Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 233: The first killing of the Lingling Fruit, the three-year-old of the Orlan family

Tibers, the intimate belonging of Anne Hastur, the daughter of darkness, seems to be an ordinary stuffed bear, but in fact, it is her most powerful partner and a playmate who never leaves her side.

And this Tibers is just a Hex creation. Although the genuine Hex core has been used up, the new energy core made by Blitzcrank and Orlan is enough to meet this ordinary consumption.

"Kuma? Kuma Ai!"

Looking at this little bear, Perona quickly named it. According to the normal development of the original timeline, if Moria had not been madly intercepted, Perona should have been adopted by Moria.

At that time, the first pet bear that Perona raised was Kuma Ai (A), and later there was an ordinary bear doll Kuma B. The zombie Kuma Xi (C) made by Moria was already the third generation.

At this time, this mechanical bear imitating Timos has become the new Kuma Ai.

"So this teddy bear is actually a weapon?"

"Of course, come on Perona, press the switch at the back and throw it out."


Perona looked at Kuma's back in a daze, pressed it and threw the doll forward.


The small teddy bear suddenly expanded into a two-meter-tall mechanical bear.

Although Hex Crystal has not been reproduced, Blitz has made new materials with various functions during this period. Kuma's material is a variant of memory alloy, which can show another posture after charging.

"Let the enemy be decadent and negative first, and then let the technological product attack, the tactics are good, but facing the natural system."

"Look at this."

Olan put on a pair of gloves, and as Orlan raised his hands, Kuma also moved. It is not difficult to see from the fragments inlaid on its palms that those are seastone.

"I have a device that can control Kumaai's movements. If you wear these glasses, you can also achieve visual synchronization. You can see how to do it yourself."

"Thank you very much. You are really thoughtful. But if I am not mistaken, this thing is also a laboratory product."

Seeing Oran press Kumaai twice and turn it back into a teddy bear, Zefa expressed his judgment.

"Yes, the materials and craftsmanship are very special, and it cannot be put on the assembly line for the time being."

Special equipment for your own people does not need to consider the cost, only the performance needs to be referred to. So much funding is required every year just to do these things.

But the equipment sold outside must consider the cost-effectiveness, and the same is true for the weapons equipped by the navy. Zefa knows that Oran has a lot of good things, but the cost of that thing is simply unacceptable to the navy.

"When do you plan to start? Now?"

Olan picked up Perona and then asked Zefa about his plan.

"I have this plan, just give them some surprise missions."

"You are really a devil instructor."

"Pirates don't care whether they are on vacation or not, but I am not a devil. Let them relax for a few more minutes while I get familiar with how to remotely operate the mechanical bear.

Speaking of which, is this little guy really okay?"

Perona's previous ability did scare Zefa, but he was not prepared at that time, and he took the initiative to accept the attack of the passive ghost according to Orlan's intention.

"Don't worry, you know your students best. If Riley stood in front of them, they might really be alert, but Perona is different."

Leliana's size is enough to deter some people, but Perona is harmless now. At this time, she is sitting on Orlan's lap and licking a piece of chocolate, as cute as a doll.

"If you think this sneak attack method is difficult to do and you need someone to fight him head-on, I have a suitable candidate here. Do you want me to call him over in advance?"

Olan was referring to Absalom. Absalom's domineering attitude was not good compared to Leliana and the others. Compared to normal people, Absalom was still qualified.

The physical enhancement of the beast potion plus the transparent fruit also had the threat of the first sight of killing. It was not difficult to deal with a boy who ate the natural system.

"Will it not cause you trouble?"

"No, it just so happens that he has been training recently, so this can also test the results of his training. Abu, stop practicing for a while and come to my place."

Speaking of this, Oran took out the Den Den Mushi and called Absalom. He happened to be the same age as Smoker this year.

But Leliana arrived here earlier than Absalom. Seeing Perona sitting in Oran's arms, she even missed the past a little.

When she was still young and her body was not developing rapidly, Orlan also took care of her in this way, but as the size difference increased, the roles of both parties have been reversed.

Now the only situation is that Leliana can only let Orlan sit on her shoulders.

"Is it the first battle at the age of three? I think I was like this back then."

"Well, Quinn was thrown down badly by you at that time."

Hearing that Orlan planned to let Perona go directly to the battle, Leliana did not find it strange, this is considered a normal thing in her family.

Back then, Quinn was thrown down by Leliana because of carelessness, and he lay on the ground for a long time before accepting the reality.

Of course, carelessness is Quinn's own statement, whether he was careless or not, others can't say for sure.

In the end, Leliana even took Perona away from Orlan, intending to teach her some of her combat experience.

"The sisters have a very harmonious relationship."

"Of course, Riley is very sensible, and Perona was originally brought back by her."

"I see, adopted orphans? I was wondering why you suddenly have a new daughter."

There is an age difference between Riliana and Perona, and Riliana is not jealous of the little girl she brought back.

The increase in the number of family members does not mean that Orlan pays less attention to Riliana, and she has always received the most.

The conflicts between young siblings are inseparable from their parents. Excessive attention to younger individuals can easily make the older ones unbalanced.

It is inevitable to pay more attention to younger children, but you can't let older children feel that this attention is taken away from them.

It's actually okay to have such an age difference. If there are twins, buying them two things with different details will be hell.

"By the way, Orlan, that Yeklik really wants to experience driving that giant mecha. I heard that there was a lottery on your island, but he didn't win. See."

"It's not a big deal. The activities on the day of Evolution cannot be changed, but I have been operating the mecha to patrol the outer sea these days. If you are interested, it's okay to go with me."

