Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 227 Golden Lion, times have changed

"There is no enemy, it's Bear. Really, he ran away. In order to wait for him to come back, I didn't eat for six hours."

In order to bring some excitement to the bear, Ginny waited in the room for a long time.

Unfortunately, she forgot to replenish the snacks in the room, and her snack book was left in the room where she worked. In the end, Ginny chose to endure it.

Unexpectedly, Xiong even used his fruit ability this time in order to evade quickly.


"Kate, Perona, please come and see me for a while, I'm going to find the bear boy."

The bear only temporarily avoided photographing himself at the corner of the island, and did not run directly to the sea. Ginny was still able to find his location with the help of the Thunder Fruit.

After transferring Perona's custody, Ginny chased her out of the gap opened by the bear. In short, the final result was that the bear took the materials to build a wall here.

Perhaps for those who are strong enough, there is no harm in learning a little civil engineering work. Sooner or later, they will be useful.

Garp is an example. Among the senior generals of the navy, Garp's ability to repair houses is unparalleled. Of course, Garp's ability to repair doors is even better.

At the same time, Oran received a communication from Zefa.

"Olan, the Golden Lion has escaped from prison. You must have received the news, right?"

"Got it, it's been all over the newspapers."

"Headquarters thinks that there is a high possibility that Golden Lion will go to you, so be careful. Because of the news about the escape of the Golden Lion guy, the pirates on the sea are boiling again, and the troops may be a little tight during this period.

However, the naval training camp will be conducting graduation drills in the waters near you during this period. If you need support, remember to contact us in time. "

"Don't worry, we can still handle it now."

Naturally, the recruits in the naval training camp can't help much. They are the best in the navy, but they are still new to it and are not strong enough to face the real monster.

One person who can help is Zefa himself, who even takes his wife and children out with him during training.

Zefa still felt safer around him. This was the confidence of a naval admiral who was in his prime, not suffering from asthma, and not discouraged.

"I'm Sengoku, Garp, please excuse me for disturbing your vacation. I'm looking for you this time about the Golden Lion, and that guy escaped after all."

When Zefa contacted Oran, Sengoku was also contacting Garp.

"I heard, it's better to be careful. That guy is not someone who hides peacefully. He might be planning something somewhere."

"Our department has analyzed that, in addition to Yinghuo Island, he is likely to appear in the East China Sea. After all, Roger was born in the East China Sea and died in the East China Sea.

Shiki attacked the Navy headquarters because of Roger, and maybe he will do something in the East China Sea."

"Hey, where are you going? Stop!"

"Running around? What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry, leave it to me in the East China Sea. I will take care of it."

After promising about the safety issues in the East China Sea, Garp hung up the phone and took a big step to catch Ace who climbed out.

If Roger knew that Garp adopted his son as a grandson, I wonder if he would make some complaints about him.

This year's East China Sea is destined to be unstable. Garp, who was on vacation, plowed the area again, allowing the pirates who went to sea to encounter the boss of the later dungeon in Novice Village.

Some lucky people avoided Garp, but when choosing a route after entering the Grand Line, they crashed into Firefly Island and encountered a copy of Hell for the second time.

In Xiluobu Village, Shanks came here alone in a boat, looking for the sniper he liked.

There was a problem with Zefa and Warring States' speculation. The golden lion did not appear in the East China Sea or Firefly Island for the first time, but came to the new world.

Whitebeard's territory, on the Moby Dick, the golden lion sits carefree on the deck.

Behind him were his white-bearded sons, Diamond Jozi, and Phoenix Marco. These captains, who were becoming more and more famous, were staring at the golden lion with vigilance.

Whitebeard's attitude is very casual, but whenever the golden lion has any inappropriate thoughts about his sons, Whitebeard will immediately show his terror.

The Golden Lion seems to be simply chatting when he comes here.

"How does the sea feel without Roger? The obstacles blocking us are no longer there. It seems to be your time now, Whitebeard."

"If you are talking about such boring nonsense, then I will sink you into the sea right now, Golden Lion."

