Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 203 Deep Sea Labor Dispatch Agreement

At first, Xiong would notify the navy in advance before sending pirates here.

But as they became familiar with the process, the process of advance notification was omitted. The G6 branch even organized a salvage team specifically to salvage pirates here.

The only detail here is the specific amount of the bounty, but the navy does not have to spend money on the bounty, and the World Government is not completely uninvolved in the formulation of the bounty order. The World Government will reimburse it.

No one has made any moves in this regard. Even though the huge size of the navy has spawned many corrupt elements, these people know what money can be touched and what money cannot be touched.

In the Grand Line, Lab swam along the sea current towards the Sabaody Archipelago, much faster than the speed of the ship.

As marine creatures, they have a keen sense of ocean currents and do not need to go through complicated learning like human navigators.

To this day, the most common way to travel in the Grand Line is still by ship, and this is no exception for Orlan and his team.

If you are really in a hurry, let Xiong send you a distance, or fly yourself, and take a ship under normal circumstances.

Although the Hexgate is convenient and is a technology tree that Orlan has already maxed out, the Hexgate's rigid demand is Hex crystals, and normal operation also requires two gates located at the starting point and the end point.

The terminalless teleportation gate that Orlan has researched is still a laboratory product. It can be used but is expensive and cannot be mass-produced at present.

Moreover, it is not easy to find alternative materials for Hexgate crystals. Even with the super synthesizer, the Swallowing Fruit, there is no replica of the exact Hexgate crystal.

Even if it is reproduced, some combat units will be given priority. The Hexgate also follows an essence: the larger the object transmitted and the longer the transmission distance, the greater the consumption.

Even Piltover in Valoran has not built gates all over the world, but has only established transit stations in places where trade transactions are frequent.

This is the nature of those businessmen, profit-seeking. In most cases, they will not do business at a loss.

Some things are not repaired just because they are convenient, but they need to refer to the specific situation for detailed analysis.

As for simple aircraft.

It is not difficult to make, but in the Grand Line, the practicality is even lower.

The complex magnetic field makes conventional guidance devices ineffective, and they can only fly by recording pointers like ships, and most islands do not have an environment for aircraft to dock.

This is not a big problem. The weather in the Grand Line is also terrible. The weather here can really change. Even if the weather station detected that the weather was still sunny five minutes ago, it may rain heavily the next moment.

Well, it is normal to rain. In the New World, it is not impossible to have knife rain or thunderstorms.

A large number of meteorologists under the Golden Lion have problems. It is okay in the four seas, but it is a bit thankless to popularize conventional aircraft in the Grand Line.

Ordinary people can't use it, and the strong can't use it, even in Firefly Island.

Ordinary citizens don't need to sail long distances, and the king who runs around the world has more than one way to fly.


Lab suddenly shouted, and then stopped with his mouth wide open.

"Are we almost there, Fran, Ginny, let's go, stay in Lab's mouth for a while."

The high mortality rate of going to Fishman Island is due to the risk caused by the coating. Even if the bubbles generated by the Alchiman mangroves are very tough, they are still bubbles.

Under the hidden dangers of the deep sea, the bubble membrane is likely to be damaged, which usually means the destruction of the ship and the death of people.

The suffocating environment and strong water pressure are fatal to humans.


In Lab's mouth, Ginny pulled out a tungsten filament from her pocket and used the Thunder Fruit ability to act as a human light bulb to illuminate the surrounding space.

"Brother Oran, this whale is not a vegetarian."

As the light illuminated the surrounding space, Ginny found some unusual places, such as Lab's mouth full of sharp teeth.

"There are no vegetarian whales. It's just the difference between baleen whales and toothed whales. Island whales are also a type of toothed whale. Laboo's position in the food chain is not low."

"That's what I mean. It's very different from what it looks like."

Although Laboo's head was covered with scars, he still looked honest. Ginny didn't expect Laboo to have a mouth full of sharp teeth under his honest appearance.

"One of the characteristics of marine life. The ugly ones may be docile, and the cute ones may be the real predators."

No matter how big it is, it can't change the fact that Laboo is a creature. There is a slight odor in its mouth, but it doesn't take too long for Laboo to dive. As a string of bubbles floated to the surface of the sea, the huge figure disappeared on the sea surface and moved towards the deep sea.

[How come there are still eight years? It's too long.]

[Less than eight years, it's too short for us, the day of the king's return is coming.]

In the deep sea, Oran could hear the sea kings still discussing the topic of Poseidon. No one knew how long these sea kings had lived.

Perhaps they existed in the sea when the previous generation of sea kings were alive, and everything now is just a reincarnation for them.

On Fishman Island, Shaq also received Oran's communication.

"Shaq, I'm almost at Fishman Island. If you're nearby, come and take a look. It's an island whale with a scar on its head. We are in its mouth."

These scars were left by Laboo himself.

The Grand Line was indeed very dangerous for young Laboo, but for adult island whales, except for those super-large sea kings, they basically had no rivals.