"That's really troublesome. Let me see what this brat is doing now. It's time to put some pressure on him."

During the chat, Zefa was also familiar with how to operate Kuma Ai, so he took out the Den Den Mushi.

"Yeklik, who are you with now?"

"Smoker and Tina, what's wrong, father, is there something wrong?"

"Student Yeklik, urgent mission, I need the three of you to rush to the royal city of this country before sunset."

Zefar changed his tone, from casual just now to formal.

"Yes! Instructor Zefa!"

Zefar's attitude made Yeklik understand something. His father didn't know what was wrong again, and he wanted to do extra training at the last minute.

This kind of thing was not uncommon in the past, he could only say that he was used to it.

"Let's go, our vacation is going to be ruined."

"Tina is unhappy, Instructor Zefa is really a bummer."

"No way, I think he is polite enough to wait for us to finish lunch, let's go, this place is not close to the Royal City."

"Who of you has money? Tina forgot to bring money."

"I don't bring much, I just spent it all on the meal. Smoker, how about you?"

At the tram station, the three are facing a fatal problem, no money to take the bus.

"This. I."

"Tina knows you have money, don't be so stingy. Could it be that you"

"The cigars here are of good quality."

Looking at the gift bag in Smoker's hand, Tina suddenly realized something. Although he is only fourteen years old this year, Smoker is already an old smoker and has a preference for cigars.

This stuff is much more expensive than regular tobacco, and has a greater impact. According to Smoker's way of smoking cigars through his lungs, if he didn't have the smoke fruit, he might not live to adulthood.

Those cigars have even been opened, and they can't be returned.

"What should we do? Should we run there? Tina thinks this is unrealistic"

"You are right, it is too far from here to the royal city to run, and father can't just ask us to gather, there must be other tests."

"Or. Take a ride, and come back to pay when we get there?"

"No, I don't want to be detained by the guards here halfway! Tina, I have to trouble you."

Thinking of Leliana taking some of the fences made by Tina before, Yeklik had an idea.

In the end, they successfully boarded the train, but the ticket money was exchanged by "selling scraps".

Yeklik successfully exchanged the black metal fence for the ticket at a nearby recycling station, which solved the problem of capital deficit.

"Report to Instructor Zefa! We have arrived outside the royal city, but how do we get in?"

"Rest where you are, I'll pick you up soon."

Soon, the gate of the royal city opened, Zefa motioned for several people to follow him in, and then took them directly to the martial arts field in the royal city.

"Don't be nervous, it's just an ordinary temporary assessment. The content of your random test today is very simple, just make her admit defeat."

"Instructor Zefa, are you kidding?"

Looking at a little girl holding a teddy bear in one hand and a lollipop in the other, Smoker felt that Zefa was playing with them.

After all, this kind of opponent shouldn't be used.

"I never joke at this time. Don't underestimate any enemy. I have taught you this. Or you can choose to admit defeat directly and accept the punishment of Devil Week."

There are only two kinds of punishments in Zefa's training camp, extra training and expulsion, and the so-called Devil Week is a very terrifying amount of training.

Zefal will tailor it according to each person's physical condition, so that they are at the limit of their body within a week.

In a sense, this is even a reward. For the navy, becoming stronger is also crucial.

"Now, the competition begins, Smoker, you go first."


Zefa's orders have come down. Although Smoker is a little dissatisfied, he still chooses to follow them, but he has no intention of taking action.

"Little sister, admit defeat. I don't want to scare you."


A ghost with a smiling face drilled out from the ground and passed through Smoker's body out of thin air.

"What is that?"


The negative ghost released by the Spirit Fruit has no physical damage, so it cannot trigger the passive effect of the Smoke Fruit's elementalization. When the ghost left the body, Smoker suddenly felt very negative inside and knelt on the ground.

"I am a rubbish who smokes and pollutes the air every day. It is too much to live here and pollute other people's air."


"Catch him! Kumaai!"

When Smoker knelt on the ground and doubted his life, Perona had already thrown the teddy bear in his hand.

She was not strong enough, and Kumaai only rolled on the ground a few times, but still completed the transformation into a combat form.

The negative ghost's hard control of Smoker lasted even longer. After all, his mind was not mature yet. After being affected by the negative ghost, this kind of child would even continue to be negative without external interference.

This is also the reason why Perona was regarded as the source of the curse in her hometown.

Kumaai's bear paw pressed on Smoker's back. The inlaid seastone fragments not only made Smoker lose the ability to elementalize, but also made him weak all over and unable to break free.

Zefa didn't even remotely control it, and Kumaai had already completed the attack on Smoker. The Spiritual Fruit was too invincible in the first kill.

Smoker hadn't developed resistance to seastone at this age, so he was defeated in one blow.

"I won, good."

Perona didn't think too much, she just felt that she won the game.

Leliana's special training for her certainly didn't let her swing her fists, that was too early.

What she taught, in summary, was to take advantage of your own advantages.

The opponent would feel that the little girl was not a threat, so take advantage of this and further let the opponent relax his vigilance.

Arrange the battle environment in advance, and hidden traps can make the battle smoother.

The most important point is not to talk nonsense with the opponent.

Mouth cannon is a move that only powerful people can use. Since your own hard power is at a disadvantage, just attack directly when the enemy is talking.

If this is not a competition but a real battle, Leliana has to teach the importance of finishing off the enemy.

"See, Smoker? This is the consequence of carelessness. There are countless devil fruit abilities in this sea, and the natural system has never been invincible.

Even a three-year-old girl can defeat you with her own abilities.

This is a training ground, you can repeat it endlessly, but on the battlefield, you only have one life."

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