Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 205 Devil's Triangle Sea, Brooke of the Nose Song

"No, I don't feel any human breath, but there are quite a few big fish underwater."

Ginny floated in the air, invisible electric waves spread around, the fog that could block the naked eye could not block this kind of thing.

"Also, Brother Orlan, the magnetic field in this sea area seems a bit strange, my perception range is much smaller than usual."

After carefully sensing for a while, Ginny gave a negative answer. At this time, she was really alert. If there were really ghosts, she would probably feel something thunderous.

According to metaphysics, the power of thunder and lightning has a strong restraining effect on ghosts, but whether the thunder and lightning generated by the thunder fruit can have this effect is an unknown.

"Don't worry, the Devil's Triangle is very large, otherwise so many ships wouldn't be lost here. But this is not a dead place. There won't be any news about a real dead place.

Since the news about this place is not a legend, it means that someone can get out alive from here. As long as there is a way to survive, there is no need to worry."


[Don't worry, Lab, your friend is in this sea area, but it's up to you to find him. Sense the currents nearby. Follow the currents and you'll find him sooner or later. ]

Ginny can be responsible for sensing the breath of humans, but she can't tell the direction of the currents.

The Devil's Triangle is mostly unmanned ships in distress, and these ships will just go with the flow.

Because the currents in this sea area are close to a ring, if there is no one driving, they will return to the starting point after going around in circles. As long as you can find those currents, you'll be close to your goal.

Hearing this, Lab carefully sensed the direction of the shallow currents and swam in the direction of the currents.

In the thick fog, an oval black shadow floated on the sea. Lab had been swimming here for two days. With the supplies stored in the Shushu Fruit, this time was nothing.

Food and fresh water were enough for big eaters like Leliana and Ginny to eat for two years. Clothes for different seasons and even some special equipment were stored in Oran's book. He himself could be regarded as a human material warehouse.

In two days, Ginny's fear of this sea area gradually decreased.

Fear comes from the unknown. When Ginny found that there was nothing in this sea area, the fear of unknown creatures such as ghosts also dissipated.

"Found it! There is a wave in the southeast direction!"

[Lab, did you hear it? Southeast, it's time to speed up! ]

There is more than one current in the Devil's Sea, which is also a difficulty in finding. Lab's patrol is mainly to expand the exploration area with Ginny, a human radar.

At this time, Oran and others can't tell where this place is. They have already gone deep into the hinterland of the Devil's Triangle. Fortunately, they have achieved results now.

After getting the accurate information, Lab turned his whale head and swam rapidly to the southeast with excitement.

"Father, there is a ship in the fog ahead."

Soon, Frankenstein was the first to discover the situation in the fog. Her eyes were very different from human eyes, and the obstruction of the fog was not obvious on her.

"Indeed, I also sensed it, and it is getting closer and closer."

At first, Lab was moving along the current, but after changing the current, it became upstream, and now it just happened to meet the ship coming downstream.


As the ship approached, the broken bow also appeared in everyone's field of vision, but when Lab saw the broken bow, tears actually flowed from his eyes. There is no doubt that it is the ship of the Rumba Pirates.

[Lab, slow down, the ship is already very broken. If you hit it directly, I'm afraid it will disintegrate! 】


Labo slowed down his movements slightly after hearing this, but he was still extremely anxious. A whale actually drifted and swung its tail at this moment, circling the ship at a speed visible to the naked eye, and came to the other side of the ship, and began to run side by side with the ship.


Labo's tone was filled with sorrow. If it were decades ago, whenever it made this cry, many crew members would appear on the side of the ship and greet it happily.

But today there was no response at all. The ship was still very deserted. Except for the shabby sails blown by the sea breeze, there was no movement.

[Don't worry, I'll go to the ship for you. 】

Labo has already shown that he has found the right ship. In this case, where can Brooke run to?

At this time, Labo is taller than the hull of most ships, and Orlan jumped lightly to the deck.

The old deck made a creaking sound. If it hadn't been for the force when landing just now, the deck would probably have been stepped through directly.