Laboo had been waiting at the Twin Gorge to hit the Red Earth Continent as agreed. It didn't know where to find the people of the Rumba Pirates. It only remembered that they agreed that they would come to pick it up after they circled the Grand Line.

Laboo's thinking was relatively simple. He took it for granted that the Rumba Pirates were on the other side of the Upside-Down Mountain, so he wanted to crash through it.

Perhaps Laboo also sensed the experience of the Rumba Pirates, and just used this way to vent his sadness.

Now that he was fooled by Orlan, most marine creatures would stay away from it when it was used as a means of transportation, and it did not encounter any trouble on the way to dive.

"The island whale with a scar on its head."

"Brother Shaq, look over there, is that the one?"

Not long ago, Shaq had just dealt with a few pirates who had entered the island to cause trouble. He was still at the entrance of Fishman Island. The soldiers of the Sea King Army and Shaq were also acquaintances. After hearing the content of the phone call, he noticed the big guy on the periphery.

The light of Yangshu Eve made the area very bright, but the size of the whale made Shaq stunned for a moment.

"This whale is a bit too big, it can't get in the entrance."

Fishman Island is an island wrapped in a huge bubble film, and it is a special double-layer bubble film.

There is no problem for ships to enter the entrance. If those ships that have been coated on the Sabaody Archipelago force their way in from other places, the coating will automatically peel off and merge with the island's shield.

There is an air layer between the two layers of bubble film, and ordinary ships will fall out here.

Even if they can rush in, they will fall into Fishman Island after losing power, and crash directly or be washed away by the internal sea current.

However, this is to defend against conventional ships. For an island whale of Lab's size, it is not a problem.

"Here, here, go in from here!"

After confirming the whale, Shaq used rich body movements to guide Lab to the direction of a mermaid beach, and guided it through the bubble membrane and into the interior of Fishman Island.

As Lab opened his mouth wide, Orlan and the other two walked out.

"Shaq, I haven't seen you for a while. It seems that you have grown a lot."

The extra scars on his body became the best proof at this time. Whether it is physical or appearance, it is enough to show what Shaq has experienced during this period.

"It's nothing. Brother Orlan has helped me a lot. Haki is really useful."

As an island that crosses the entrance to the New World, Haki is not popular in Fishman Island. Those who can Haki are all fishmen who go out to sea as pirates.

If Orlan does not provide assistance, it will become extremely difficult for Shaq to get in touch with the practice of Haki.

Although Haki can be awakened naturally after fighting more even if no one teaches it, it is much easier to have a master to guide the way.

"It is your own business whether you can learn it or not. For some people, it is useless even if you directly teach them the training method. By the way, Otohime wrote to me saying that she is preparing for the wedding?"

"Indeed, a few years ago, Otohime and I were active in Fishman Street. By chance, Otohime met Neptune, the former prince and the current king.

After the death of the old king, Otohime is now the princess.

If it were a few years ago, the wedding should have been held long ago, but Roger's becoming the Pirate Queen had a great impact on Fishman Island, so this matter was delayed. In fact, even the eldest prince was born this year."

Shaq explained to Oran what happened in Fishman Island during this period, and then took out a bundle of coral branches.

"This is a bubble coral, which can release bubbles. By adjusting the amount of air, mermaids can fly on the land of the island. This big whale should be no problem.

Otohime told me before that if you arrive, Brother Oran, I will take you directly to Ryugu City."

Not long after, a huge bubble swimming ring appeared on Lab's body. The bubble effect of Fishman Island is quite strong. Even such an island whale can fly directly into the sky.

After adapting to the state, Lab flew towards Ryugu City above.

On the way, Shak also talked about the seabed minerals.

"Brother Oran, the range of our activities is not large. After all, the relationship between races is very complicated. But the minerals nearby have almost been surveyed. These are some things exposed on the seabed.

I have some ore samples at home. We can't tell what they are. Brother Oran will have to test them yourself at that time."

Shak handed Oran a simple sea map with many things marked on it, and even some underwater ruins.

Shaq and his team even found a lot of antique treasures in these ruins, which also stimulated the exploration enthusiasm of some fishmen.

"That's enough, but if you announce now that these industries are related to humans, how many people will be left in the mining team?"

"I don't know, but the impact will definitely be huge."

Apart from anything else, Aaron and Jinbei now have great opinions about humans, Tiger is a little better, but also neutral.

Shaq can suppress some rumors with his prestige, but when rumors become reality, the difficulty is different.

"It's not easy to clean up the mess left over for hundreds of years. But don't worry, I will explain this matter through the channels of the Dragon Palace Kingdom later.

Cooperating with humans is the meaning of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. You are just a messenger, so it will not affect you. It is not easy to change people's ideas. "

Letting Shaq integrate Fishman Street is only part of the plan. After all, if the problems there are not dealt with, the orders of the Dragon Palace Kingdom cannot be carried out in Fishman Street.