"Jie hahahaha, you are still as annoying as before, so I feel at ease. There are fewer and fewer familiar faces in this sea, and the sea without Roger also loses a lot of flavor."

The person that the Golden Lion can't let go of is Roger, the opponent he completely recognizes.

"I plan to disappear for a while, and then let this half-baked era experience the real horror."

"Starting with the abacus again, Golden Lion."

"Jie hahahaha, I have discovered a genius. If he can become my right-hand man, then it will only be a matter of time before success.

I just came here to confirm your situation. We were in the real era of pirates at that time."

With that said, the golden lion flew into the sky, but Whitebeard was very unhappy.

"You troublesome fellow, you even took away a bottle of wine from me. Marco, bring me a bottle of your wine!"

"Hey, dad, you took the initiative to buy him a drink, how come I am responsible for this!"

"Gulala, who made me your dad?"

Whitebeard is "very stingy" and doesn't even spend a penny on the ship. Outsiders think that this man who is closest to the Pirate King has countless treasures in his hands, but in fact, all the money that belongs to Whitebeard has been given to his hometown.

Whitebeard's treasure has never been external things, but his most important family.

Different positions lead to different results. In the eyes of outsiders, Whitebeard may be an out-and-out villain, but for his hometown and the people protected by Whitebeard, Whitebeard is their patron saint.

"Bear cub, what flavor do you like when taking medicine?"

In Piltover, the captured bear is building a wall, and Ginny is ready to change the way to A up. It seems that dealing with the bear still requires some external force.

"If you don't tell me, I'll see what I'm feeling. Orange or pineapple? A troublesome guy is coming."

Ginny looked at the sky in the distance. She didn't have the hobby of reading other people's minds all the time. Except for the necessary negotiation moments, Ginny would not use the observation Haki to perceive the other person's inner thoughts.

Even when facing the current bear, it was the same. This was her self-restraint. If she broke some restrictions, then the things she faced would become much more troublesome, but she had her perception network nearby.

Unlike Enelu who monitored everyone's inner thoughts, Ginny could still detect if someone too powerful appeared.

"Hahahaha, it's so lively. Long time no see, doctor. Or two doctors?"

On the roof of the royal city, Orlan was playing chess with Leliana as usual. This time, Crocus was not basking in the sun on the shore, but was chatting with Orlan here, and happened to meet the Golden Lion who came.

The Golden Lion recognized Crocus at a glance. To be precise, he was very familiar with everyone in Roger's Pirates.

"Golden Lion, you really came here after escaping from prison."

Olan looked at Golden Lion's legs. Deadwood and Sakura Ten had become Golden Lion's new prostheses, but he still made this choice.

"Yes, your name is being praised in the city of Impel Down. You have many enemies on the sixth floor."

Barrett, San Juan Wolf, these people were sent in by Oran. On the sixth floor of Impel Down, they occasionally cursed each other. From the words of those people, Golden Lion gained a lot of information.

"Would you like a drink? This is what I got from Whitebeard. Most people don't have the chance to drink that guy's wine."

A bottle of wine was thrown to Oran by Golden Lion, but it was caught by Kate in mid-air.

"Thank you, I don't drink."

"That's a pity. The people around you seem to be good at fighting. But I should have underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have a relationship with Roger."

Golden Lion looked at everyone around him, including Kurokas.

From the posture of Kurokas preparing for battle, it is obvious that he and Orlan have a special relationship.

When he saw the Project Shiki appear in front of him, the Golden Lion had a playful smile on his face.

"Is this what Barrett said, that you copied my appearance and made a pirated copy? It really looks like me, just like looking in the mirror."

[How did this guy see that he was so careless.]

Kurokas suspected that there was something wrong with the Golden Lion's visual system, but the Golden Lion just sat by the wall casually, with no intention of fighting at all.

"Okay, don't be so alert, I'm not here to cause trouble. Although I don't know why you became the so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea, I believe that people like you definitely have huge ambitions. My intuition tells me that you and I are the same kind of people.

