Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 236 The driver who fulfilled his dream, the reminder of emptiness

Zeff was in a good mood after driving the mecha.

Although it had some flaws when driving, it was not a big problem. The driving qualification rewarded in the lottery ticket was also to let them get up and follow the mecha when it was cruising automatically.

It takes a period of training to drive it smoothly.

Zefa, who learned the theory for a night and could drive the mecha in practice, was already a good talent.

However, the behavior of these pirates who dared to fight back when they saw that he could not catch the target completely affected Zefa's mood.

The mecha could not hit, but the fist could hit.

Zefa had led students for so many years, and the time he retired on the sea was basically the same as his.

However, the three new admirals of the navy have not yet appeared, so Zefa, the former admiral, has not been forgotten. He will still be mentioned occasionally, and some people can still recognize him.

"This guy is Black Arm Zephyr!"

"Why is the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters in such a place!!"

"Don't be afraid! He is just a retired admiral, no big deal!"

Some people were afraid, while others felt it didn't matter. At this time, they didn't know what the admiral of the Navy meant, but it didn't matter, because they understood it in the next second.

In a few moves, Zephyr solved a ship full of pirates.

"Hmph, my fists are still more convenient in a fight, but they are not as cool as this big guy."

Looking at Steel Oz behind him, Zephyr muttered, and then jumped back into the cockpit again.

"Okay, I have demonstrated for a long time, Yeklik, you should try it too."

Zeffer didn't fight with Yeklik for the driving right after all. In the second half, he let Yeklik experience it, but Yeklik didn't show his excellent driving talent, and he was on par with Zephyr.

Fortunately, neither of them was so outrageous as to trigger the emergency mode of the mecha, and finally let Steel Oz return to the port smoothly.

There were no more accidents in the remaining days. No pirates could break through the defense line of the outer sea area in these days.

For them, this is also a good thing. After all, breaking into the island will only cause greater trouble.

At the celebration of Evolution Day, the flying skateboard officially entered everyone's field of vision, but the sales version is different from Kate's free flying skateboard. It can only be half a meter off the ground at most, allowing people to experience the feeling of sliding.

And if you want to use this prop on the street, you must first get a driver's license. If there is no such restriction, the traffic on the road may become extremely chaotic.

Zefa's warship left here a few days later, but on the return voyage, the weight of the ship increased a lot.

The students who came here bought a lot of gifts in large and small packages, which indirectly promoted the economic development of the island.

The navy's special training camp is free of charge. If you can enter, you will even get a subsidy from the navy. After all, the graduates here are all elites of the navy, and the purchasing power of these students is not low.

As night approaches, Firefly Island ushered in another peaceful night. In the square in the royal city, Zack is playing football with the Cat Agents.

The contestants are the ten cats led by Kate and the ten clones led by Zach.

As for whether cats can play football, they can play football, and they are even better than some people. They are also very accurate in goalkeeping.

The competition is quite intense.

This is to train the cooperation ability of cats. Whether it is driving the cat-type Blitz or activities on the island, they need to cooperate.

Zach's team is all his clones, and there is no doubt about the tacit understanding. It is also good to practice like this.

Kate simply wants to move around by herself, so she joins the field as a foreign aid for the cats.

In Orlan's laboratory, Orlan himself is making further improvements to the bioalloy made by Blitz.

The manufacture of Project Karp is one aspect, and Orlan is not in a hurry there. The main purpose is to further upgrade Project Shiki.

The invention of the sea relies on archaeology. The documents copied from O'Hara also contain a lot of information on ancient technology.

The books that the scholars in the original timeline had protected with their lives were brought back to the Giant Country by Sauro. Vegapunk also studied what was in them, and many of his inventions were related to ancient materials.

In this part of the literature, there is also a part of the technology for sealing domineering.

As a "hearted" mechanical life, Frankenstein already has his own domineering after his body is upgraded, but the situation of Project Shiki is different from Frankenstein. This sealing technology is more suitable for him in a sense.

"Everything depends on archaeology. Sometimes it's really interesting."

What Ipsilons, Protoss, these star races that once had extremely brilliant civilizations always do this kind of thing, and this sea is similar to some extent.

The strongest weapons are ancient weapons, all of which are antiques handed down. Today's world government can't even make the energy to drive it, and has to rely on outsiders.

As the night deepens, most people have fallen asleep except Kate, who prefers to walk at night.

Kate's sleeping frequency is quite special. She usually takes a nap when she is free. She uses segmented sleep to maintain her mental state, so she gives people the feeling of being awake all the time.

But in Oran's dream, it is still dark. Nothing can be seen around. Only some purple light spots can be seen in the distance.

"This is a troublesome place."

Feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Oran was very alert.

The dream world is not always safe. Ordinary people's dreams are divided into beautiful dreams and nightmares. Oran's dreams are naturally divided into safe and dangerous.

And this is undoubtedly the most dangerous area - the void.

Those purple light spots are not minerals or plants, but void creatures. Not long after Oran appeared here, they sensed the breath here and then rushed here like a tide.

Boom! Boom!

Oran had a pair of double knives condensed with spiritual energy in his hands, and he swung a few times to clear the area in front of him.

Oran had experienced the dream of the ancient Shurima period. At that time, Shurima had tried its best to fight against the void. It was true that it suffered heavy losses, but in this process, many methods against void creatures were derived.

These were the lowest-level void creatures in front of Oran, and they were not a serious threat, so it was not difficult to solve them.


When Oran was solving the threat in front of him, countless purple missiles suddenly flew out from behind him, helping Oran clear the area in front of him.

