Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 210: The destruction of the moonlight, Yamato's curiosity

There is no weird power of the superman type, and there is no exaggerated AOE like natural disasters of the natural type. What the animal type brings is the purest physical enhancement.

Not only are the phantom beasts' bodies more comprehensively strengthened, but they also have all kinds of weird abilities.

As an esper in the Fish Fruit and Blue Dragon form, Kaido's dragon form is his strongest mode.

Moria seemed to have a tie with Kaido, but this strength was far from enough to defeat Kaido. Instead, it made Kaido interested.

Kozuki Oden, the only one in Wano who could possibly cause harm to Kaido, lost his mind at this time and chose to believe the lies of Kurotan Orochi and dance naked every day.

Neither wind, rain, snow nor domestic turmoil affected him, and he has even become the target of ridicule in nursery rhymes in Wano. Apart from that, there is no opponent in Wano that makes Kaido feel threatened.

At this time, Kaido just had itchy hands, so Moriah came at the right time.

"Uh-huh-huh, you're a pretty good newcomer. That's true. If you have the ability to come here, you have already surpassed most people."

On the one hand, Kaido means that these people can come to the new world, and on the other hand, he means that Moria can enter the country of Wano.

After all, after the terrain of Wano Country has been reconstructed, in addition to the peripheral whirlpool currents, there are also waterfalls with great heights as natural hazards.

The secret port that can enter the country of Wano has been controlled by the Beast Pirates, and Moria obviously climbed up the waterfall.

"Hehehehe, I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King. Kaido, you are my first step to the top in the new world!"

"One Piece? You really dare to say anything. Do you want to step on me and get the upper hand? Then you should give it a try, Lei Ming Bagua!"

The same name, but the manifestation is completely different. Kaido's arm suddenly exerted force, and the mace swept out in front of him. Not only did it deflect Moria's long sword, but it also knocked away the sword of another Moonlight Pirates group next to him. The members flew out.

"Kaido! What did you bastard do?!"

"Fight, what stupid words are you talking about, are you scared now?"

"Those are my friends, how dare you hurt them in front of me! Jiao Daoying!"

From the corner of his eye, he saw that his companion who had been knocked into the snow was no longer moving. Moria's pupils were almost instantly filled with blood. Then Moria jumped into the air, raised the long knife high above his head, and struck at Kaido.

At the same time, the shadow under Moriah seemed to be alive, making a gesture that was completely different from Moriah's chopping movements.

I saw the shadow winding forward like a poisonous snake, and finally came to Kaido's feet, aiming at Kaido's lower abdomen and stabbed it.

"We got it! It's Captain Moria's Knife Shadow!"

"My stomach was pierced. The pirates in the New World are nothing more than that!"

Slashing while attacking with shadow is Moria's usual move nowadays. Most opponents will not pay attention to the shadow under their feet. When they realize that something has happened, it is usually too late.

The shadow condensed into a solid body is far more powerful than the blade, enough to twist the enemy's body into a mess.

The moment they saw Kaido's sword hit, the members of the Moonlight Pirates burst into cheers, but Moria himself turned a little ugly.

He knew very well that his shadow did not penetrate Kaido's body at all.

"It still hurts. You are quite troublesome. You have to be more serious."

There was a piece of domineering blackness as black as ink where the horn knife shadow stabbed. Under its obstruction, Moria's attack failed to advance at all.

On the contrary, Kaido's body showed more changes. After his body expanded twice, blue dragon scales emerged on his body.

The effect of this kind of combined attack is usually very good, but Kaido has grown up in war since he was a child. On the battlefield, there are endless ways to kill the enemy.

This kind of feint attack is only the most basic method.

After Kaido's appraisal, Moria is not a trash fish and deserves some respect for the strong.

More importantly, he plans to recruit the other party.

"Molia, right? I'll give you a chance to join me. If you choose to join, forget about breaking into my territory and provoking me, and your subordinates can continue to follow you."