Sidilier, come and be my right arm! With your technology and my ability, we will definitely dominate the world! As long as some time, I can pull up my fleet again, and then the world will be ours!"

This is the purpose of the Golden Lion's coming here. Isn't it just to build a robot based on himself? It doesn't matter.

If this thing can fight, it would be better to make more.

"It's an ambitious idea, but I refuse."

I refuse.

The three words are very familiar, just like Roger back then, the other party also rejected his proposal without hesitation after hearing it.

Joining forces with Golden Lion is not in Orlan's current interests.

The base he has now laid is a powerful prince, who has a good connection with the army of the empire and is preparing to disintegrate the army and subvert everything from the inside.

At this time, a pirate suddenly came to call him to join the gang, or to be the second in command, no matter what, he would not agree.

Even if it was the Golden Lion in his heyday, Orlan would not agree to this invitation, let alone the Golden Lion who is planning to start a new business after bankruptcy.

"Reject? This is really an unpleasant answer. Don't you plan to think about it?"

If it was the Golden Lion a few years ago, he might have taken action the next moment after hearing this rejection.

But at that time, Golden Lion was facing Roger, and the two were originally hostile. The situation is different now. Golden Lion is envious of the other party's technology.

Now he was penniless, and it would be very difficult to kidnap him by force. In addition, Longchang's enlightenment made Golden Lion calm down a lot, so he asked.

"Do you think the power of a pirate can really shake the World Government?"

"Why not? Sidilir, maybe you haven't seen the real power. Those pirates who play tricks on the sea are not real pirates."

"If you think pirates can succeed, why did Rocks fail? Rocks D. Jiback, you haven't forgotten this person, have you?"

"How do you know this name?"

The golden lion did not expect that Olan would suddenly say this name. The golden lion never questioned Rocks's strength. At that time, Rocks had single-handedly subdued a group of monsters under his command.

But this kind of violent subjugation also made Rocks not identify with his partners. After the incident, no one was willing to fight to the end for him, the titular captain.

But Rocks' monster-like strength is absolutely real.

After the Valley of the Gods, the word Rocks was also something that the Navy and the World Government wanted to erase. Thanks to their efforts, except for the remnants of Rocks and the older generation of naval executives, no one knew what Rocks had been. matter.

Now Olan, a young man who looks to be in his early 20s, can actually tell about that period of time.

"Is this important? Why do you think you can do something that the Rocks Pirates failed? Or do you think you have surpassed the captain of the year, Mr. Golden Lion?"

"Jie hahahaha, you know a lot, but there are some things you don't know. If Roger hadn't chosen to join forces with the navy at that time, I don't know what the result would have been.

But I understand what you mean. You think I am too weak now and there is no value in joining forces, right? "

From the beginning to the end, Oran did not deny his ambitions, nor did he say that he did not intend to be an enemy of the World Government and the Navy, and even talked a little more with the Golden Lion.

This has no impact on Olan. After all, Golden Lion is a pirate, and he is not qualified to be a tainted witness even if he wants to.

The Navy and the World Government would not choose to trust a notorious pirate like Golden Lion to destroy a good business partner.

"That's true. I won't just find someone to join forces. That boy Barrett said that the thing you made is similar to mine. Why don't I test its strength and prove it at the same time? What are my abilities?"

As a boss, if you want to recruit subordinates, you must show your courage and ability. This is the default tradition in the pirate world, and Golden Lion also recognizes this.

What really capable people do is always a two-way choice.

"You can come together. Even now, I am capable of handling all this."

Apart from Whitebeard, Roger, and the dead Rocks, the Golden Lion had never had any enemies in his eyes, so he said something that was a bit arrogant, and something that made him regret a little.

From swinging the sword with his hands to swinging the sword with his feet, there were some changes in the Golden Lion's tactics. Although Yuan Shiji could still cope with it, it was not as smooth as expected.

But at this time, Leliana held a giant sword and swung a sword that the Golden Lion would never forget.

"God avoids?!"

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