"This is not a place to talk, follow me."

A hoarse voice came from the side. Behind Orlan stood a dark purple humanoid creature.

After walking through the dark environment, they finally came to a quiet place.

"Long time no see, Orlan."

"Well, I'm glad you're still alive, Kai'Sa."

"There's no Kai'Sa anymore. Now... there's only Kai'Sa."

The mask on her face dispersed around as if she was alive, revealing the face of a girl. Her voice was no longer hoarse at this time. In the dim environment around her, the spots on her face became more obvious.

Ka'Sa, the daughter of the void.

Originally, she was an ordinary little girl living in the southern desert of Shurima, but her fate was not stable, and she was eventually dragged into this land of death.

Since Icathia opened the shackles of the void and let the void come to the Rune Land, this place has become unstable.

The disaster that ancient Shurima almost exhausted its national strength to quell eventually had an impact on the outside world. Some people even believed that the void was the final destination and worshipped the void crazily.

There was such a group of people around the village where Kassadin lived.

That day, the bedrock of the earth cracked into a deep valley, swallowing Kassadin's village and everyone in it, leaving only twisted stone pillars as dark as night, piercing the yellow sand of the desert.

Everyone was trapped underground and gradually died as time passed.

Kassadin was unfortunate, but also lucky. She survived with the remaining food and water bag, and coincidentally merged with a piece of void skin while fighting a void spirit.

That thing became her new skin. The dark shell was stinging, but the hardness like steel became her capital to survive, and it evolved with Kassadin's growth.

Fight with all your strength.


Find a way home.

This is Kasha's goal. In an environment where she is almost certain to die, Kasha has changed from a frightened little girl to a fearless survivor, from a prey to a hunter.

She found the gap between the two worlds and returned to the land to protect some people, but those people did not appreciate it. In their eyes, Kasha's appearance is also a monster from the void.

In Kasha's life cognition, Orlan is special. He will not regard himself as a monster. No matter where he is in the void, Orlan will appear randomly beside her.

The darkness of the void makes it difficult to distinguish the passage of time, but living and waiting for Orlan's next appearance has become the only remaining pleasure in Kasha's boring life.

In the darkness at the beginning, Orlan gave her more hope to live.

"I met your father before. He should have come here to find you. Haven't you met him?"

"No, I don't return to the land very often. Father is a bit far away."

"He cares about you very much and has been looking for you all these years. No, he wants to avenge you, at least before I met him."

Kassadin, Kassadin's father, was working outside the village. After learning the news, Kassadin started his revenge.

He found the most mysterious weapon known in Valoran, integrated Zaun's original design, and then matched it with the blessing of Ionia's soul healer. He used all his personal relationships, from archaeologists to petty thieves, just to arm himself and complete revenge.

He even found the original ascended god, Horok's Underworld Blade, just for revenge.

"Really? That's great. There's one more person in the world who cares about me."

"Don't be so discouraged. I can teach you some good things this time, but it's up to you whether you can use them or not."

The battle between ancient Shurima and the void lasted for a long time. During this long time, Shurima was also studying the void in order to understand its enemy.

Those knowledgeable mages tried to tame the void and use the void to resist the void. Although they did not succeed, they could also oppress some void creatures. Now that set of things can just be used on Kaisa.

"Although it has no practical significance, it can make you turn back into an ordinary person when you leave here."

Kassa's void armor is actually living skin. Living in the void for a long time, Kaisa also has the power of the void in her body. After driving it in the way of Orlan, she finally has the ability to "take off her clothes."

"Thank you, this is very important to me."

"It's just a piece of cake. In this case, knowledge is the only thing I can do to help you."

"The situation in the void is not stable. The number of unrests has increased significantly recently. There are also factions in the void, and they are fighting each other."

Kassa tried that special method, and then told Orlan about the changes in the void, reminding him to be prepared to fight against the void outside.

And Orlan has been doing this for a long time, but only some people believe it, such as a purple bald old wizard.

Things in the void are very far away for Orlan, and there is no need to worry about them in the short term, but this dream made Orlan realize something different.

"Void. Evolution"

Looking at the biological alloy in front of him, Orlan was thoughtful.

He didn't intend to study the void. Icathia had already told the world with bloody lessons, and he knew very well what the result would be if he was contaminated with the void.

It's just that the evolutionary characteristics of the void creatures reminded Orlan.

Bioalloy itself is a special living metal. Giving it some "evolutionary" abilities, so that it can evolve according to changes in the outside world and present the best posture, is also a very good development direction.

As a scientist, wild imagination is indispensable. Countless dreams can allow Oran to see some special things, which is his great advantage.

"Blitz, I have a new idea, it's time to work."

After finding Blitz, Oran started a new research work. He didn't know whether the research would succeed, but it was a necessary attempt.

Oran's research will not hinder the progress of the outside world, and the voyage will continue.

The Sabaody Archipelago has become busy since the opening of the Great Pirate Age.

The coating craftsmen on the island have become busy. Fortunately, the policy of Fishman Island has changed, and finally they have been protected by Whitebeard, which has prevented the situation from becoming increasingly serious.

The human employment agency in the Sabaody Archipelago has also reopened. This place was destroyed once by Leliana who had just eaten the fruit, but it was useless and only treated the symptoms.

This chaos will never end until the rotten foundation of the World Government is abolished.

The chaos in the Sabaody Archipelago has also spawned many opportunities to make money. At this time, there is a man who is working hard. His name is Gild Tesoro, the future Golden Emperor.

But now he is just an ordinary person, working hard to save money in order to rescue his beloved.

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