Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 219 The Defected Navy and O'Hara

"West Sea, O'Hara, the holy land of archaeology, is a place that countless archaeologists yearn for.

You should be familiar with that place, right? If I remember correctly, you and Vegapunk both know Kroba."

"Some of the scientific data for the research were also left behind in the past. Although they are in different fields, there are also intersections."

"That's fine, this is not the key. The point is that O'Hara's research has violated the laws of the World Government, which is something we don't allow.

In the end, we decided to eliminate this behavior from the root, that is, to launch a demon-killing order against O'Hara."

Wochuili told Orlan about his decision, and then Then he continued, "We know what they have done over the years.

However, the World Government is merciful, and we decided to give them one last chance.

You and Kroba are more or less familiar with each other, and have participated in the Demon Killing Order against Douglas Barrett, so we hope that you can persuade him again.

If Kroba and others are willing to stop and stop studying history, we can show some leniency and change the way of punishment.

These scholars are also the property of the World Government. It would be a pity to destroy them like this."

Vochuri's words were well-reasoned, and he seemed to be really considering O'Hara.

But in fact, they had been eyeing O'Hara for a long time. Whenever they found a ship trying to explore blank history, the World Government would look for the connection between it and O'Hara.

Under the premise that the World Government pursues procedural justice, destruction also requires a process.

"Let's limit the time to before Spandine finds their final evidence. Do you have any other opinions? In view of your good cooperation with the World Government, we can consider it."

"No, then let's do it. I will go and "persuade" him well."

Marijoa and the Five Elders gathered neatly in the same room in various postures.

"Does this make sense? Although there were other considerations before, with the confirmation of the final evidence, isn't the destruction of O'Hara a fait accompli?"

Nasujuro felt that this behavior was a bit redundant. They were fully confident that the evidence of O'Hara's research on blank history was on the island.

As long as the CP agents were sent to search and then the Demon Killing Order was issued, everything would be over.

"If those people in O'Hara really listen to the advice and stop, will we just let them go?"

"In that case, we can change it to life imprisonment. It's the same to let them die in prison.

Kroba's technology is meaningless to us, but Sidilier and Vegapunk are different. Their technology is beneficial to the World Government.

It's also a good thing to let them understand the interests better. Besides, I don't think Kroba will listen to the advice."

This is the judgment in Vouchuri's heart. No matter who is sent to persuade, the result will not change much.

Kroba was arrested by the navy more than once when he was young. If he really listened to the advice, he should have stopped long ago.

The greater significance of doing this is to tell Oran that if he cooperates with the research of the World Government, he can get status, power and wealth.

But if he doesn't go against the World Government, there will be no good end.

The destruction of O'Hara is a foregone conclusion in the eyes of the World Government. Since it must be destroyed, it is better to let their lives play a little more.

The World Government's ship left Firefly Island. While Brand was still sorting out his experience of receiving his royal family, his own king had already left quietly.

But during this time, other things happened on the sea.

For example, in a certain sea area, the navy's large warships were chasing an unmarked ship.

The size of the navy's warships varies greatly. The large warships of the headquarters are about 60 meters in size, which is enough for the giants' vice admiral to lead the team.

The small warships of the four seas are even only a dozen meters in size, and there are many that are about the same size as the Merry.

Usually the headquarters' large warships will not appear in the four seas, but today seems to be an exception. Not only did it appear, but it also poured its firepower forward.

After a round of shelling, the mast of the small boat in front was broken in the gunfire. It was not directly sunk because the highest commander of the warship gave an order.

"Stop! Who told you to fire? Can't you just get close and capture them alive? Their ship can't run away!"

A giant with dark orange hair looked unhappy. He was Haguval D. Sauro, a giant, and a more peace-loving type among the giants.

The world still recognizes the combat effectiveness of the giants. As long as the adult giants join the navy, they will be awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

"A group of weak scholars, whose ships are not as fast as ours, do we still have to bombard them? Aren't they extremely vicious criminals? Is it really justice in your heart to kill these people?"

Everyone in the navy has his own understanding of justice. Sauro does not believe in absolute justice. Although he joined the navy, he has his own judgment on justice.

This behavior seems to him to have no sense of justice, but the incident has already happened, and he just preached and ordered the soldiers to continue to execute the order.

There were a total of 34 scholars on the ship, 33 of whom died in the bombardment. Nicole Olivia was the only one who survived.

According to the headquarters' order, Sauro took him to a branch in the West Sea and imprisoned him, where he saw Sengoku.

As time passed, the pursuit of Roger's bloodline ended. The World Government did not believe that anyone could fight against the laws of nature, and then Sengoku became busy again, even personally responsible for this special operation.

"Admiral Sengoku?"

Sauro did not know what happened in the West Sea that was worthy of the Navy Admiral's dispatch. In fact, it was true. The combat power here was not that troublesome. The last time such a large combat power entered the West Sea, it was probably traced back to the God Valley incident.

However, that incident has been forgotten by the world under the deliberate concealment of the World Government. Except for a few eyewitnesses and the high-level navy and the Celestial Dragons, even the giants did not know much about it.

"It is the mission of the World Government. After the final discussion, the World Government believes that there is a great possibility of launching a demon-killing order against Ohara. You happen to be on a mission in the West Sea, so you will also be responsible for commanding the warship."

The launch of the demon-killing order requires the Golden Den Den Mushi in the hands of the admiral. Zephyr's last proposal was against pirates, and he is not interested in such things at all.

The advantage of his semi-retirement is that he does not have to do things he does not want to do on the front line, and this will lead to the suffering of Sengoku.