Not long after, Oran arrived at the Dragon Palace City. A male catfish mermaid wearing a top hat, a single-sided spectacle on his left eye, and holding a horn cane in his right hand came over with his long fish tail swinging.

He is the left minister of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. Unlike female mermaids who will split their legs at the age of thirty, the lower body of male mermaids will always be a fish tail.

Unlike the fish-man island, which has many waterless environments, Dragon Palace City is full of sea water, and even mermaids can move around at will.

"King of mankind, I am here to greet you on the orders of King Neptune and Princess Otohime. Please move to the bubble here."

Minister Zuo is considered an old-fashioned person in the Dragon Palace Kingdom. He is strict in everything he does and treats Olan according to the etiquette of receiving royal family members.

But he didn't know if there were any flaws in these actions. No other royal family had appeared on Fish-Man Island for hundreds of years.

"A few of you can go together, but this whale can't go in. Dragon Palace City can't accommodate it."

[Rabu, please wait nearby. After I finish handling the matters here, I will take you to find your friends. 】

After signaling Rabu to wait aside, Olan and the others entered Dragon Palace City under the protection of the bubbles.

"Brother Oran, do you think that if this bubble bursts, will the three of us be drowned here?"

"Don't worry, the bubble here won't burst so easily. Even if it does burst, I have emergency measures and I won't be able to drown you.

But Fran, don't poke it. If you are really poked by it, it will be quite troublesome later. "

After looking at Frankenstein who kept popping bubbles out of curiosity, Olan stopped her dangerous move, while Minister Zuo kept looking at the people behind him with his peripheral vision, wondering what he was thinking.

After passing through a long corridor full of underwater style, they also arrived at the hall of Dragon Palace City.

"Welcome, the king of mankind, the long-lost guest of the Dragon Palace Kingdom."

"Mr. Oran, long time no see. You are welcome to visit us as requested."

"Long time no see, Princess Otohime, you know my habits, so I won't talk nonsense. I'm here to negotiate a deal with Fishman Island.

I have a project about the seabed, which requires the assistance of many fishmen, so I want to sign a labor agreement with Fishman Island and hire the fishmen here. "

Adding "Princess" to the title not only shows respect for Otohime's status, but also shows that the discussion at this time is state affairs and has nothing to do with personal relationships.

"It's really straightforward, King Oran. In the past hundreds of years, no human has ever made such a request."

“That’s because not many humans have come to Dragon Palace City in the past few hundred years.

To show my sincerity, I first said that my conditions are good.

First of all, I now have a position in the Shichibukai, flying my flag, and can sail freely on the sea, and humans will not make things difficult for you.

Even if there are threats such as pirates, you can still ask for help from the nearby navy. "

The ordinary Shichibukai do not have this qualification. Although they and the navy are in the same camp, they are fundamentally different. The navy does not trust these pirates who have been ordered to live.

According to the rules, the navy and the Shichibukai should fight together, but in fact, the two sides generally do not interfere with each other and allow the other side's strength to be consumed by the enemy.

Oran is a special case. In the past, he could rely on his connections to rely on the power of the navy. After having this title, the navy's support became more reasonable.

It is difficult for Shaq's prospecting team to explore far away. The lack of suitable footholds is one of the most direct reasons. However, it would be reasonable if they made it obvious that they would work for Oran.

It can even be said that these murlocs are hired to mine deep-sea minerals to develop pacifists. Anyone who delays the work of these murlocs is obstructing the pacifist project.

If this hat is put on, most people will not be able to bear it.

"Secondly, when the next World Conference begins, my country will become a franchising country and is a franchising country with qualifications to participate in the World Conference. I can propose a solution to the dilemma of the Dragon Palace Kingdom at the World Conference."

When Olan said his first words, Neptune felt that this person was a little arrogant and rude, and he would never say that he would hire other people's nationals.

But when Olan expressed his sincerity, Neptune realized that he was wrong. This seemed to be someone who came to give warmth.

From an outsider's perspective, the royal family of the Dragon Palace Kingdom represents incompetence.

However, in the eyes of the people in the Dragon Palace Kingdom, Neptune was a good, brave, and responsible king, and he was deeply loved by his people on Fish-Man Island.

When he was not yet the king, he personally led troops to guard Fish-Man Island. Neptune did not oppress this country or anything, and was truly considerate of his citizens.

However, he didn't have much ability, so he couldn't make any effective changes.

Neptune knew very well that the discrimination between mermaids and fishmen on land required communication to be gradually lifted, but they in the deep sea had no communication channels with land humans at all.

Except for pirates, no one visits Fishman Island at all, and now, Olan appears here.

Although the news about the allied countries was not published in the newspaper, the news about the Seven Warlords of the Sea had already spread, and the Kingdom of Ryugu also received newspapers from the mainland through the return of ships.

Just now, Neptune was able to sit on the throne steadily, but now, he came directly in front of Oran.

"King Oran, is everything you said true?"

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