid in the past, but it was only used now.

If the dream did not reach the original plan universe, it could also be some special Hex creations. In short, they are just some drafts. What the finished product looks like is up to Orlan.

"Whether it is time or cost, this kind of machine is not possible to mass produce.

Then Sidilier, reduce the strength and cost, so that it can be a mass-produced weapon. You should be able to do this, right?"

The one who said this was Nasu Shoulang, who considered this matter more from an economic perspective.

This kind of robot is used to deal with high-end games. One is enough. Not all pirates need this kind of weapon.

One is enough. Even the world government cannot ignore the cost.

"It takes time and money. If there is enough time, I will try to give suitable results within five years."

In terms of research, it is not uncommon to use years as the time limit. Satan did not think there was any problem. They are all researchers. He has also encountered a project that has not produced any results after decades of research.

"I believe in your technology. After all, you have made a new breakthrough in the field of mechanical soldiers, but Shiki can't do it."

"What does this mean?"

"The prototype of your mechanical soldier is Golden Lion Shiki, a notorious pirate with a bounty of more than 4 billion.

If the Navy and the World Government use this kind of artificial template mechanical soldiers, where is our face?"

This is the problem that Satan cares about. As a navy with justice, it cannot use robots with the appearance of pirates.

"In this case, I have a suggestion. Do you think that the Navy hero Garp is a suitable template?"

Navy hero Garp, a Navy hero recommended by the World Government, is a very suitable option in terms of identity and deterrence to pirates.

"Garp? That's a good choice. His identity is indeed suitable for this matter."

"Well, the hero of the navy can also be a greater deterrent to pirates, so what help do you need?"

"I need Vice Admiral Garp to cooperate with my research for a period of time. In addition, if the sample is replaced, a lot of data will have to start from scratch, which means I need more time."

These words are purely Oran's trickery. He made the things. The birth of Project Shiki means that the technology is mature. The only thing that delays time is that this thing can only be made by Oran himself, and the labor cost is a bit high.

If there is no problem with the combat parameters, it will not take so many years, but if it is not studied for a few more years, the funding will be a problem.

And this reason is also very reasonable in Satan.

"I call this plan a pacifist. What do you think?"

The pacifist was originally a transformation for Kuma.

Now that Kuma is one of his own, Oran will definitely not let him go through this kind of thing. Of course, it is impossible to transform Garp. This is just a name.

After all, for peace, it is much better than researching weapons.

"It's a good name. Project funding is not a problem. As for Garp, we will also let the navy cooperate with your research. Then the next issue is your identity.

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