Frankenstein followed closely behind, while Ginny followed behind Oran in a floating manner.

"Brother Oran, it's probably here. The breath seems to be in the cabin."

Ginny, who had overcome her fear, opened the door to the cabin and then screamed.


It was not Ginny who screamed, but a skeleton.

Zila bang!


Seeing the skeleton that could speak human words, Ginny waved her hand and released an electric current under stress reaction. In the fierce lightning, the skeleton with a big hair changed his hairstyle directly, and then fell straight to the ground.

"Yo ho ho, it's really electric to the bone numb, although I'm originally bones."

Due to the characteristics of bones, the lightning strike did not cause any impact. The skeleton that fell to the ground quickly got up again and made a very unique laugh.

His afro also showed its firmness, and now it has returned to its original state. Then, looking at the skeleton who spoke human words, Ginny angrily questioned:

"Who are you calling a ghost, a skeleton!"

"How can a person float in the air!"

"I am the user of the Thunder Fruit, so what's wrong with flying? But you, how can a skeleton speak human words!"

"So that's it, it's all a misunderstanding. I am the user of the Yellow Spring Fruit, which has the ability to bring the dead back to life, and even death can give me a second life.

I was a pirate before I died. When I entered this sea area, I met my colleagues. After a big battle, we were wiped out because of the enemy's despicable means, and I died naturally.

But this fruit allowed my soul to return from the underworld to the world. If I returned to my body immediately, I should be able to revive. Unfortunately, I got lost. When I found my body, I had already turned into a skeleton."

At this point, the skeleton suddenly stopped, stood up and adjusted his dress.

"My name is Brook. I'm sorry. I mistook you for a ghost for many years. Today I finally met a human! Yohohoho! Today is such a good day!

It hurt so much when I was electrocuted just now. This time it must not be a dream, Yohohoho! But dreaming is also good. I just heard Lab's cry."

Ginny watched Brook in front of her with violent emotional fluctuations.

This is Brook's lifestyle. Since the demise of the Rumbar Pirates, Brook has lived alone on this ship where the time is not clear.

Because of the damage to the rudder, Brook can only drift here. Seeing a human again is a very fortunate thing for Brook.

"By the way, this beautiful lady, can you let me see your underwear?"



Another thunder sounded, and a lightning bolt struck Brook again. Even though bones are insulators, Brook began to smoke under the influence of high temperature.

He fell to the ground again, and a puff of black smoke came out of his mouth, accompanied by his unique laughter.

"Yo ho ho, this time it's really not a dream."

If Absalom was here, he would definitely admire Brook's courage. He was brave enough to make such a perverted request to Ginny.

"Just now it was not a dream either. Go to the side of the ship and see. It has been waiting for you in the Twin Gorge for more than 20 years."

The time for two consecutive lightning strikes was enough for Oran to come here. Seeing two more pink-haired people approaching, Brook's empty eyes were a little more happy, but he did not make another perverted request.

The hammer in Frankenstein's hand is painful to look at.

As we all know, blunt instruments have a damage bonus to the undead.

"Twin Gorge? Lab?!"

Lab's size has long exceeded the pirate ship of the Rumba Pirates. It has been circling the ship anxiously. In Brook's view, it is just a big black shadow.

In fact, Brook heard Laboo when he was calling, but he thought it was an illusion in his dream. If he hadn't been struck by lightning twice, Brook might not have woken up.

Living in a lonely environment without sunlight and unknown time for a long time can easily lead to mental disorder.

It is not easy for Brook to maintain this status quo.

"Laboo, you are really Laboo!"


Brook ran to the side of the ship excitedly and looked into Laboo's huge pupils.

Even though there was no flesh and blood, only a skeleton was left, Laboo recognized the other party's identity from the familiar voice and the distinctive afro.

The whale and the skeleton cried excitedly, completely ignoring the others.

"Father, this is not common sense. Why can he speak without vocal cords?"

"Yes, Brother Oran, he can still see things even without eyeballs."