Originally, this was just a simple order, but Sauro did not understand this and even opposed it.

"General Sengoku, those people are just a group of scholars. Is it necessary to go to this extent? Those who have been arrested so far, in my opinion, are just curious about history.

It is us who issued such an order and participated in the massacre! It is also okay to execute the demon-killing order. Please give me a reason why they are evil people! The World Government must have sufficient evidence to do this!"

"Sauro, are you questioning the World Government? Execute the order."

Perhaps a false reason can say that Sauro, but Sengoku does not seem to have any reason for this, and he himself does not think that studying history deserves such treatment.

However, Sengoku's attitude is that it is enough to execute the orders of the World Government, and there is no need to trace the source. Therefore, he has been executing many helpless orders, and sometimes he is envious of Garp's freedom.

This attitude is also the reason why Sengoku was regarded as the successor by Kong.

The documents in Sengoku's hand disappeared into the mouth of the lamb. Perhaps this lamb is Sengoku's real partner. Countless documents are destroyed by it every year.

But Sauro's actions exceeded Sengoku's expectations. Faced with this unacceptable order, Sauro chose to defect and took away the captured Olivia.

No one thought that Sauro would defect because of such a thing. They thought he was just interrogating criminals. When these people realized the problem, everything was too late.

Sauro was not afraid of anything. After all, he was a giant. He would be safe when he returned to the Giant Country.

The World Government would not force the Giant Country to hand him over for such a thing. This is the confidence of the current world's number one power.

However, the pursuit by the navy caused problems for Sauro halfway, and he eventually drifted to O'Hara, where he wanted to stay away.

The ships of the World Government moved faster than the navy, and Spandine and his team had already arrived before the Demon Killing Order formed a siege on O'Hara.

"It's really a troublesome job, but fortunately I can get promoted again after finishing this. You guys! Gather all the scholars, and don't let any of them go! You guys, let the other people on the island gather on the refuge ship! Save trouble later!

King Oran, please come with me. Although the Five Elders want you to persuade them, these preparations must also be made, otherwise, it may be very troublesome."

Spandine arrogantly commanded other agents while explaining to Oran the reason for doing so.

"It seems that you are very sure that Kroba will not listen to advice."

"Ah, King Oran, it's not that I don't believe in your ability, but I have dealt with scholars on these islands before.

When you contact them, you may be discussing academics, but I am different. In short, these scholars are very stubborn."

The area of ​​Ohara is not as vast as Firefly Island. It didn't take long from landing to arriving under the Tree of All-Knowing.

During this process, I also met Olivia who wanted to take the blame on herself, but this was meaningless, just as the Five Elders said before.

This matter was born after the final result. Now what the World Government agents are doing is to make the result seem more reasonable.

"King Oran, I also have orders. How to persuade is your business, but I have to find evidence."

The scholars here have no power to resist. Not to mention trained agents, even ordinary soldiers are enough to deal with them.

When the scholars were gathered together, Spandine took the remaining people to search for the so-called evidence of the crime, and left everything outside to Orlan.

He didn't think Orlan would choose to go against the World Government for these people who were not familiar with him at all.

"Kroba, cherish this last chance. When I find evidence, everything will be over."

In the Library of the Tree of All-Knowing, Spandine led people to search every corner. For him, even if he had to dig three feet into the ground, he had to find the evidence he needed. This matter was closely related to his promotion.

"Dr. Sidilier, I didn't expect that you would be the last one to come here. Are you also representing the World Government now?"

"No, I'm just a lobbyist. Stop it. I don't know what results your research will achieve, but continuing will only bring destruction."

"So you and Punk have the same opinion?"

Vegapunk and Orlan occasionally come here to get some documents. Kloba has also gone to Vegapunk. Four years ago, Kloba invited Vegapunk to study the blank hundred years with him.

[This world has a bottomless darkness, and we can't turn a blind eye to it! ]

This was the reason why Kloba invited Vegapunk, but he was rejected in the end. Vegapunk didn't think it was necessary for Kloba to continue his research.

[There is no darkness now, and the good and evil in the past can no longer be verified. ]

This is one of Vegapunk's reasons, but Kloba did not give up on it, but kept studying it.

"Whatever you are capable of, whatever you do, your actions have always been under the eyes of the World Government. Rather than saying that you are doing research, it is better to say that you are a bait.

Now it is time to close the net, and you can't even kill the fish and break the net. Why don't you do something else before the net is tightened?

The sea is vast, and even if people have to die, they have to die with some value."

"No need, this is an exploration of the truth of the world. History is the wealth of all mankind. People want to know history, and no one has the power to stop it.

Things have come to this point. Even if I agree to stop, the World Government will I won't believe it.

Contact the Five Elders for me. I have something to say to them before I die. "

"Hey, hey, hey, this is the mercy of the World Government. Are you wasting this opportunity? Do you know what it means for a king to make this trip?

I say, King Oran, since this guy is so disrespectful, I will follow the procedure. "

At this time, Spandine had already led people to find the historical text in the basement. He hoped that O'Hara would destroy it quickly, which would be more beneficial to his promotion. Seeing that Kroba had given up hope of living, he also expressed his own opinion.

"You are free to do whatever you want. I am just a lobbyist. Isn't it up to you to decide what to do specifically?"

"King Oran, it's good that you can understand these things. After that, I will continue to follow the procedure. The evidence has been confirmed. All of you will be sentenced to death!"

Due to the search of CP agents, various books in the library of the Tree of All-Knowing were scattered all over the floor. It was a mess. No one noticed that there was a new book on the messy ground.

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