Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 230 The Face King of This Era

It is very difficult to survive alone. She needs someone who can protect her.

Good people are no good. These people live under the order of the world government and are unaware of the darkness that exists. One of the few ways for them to understand such things is to become witnesses of it themselves.

Bystanders know that when a conspiracy is specifically targeted at a certain person, it is easy to get involved.

In the environment created by the World Government, many people think that the World Government is a good person.

The good people Robin had met so far were all aiming to exchange her for bounties.

Not even bad guys. Although people like pirates regard the World Government and the Navy as enemies, they don't care about taking in wanted criminals. Sometimes they will go out of their way to look for subordinates with high enough bounties.

But Nicole Robin had met a pirate who dared to take her in before. The pirate was full of confidence the day before and felt that he was not afraid of anything, but he was surrounded and suppressed by the navy not long after.

Facing these navies from the Grand Line, the pirates were no match for the enemy at all, and were defeated as soon as they met.

By the time they wanted to hand over Nico Robin to settle the matter, Nico Robin had already run away on her own.

At that time, Robin realized that he must have a big enough protective umbrella to be able to persevere.

Apart from the bounty, her only value is to know enough about the text of history, so she needs an ambitious person.

It's a pity that she doesn't know about the historical text of the red road sign. From this perspective, the great pirate of the new world is her best attachment.

Those pirates are powerful enough, and the world government will not attack them easily.

Shaq relied on Oran's flag to avoid inspection, but this did not mean that Oran was a suitable place for her. When Oran finally went to persuade Croba, Robin also saw it.

There are various signs that Olan is working for the world government, and he is a normal planner.

If the enemy sees it before taking action, he will become a clown.

As a fishman, Shaq was willing to take her for a ride, but that didn't mean that Oran would do the same. Nicole Robin can't afford to gamble now. She doesn't have the chance to reverse the polarity again. If she loses the gamble, she will be sent to the World Government.

This time she just realized something different.

"The Navy is just leaving like that?"

"Unexpectedly, they really stopped searching after seeing that flag."

The murlocs behind Shaq looked at each other in disbelief. The murlocs had always had a bad rap because of their appearance and those of their well-known fellow pirates.

Although there are many pirates among other races, due to historical reasons, the fishmen are one of the few races with a large number of people, but none of them serve in the navy.

For example, the Giant Clan has both a Giant Clan Vice-Admiral and a Giant Soldier Pirate Group, which leads to humans not having a very good first impression of the fishmen, and the Navy is no exception.

Those fishmen were even ready for battle. Unexpectedly, the navy just asked a few words and left, and even reminded them to pay attention to their safety.

"This is Mr. Oran's face. Let me remind you first, don't try to do bad things under this banner. This is the first step for the fish people to go to land. If anyone wants to cause damage at this time, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

Shaq knows very well what kind of people he has under his command. They are all gangsters and they don't understand the rules. If they are not vaccinated, these people will really do outrageous things when they see convenience.

This is something Shaq realized after defeating Fishman Street. To deal with some people, reasoning is useless, only physics.

And there is nothing wrong with what Shaq said. This is a rare opportunity to re-establish his image. Showing force is one thing. If you only know how to show force, you will become a terrorist.

"Don't worry, Boss Shaq, we will remember it."

"Yes, Princess Otohime has given her instructions before, and we will never forget it. If those humans don't come to cause trouble, we don't want to fight with them."

It was enough to get the people from the Navy and the World Government to ignore them. The pirates in the first half were really not taken seriously by these fishmen.

Shaq can take down most of the pirates without having to do anything, just let Aaron lead the team alone.

Normal people would move the boat closer to the other side of the river, while the fishmen would go directly under the water to destroy the boat.

Without a boat, it would not be easy for humans to fight the fish-men in the sea.

While the fish people were still busy, the warship led by Flying Squirrel had already sailed away into the distance.

"Major General Flying Squirrel, do you really don't need to worry about them? Those are fishmen."

"What, do you want to question your boss's order?"

"I don't dare, I just don't think it's safe."

The navy's recruitment scope is all over the world. Whether it is a member country or a non-member country, even pirates or gang members who want to join the navy are accepted.

The wanted pirates are a little more troublesome and need a guarantor, but generally speaking, the navy is quite complex, including people who are discriminatory against the fishmen.

The word "them" is the most intuitive expression. To this day, many people still feel that the murlocs should not be counted as humans, but as fish.

"Hey, don't say stupid things, you guys. Those are Dr. Sidilier's employees. Since the doctor recruited these people, he must have his own considerations.

