Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 238: Fighting wits and courage with the air, Caesar the Great Liar is online

"What are you talking about."

Shaq has the appearance of a shark fishman after all, and ordinary people will still feel a little scared when they see him. At this time, Tezulo stood between Shaq and Stella, looking like he wanted to protect each other.

"Isn't what I said clear enough? You are escaped slaves. If you take a boat back to the Sabaody Archipelago from here, you will most likely be caught again.

And I know a safer route and destination. If you are interested, I can take you there."

Even if they are not sold, these slaves are important commodities in the eyes of human trafficking shops.

They will not deliberately catch someone back with great fanfare, as the cost of doing so is far higher than catching a new slave, but this does not mean that if someone appears next to them, they will ignore the other party.

"Why do you want to help us?"

"Why? I hate slave traders, that's all. Don't judge a person by appearance. This is my work certificate. I have a decent job."

[Piltover Deep Sea Exploration Team.]

Shaq held a special certificate in his hand, which was mainly used to deal with the navy. This thing has been registered with the navy, so there is no need to verify it with Orlan in the future.

The relationship between the murlocs and humans is still very subtle, but ordinary people are not discriminating. They don't see murlocs at all on weekdays. All their knowledge of this deep-sea race comes from the royal family where they live.

The attitude of the local king can really affect the citizens of a large area.

Ordinary people are more afraid of murlocs.

"I have heard of that country, Piltover."

"Yes, that is Mr. Orlan's country. Cherish the opportunity now. It won't be so easy to go there in a few years."

Stella was born in a non-member country. Today's Piltover is rumored to be the most suitable place for immigration.

The current Firefly Island is still sparsely populated. After it became a lawless place, it was greatly affected. If it weren't for Orlan's settlement, even if someone rebuilt the country, it would take a long time to recover.

It takes a certain population to restore and develop the economy. Bionics cannot completely replace ordinary people. When the Source Plan world develops to that point, population is still indispensable.

Some things are more cost-effective to do with manpower than machines. The deep-sea fishman exploration team is one of them.

Some primary processing and precision processing can't even avoid manpower. Those top Source Plan combat bodies can do the same things as humans, but producing this level of mechanical bodies to replace manpower to do mechanical work is a more exaggerated waste.

The cost of the Source Plan Shiki alone exceeds that of most factories on Firefly Island. At least for a long time, Firefly Island will not completely give up manpower.

So Firefly Island has been absorbing immigrants from outside in recent years. The effect has been pretty good in recent years. In addition to the bottom-level labor force, some people have also entered.

Well, thanks to Wapol, this willful prince has made a lot of contributions to Piltover's immigration policy.

In addition, Feld has been studying world finance during this period, intending to make a big fortune in this era of great pirates, and occasionally helps Orlan get some people over.

This is not human trafficking. There are many people who can't make a living in the New World. Those who are protected by Whitebeard are lucky to find a place to live in this turbulent world.

In today's New World, Whitebeard's protection fee is the lowest and the protection effect is the strongest.

Charlotte Linling's effect is also good, but the cost is higher. It is enough for the Totland Sea to simply hand over souls. The outer areas have to bear the daily consumption of the Totland Sea. It is not easy to gather the food that needs to be handed over.

There is no psychological barrier for them to change their living environment. The difficulty is how to change places. It is quite difficult for ordinary people to go to sea. Feld can only provide transportation for some people, and they are people with some skills.

They can build ships, repair machines, or be proficient in subjects such as mathematics, are good at carpentry or have extraordinary physique. In short, they must have some abilities and specialties.

The foreign population in Piltover in recent years has a lot to do with Feld.

The person who knows Orlan best, except for the "family" members around him, is definitely Feld.

The more he knows about Orlan, the more scared Feld feels.

This is no longer the research member who needed his support for research funds. Unknowingly, Orlan has become a giant with fangs and claws.

Today's underground world has a unique gray order. It's okay if you don't have anything to do with Orlan's business. If you want to have contact with him and break the rules, the result will be terrible.

Feld has money and some connections, but these things are becoming less and less worth mentioning. If he tears his face with Orlan, he will probably be dead when he settles the accounts.