Although Kaido's favorite is still those with animal abilities, there is no such thing as too much powerful combat power.

At this time, the Beast Pirates lacked a backbone, so Kaido recruited Moria after several battles.

"Are you kidding! I am a man who wants to become the Pirate King, how can I join you!

I have the best company in the sea, and I will knock you down here, steal your treasure, and then head to Ravdru!

How could I join you and then stop here? "

"Sorry, wrong answer. Just stay here together and disappear."


Moria suddenly shouted, but it was too late.

"Hot breath!"

A searing breath came out of Kaido's mouth, but the target was not Moria alone, but the entire Moonlight Pirates.

Moria split part of the flames, but failed to completely stop Kaido's heat breath.

The snow was melted by the flames. In the fierce flames, several members did not even have a chance to scream, before they were burned to cokes by Kaido.

"Kaido! You."

Moria's hands couldn't help but tremble. There had naturally been casualties since the Moonlight Pirates set sail, but there had never been such tragic casualties.

The companions who were still laughing and celebrating together yesterday have become memories forever at this moment, which is an indescribable blow to Moria.

At this time, he values ​​his companions as much as Luffy.

He made the decision to come to Wano Country, but the consequences were beyond Moria's imagination.

Killing Kaido and avenging his companions has become the only thought in Moria's mind.

At this time, Moria knew very well that if Kaido could not be stopped, the consequences would only be more serious.

However, apart from the two of them, the Moonlight Pirates did not gain any advantage in the battles of others.

"Get out of the way, let me tell these rookies what the real new world is!"

A pangolin rushed out of the crowd of beasts, holding a steel net full of sharp blades in his hand.

This was the first beastman who successfully transformed into the second-generation potion when Absalom first came here with goods, and he was also the one who knew the most about his own animal characteristics.

This iron net was the weapon he made for himself in combination with the characteristics of pangolins. After a run-up, he became a meat grinder on the battlefield.

Kaido's hot breath had already disrupted the formation of the Moonlight Pirates. With the intrusion of the Pangolin Man, the members of the Moonlight Pirates became even more chaotic.

A pirate wanted to die with the Pangolin Man with a bomb, but a sharp arrow shot from the side pierced his head.

"I saw you."

The second-generation potion has a lower degree of beastmanization, and according to the individual's situation, it will also focus on specializing a certain part of the ability. On the hillside next to it, there is a chameleon man.

Although it is only partially beastmanized, he cannot change his whole body into a protective color like a chameleon, but he has the unique vision of a chameleon.

Even in a chaotic battlefield, he can prioritize locking on enemies with higher threats.

And Babanuki's destructive power is the most terrifying.

As a large land mammal, the elephant has greatly increased Babanuki's size and strength. Whether it is the sweep of the elephant's trunk or the trampling of the elephant's hoof after beastification, it can cause huge casualties.

As soon as the war started, the Moonlight Pirates were already in a comprehensive disadvantage.

"Scatter the bats!"

Moria controlled his shadow to turn into bats, trying to rescue his companions, but was blocked by the wind blades spit out by Kaido.

"Your opponent is me, Moria. Let the subordinates fight on their own. My subordinates are pretty good, right? I spent a lot of money to buy these good things."

"They are my companions, not just subordinates. You actually took the initiative to turn your companions into those weird creatures!"

There is a huge difference between people transformed by potions and animal-type ability users. Moria can still see this.

"Weird? That represents the power of wild beasts. They think this power is too little! Although the output is a bit small, I will be able to build my own animal-type legion sooner or later.

Moria, if you join now, it's not too late."

The style of the pirate group is determined by the captain. Kaido is a pirate who adheres to the logic that strength is everything.

His subordinates are also such a group of people who admire Kaido's power, so they join the other side.

There was only one thing that made them dissatisfied with the beast potion - the quantity.

For this reason, every time they selected new members, they would fight to decide who would become the new giver.