Those people didn't fly the pirate flag, so what else do you want to do to them? "

Oran's flag is quite famous among the lower-level navy, and a new faction was even born in the navy - the Transformation Faction.

There was originally a martial arts faction in the navy. The navy that admired this faction focused more on physical strength. Fighting relied entirely on the body and did not rely on external forces. Garp was considered the most well-known character in this faction.

Because of his reputation as a naval hero, Garp has many fans and imitators.

The reformists are a group that emerged because of Oran. These people either rely on updated prosthetics or make some minor changes to their bodies to enhance their combat power.

With the sale of various parts, some navy doctors and scientists have also discovered some special uses. However, this faction currently has no big names, so its reputation is not obvious.

It's just that for soldiers at the bottom, this system is more suitable for getting stronger. Not everyone can become stronger through hard work. Some people reach their limit and no matter how hard they work, they get nothing. In the end, they hurt themselves because of over-squeezing their bodies.

At this time, some external upgrades can be effective.

"Okay, no need to talk about this matter. We are just doing things in accordance with the regulations of this department. There is no point in discussing it."

The flying squirrel acted completely according to the rules. Although Olan was very proud, according to normal procedures, it was okay for the navy to search the fishmen.

Adding the title of Shichibukai is different. According to the regulations of the World Government, even if the Shichibukai stage a coup in a participating country, the Navy can only stand by and watch until the World Government intends to deprive him of his status as a Shichibukai.

After all, legally speaking, the Shichibukai and the Navy are on the same level, and both are independent institutions managed by the World Government.

Even if there is a problem on Oran's ship, it will not be the turn of soldiers like them to take care of it, but will be left to higher-ups to handle.

Just like after the era of the Four Emperors began, the navy could not start wars with those emperors at will without orders. This was the above-mentioned regulation.

If this were another Shichibukai, Flying Squirrel might have said harsh words, such as not letting himself get caught, but with Olan's dual identity here, there was no need for hesitation.

"I met Teacher Zefa when I was studying with him. He was a very kind person."

After saying that, Flying Squirrel walked towards the command room, but at this time, the teacher Zefa he was talking about had already brought Flying Squirrel's disciples to Piltover.

This is already the eleventh class of trainees led by Zefa. Although the monsters from the first and third classes were not born in the special training camp, those at the top have also achieved good results and are now also members of the Navy. 's mainstay.

Flying Squirrel, Huo Shaoshan, Stoloberg, and many other generals have all experienced Zefa's teachings.

Even after withdrawing from the front line, Zefa still brought a lot of fresh blood to the navy.

"Instructor Zefa! Please tell me why we are here!"

"That's a good question, Jerkik. It's Evolution Day in Piltover, the country's most important annual celebration.

During the celebration, their king will show the people some recent new inventions, and the country's imperial guards will also participate in the parade. It is also one of the few times when the country's protective mecha can be seen.

It is said that every year, lucky people get to board the mecha and experience the feeling of driving.

The area where we conducted the assessment happened to be nearby, so we brought you here to have a look. "

There are only instructors and students in the training camp. Even Zefa's own son will not call him father here.

In previous years, Yeklik was just a spectator at best, but this year, he has joined the training camp as a full member.

Zefa's special training camp is held every year, but in addition to the special training camp for adult navy, there is also a youth training camp for the new generation of navy.

Because of their immature age, they need more time to study. Yeklik is not the only such student. 14-year-old Smoker and 12-year-old Tina are both members of the youth training camp.

"But this day is also the busiest day in the country, and I'm not here to have fun with you."

Zefa is also familiar with Piltover's national system. For example, pirates can land peacefully if they abide by the law. There are similar unspoken rules on this matter in various islands and countries.

These pirates coming across the ocean can bring economic flows and supplies that are not available in their own countries, but they can also bring unrest.

If it were a simple transaction, the countries along the way would not react too violently.

Neither the navy nor the world government can eliminate pirates, nor can they force other countries to do so.

After all, there are only a few countries that can afford to take measures.

Although Piltover usually only has rules and regulations, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the celebration day, pirates are prohibited from landing in the period before Evolution Day.

However, the pirates may not be obedient. The inability to log in to Firefly Island to store the records in the record pointer means that they need to find a way to find a place to replace the records stored in the record pointer. This is very troublesome and dangerous.

At this time in the past few years, there would always be pirates trying to challenge the island's force, but they all failed without exception.

It is not easy for Zefa to travel at public expense when he leads a training camp. Fighting pirates is the right way. At most, he failed to hit them due to accidents.

The navy's landing was not difficult. In the naval area near Piltover, the eleventh class of students witnessed Iron Oz standing in waist-deep water and crushing the pirate ship.

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