This little thing was a must for Feld to maintain contact with Orlan. When he met Orlan once before, he saw the notebook in Kate's hand.

The names on it were all acquaintances, and Feld even saw his own page.

He firmly believed that it was not an accident, and it was clearly a warning to him not to do anything tricky.

But in fact, he thought too much. It was just Kate tinkering with it, adding and deleting new names.

Well, those who were deleted were dead, and as for how they died, there were many reasons.

The underground world is cruel. Although the positions of the people at the top are basically fixed, the people below are constantly changing.

And becoming the king of the so-called underground world does not mean that everything is stable. For example, the so-called Queen of Happy Street - Stussy was recently born.

People in the underground world don't know how this woman does it, but everyone can feel the huge energy behind her.

Shaq's current main job is to survey the seabed mineral deposits, and occasionally he will send some people to Firefly Island.

There are not a few such escaped slaves. After all, they are sold as slaves, and they usually have something they are good at. They are considered a different kind of "technical population."

As for why Shaq said he cherishes the present, it is because Piltover is still a non-franchise country and is still on the rise.

If you want to join this country, you only need to cross the ocean and go through a period of observation after registration to become an official citizen.

Once it becomes a franchise country, it will be more difficult to join. After all, if you want to directly enjoy the results without participating in the construction, you have to pay something.

Without any skills, the most direct path is to serve in the Foreign Legion, but Shaq doesn't know the details. He just heard Olan mention that some policies may not even be implemented.

"If you don't want to go, I won't force you, but the current Fish-Man Island is not suitable for humans to settle for a long time, so you have to find a way out on your own."

The royal family of the Dragon Palace Kingdom has no problem with some humans living here. This can even deepen the understanding between races, but the general environment does not support it.

Fish-Man Island has just taken its first step towards opening up to the outside world, and there are only a few things that are starting to show signs of this.

"In two days there will be a ship leaving from Fish-Man Island to Firefly Island. If you are interested, come along. If you are not interested, forget it."

After Shaq said this, he left here, but Stella and Tezzolo struggled for a while and decided to give it a try.

Most of the people traveling to and from Fish-Man Island are pirate ships. If you take a pirate ship, you might as well choose to trust the fish-men. After all, Shaq really took out the official certificate, and it even had a Navy approval certificate on it.

The ship Shaq was talking about was not the mining team's ship. It was filled with fish and mermaids who had longed for land after Otohime returned from her last visit.

Otohime proved to them with facts that some places could be believed. In the end, some of the slaves rescued by Bawi joined his pirate group, and a few fled scattered around the world, and some Many ended up in Piltover.

But in his palace, Oran encountered a rather special situation. A cargo ship belonging to the World Government appeared at the port of Piltover. The person in charge of pressing the ship was an old acquaintance of Piltover - Ku. praise.

"You said that the experiment of the ancient giants was successful?"

Now Kuzan is also a quasi-high-level member of the Navy, so it is okay to know this kind of thing. After all, Porusalino is cooperating with Vegapunk's research in Punk Hassad, and Kuzan is also cooperating with Oran here.

They all have some understanding of this new technology, but they just don't know the details.

"That's what the World Government said. I don't know the details. In short, this ship was shipped from Punk Hassad. They said that when the ship gets here, Doctor, you will know how to deal with it."

Kuzan yawned. Compared with the last time they met, his temperament had changed.

The sunglasses he had been wearing before were replaced by eye patches. Since the O'Hara incident, Kuzan has become like this. Although he has not changed much in essence, his behavior no longer shows the same energy as before.

"I keep this thing frozen. Doctor, do you have a cold storage here? I won't have to worry about it after putting it in."

"Come with me here, I'm quite curious about what this is."

Oran is still aware of this. He used the reason that the ancient giants could not be reproduced, so he made Iron Oz an orphan.

The World Government has been conducting experiments on the ancient giants. In order to allow Caesar to reasonably consume the enemy, Oran did not even expose Caesar's behavior.

This project has been in charge of Caesar since then, and now someone suddenly told him that Caesar had recreated the ancient giant race.

It can be said that Oran didn't believe a word of this result. Oran was just curious about how Caesar deceived people.

I have a bad stomach, and it’s gone today.

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