"This is the devil fruit, the most magical thing on the sea. Although he has lost his flesh and blood, he still has the functions of the human body."

Olan did not disturb the reunion of Brook and Lab, and then Brook opened his skull and took out a sound shell from it.

There was a chorus of other members of the Rumba Pirates recorded in it, and it was with this that Brook finally persevered.

"Send Binx's wine to you."

Binx's wine, the pirate song, is a song sung by pirates on the sea.

But the melodious tune hides endless sadness.

【Lab, I promised you that I would take you to find your former companions, but Brook is the last survivor. 】


The reunion with Brook was joyful, but it also meant that the news of the others' death had become an absolute fact. Lab could no longer deceive himself. They might still be alive somewhere in the ocean, but overall, they were on the bright side.

Brook did not have the ability to hear the voices of all things, but he could understand Lab's words.

"Thank you very much for bringing Lab here. Although I don't know how you knew about my situation here, I still thank you very much."

Brooke made a ninety-degree bow, and then continued: "There is no way to repay a great kindness. If you need it, I can do my best to serve you.

I was once called Brooke the Nose Singer, with a bounty of 33 million Baileys, so I still have some strength. "

Brooke has no care in the world, and Rab is his last companion.

As long as he doesn't meet the Straw Hats, Rab will go wherever he goes.

Now that Rab lives near Firefly Island, Brooke will be no exception. Even if Olan doesn't need him, he will most likely find a place to live in seclusion on the island and sing and play the piano for Rab every day for the rest of his life.

33 million beli. Judging from the Lombard Pirates' style of conduct and the original beli value, Brooke's strength is not bad. It is still possible to defeat a pirate with about 100 million beli.

The Straw Hats spent most of those two years training, but Brooke was on a concert tour. Although he had control over the abilities of out-of-body and underworld freezing, his strength training was not as good as the others. .

"Let's leave here first. You should have had enough time in this sea area."

In Oran's opinion, Brook's strength is relatively useless, at least until he masters the ability of Huang Quan Frozen Qi, but Brook's ability to attract gold is extraordinary.

No matter which world you are in, singers who can achieve phenomenal status will always make less money.

"Look at it this way, do you accept my application for membership? Captain."

"That's understandable, but don't call me captain. I'm not a pirate. The situation outside has changed. You need to know more about things outside.

For example, last year Roger completed his final voyage and became the Pirate King or something like that. "

"Roger? Gol D. Roger? I heard about such a newcomer when I was sailing. I heard he is very strong."

Older age sometimes has many characteristics. Nowadays, at least half of the famous older generations in the sea are newcomers in Brook's eyes.

Others didn't have any objections to Brooke. Ginny couldn't hide whether she was a pervert or a pervert. If Brooke's inner thoughts were so dirty, then the result of the lightning strike would be different.

Except for the mysterious Nika, no one can completely ignore the powerful heat brought by thunder and lightning.

"Hey, you are still the king? Isn't it a coincidence? Before I became a pirate, I was the captain of the kingdom's guard team. I am also familiar with this kind of thing.

It's just that I still prefer music. Does anyone want to play a song during this boring voyage? "

"Farewell to summer, the hillside where poppies bloom."

This is Frankenstein's favorite piece, except Brooke doesn't.

"Um, please change it to an older song. I don't know how to play the newer songs released in recent years."

"It's okay, here's the music score."

Frankenstein seemed to be prepared and took out a handwritten song list.

"Yo ho ho ho, it looks like a good song, so please allow me to play a song for you."

Accompanied by the melodious music, Rab led the four people on the return journey, and the ship originally belonging to the Lombard Pirates also slowly sank into the sea at this moment.

After sending away its last companion, its mission is over.

This should not be a place that restrains Brooke. What awaits him should be a brand new future and a new beginning.

[Goodbye Brooke, live well! 】

Brooke's movements suddenly froze. At this moment, he seemed to hear the voice of his companions, but there was nothing around him.

I went with my family today. I'm a bit busy. I only have 4,000 words. Sorry.

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