At this time, Kaido still had the idea of ​​recruiting the other party, and killing was also to make the other party feel scared and change his mind, but for Moria, reconciliation was impossible.

"Shadow Mage!"

The shadow under Moria's feet had its own life, and after separating from the main body, it became the dark shadow Moria.

Under Moria's control, Shadow Moria pounced on Kaido.

"Shadow Box!"

The shadow covered Kaido. Moria wanted to help his partner, but to do so, he had to find a way to deal with Kaido's problem first.

At this time, Moria only hoped that the shadow box could trap Kaido for a while.

Although he wanted revenge, he had to send other partners to a safe place first.

However, this was just his ideal idea. The shadow box couldn't even trap Kaido for a minute, and was smashed into pieces by Kaido.

Fortunately, the shadow didn't know pain, and it could be reassembled even if it was broken.

"Where do you want to go!"

At the same time, Absalom was still here in Onigashima, watching Kaido's battle through the surveillance screen.

Quinn has modified some animals in Wano Country, and can see the distant scenes through these creatures.

Although he is obsessed with the flower streets of Wano Country, he still knows the priorities.

Kaido took this opportunity to test the combat capabilities of the Giver Corps, and Absalom was also observing Kaido.

From the current situation, the demise of the Moonlight Pirates is only a matter of time.

This is what he learned from Kate. Although Orlan has intersections with various forces now, the nature of pirates and the underground world will not change.

One day in the future, they may become enemies.

So there is no harm in understanding their battle.

Just like the names on Kate's list, if anyone goes against Orlan one day, there will be sufficient reasons to kill the other party, and there will be no need to worry about anything.

"How about it, this is our Governor Kaido, even if you look at it across the screen, you can feel his power."

Quinn had his own considerations for choosing to join the Beasts. Among the many monsters on the sea, Kaido's personality was the most suitable for him to play.

And the Beasts Pirates had just started at that time, and he was a veteran when he joined here.

"There is no feeling in this level of battle. He probably didn't show his true strength."

Absalom was not very shocked. Moria was far from enough to make Kaido enter the mode of death battle.

If Absalom were to evaluate, this movement was even similar to the movement of Leliana doing training, but Leliana was only 12 years old.

In addition, Absalom also watched the demon slayer order to capture Barrett and the way Golden Lion entered data through video records.

Kaido was just stuck in the middle. Compared with the genius who had not yet grown up and the monster who was in his prime, he felt a little different.

"Are there many people in the outside world who are stronger than my father?"

Quinn hadn't said anything yet, but Absalom's words aroused the curiosity of another person.

That was Kaido's daughter Yamato. In terms of raising children, Kaido pursued a semi-free policy.

At this point in time, Yamato did not have so much hostility towards Kaido, and also had the child's admiration for his father.

It's just that Kaido did not grasp this point well, which eventually led to a very bad result.

Since Yamato had memories, she has lived in Wano Country, and she also has her own curiosity about the outside world.

Absalom is also the only person in her memory who can be warmly received by Quinn on Onigashima.

However, this has nothing to do with Absalom himself. Quinn has this attitude simply because of Oran. Since recognizing the gap and the benefits of licking dogs, Quinn has transformed into a half-Oran fan.

He firmly believes that Oran must have some big moves behind the scenes, and a mere king plus the Seven Warlords of the Sea will definitely not satisfy Oran.

"Yes, I come from an island in the outer sea. My strength is not strong, so it's hard to make an evaluation, but Lord Oran must be the greatest person in the world."

Absalom only knows that the other party is Kaido's daughter, and instinctively brings Oran and Leliana into the father-daughter relationship.

Since the other party is the "princess" here, it is reasonable to answer the other party's questions.

But there is a problem. Absalom is a heavy fan of Oran, and Quinn himself will not refute this.

Let such a person freely introduce Oran, what Absalom can say, Oran himself can't guess.

To put it in an analogy, Absalom's introduction of Oran is no worse than the people of Wano Country advocating samurai or Kozuki Oden.

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