Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 240 Your future finance minister is moving bricks, Shichibukai meeting

The Celestial Dragons, who value face the most, will never admit this.

Oran has real technology in his hands. Even if Satan is unhappy, Caesar will still be unlucky.

Compared with conspiracy, the open conspiracy is more unsolvable.

However, no matter what the result is, as long as there is a problem, Caesar will definitely be unlucky.

If he can't grasp this step, the current enjoyment will become the last meal.

According to Oran's speculation, this is a matter of time. If Caesar knows how to repent, he will not be Caesar.

This matter has nothing to do with Oran. At this time, he has sent away this extra test product. According to the World Government, it is estimated that he intends to sell this defective product to Kaido to recover blood.

At the port of Firefly Island, the ship of Fishman Island once again arrived at the destination.

This time, Otohime did not go with her. It's not that she didn't want to come, but her physical condition is a bit special.

Unlike mermaids swimming in the deep sea, ships sailing on the sea surface have to face turbulent waves. In order to wash away the stain of evil and violence in the eyes of the world, while fighting against past pirates, Otohime also organized a rescue team with the Sea King Army.

The main range of activities of this rescue team is to rescue humans who encounter shipwrecks in the nearby sea area. Otohime accidentally hit a reef during a rescue and is still recovering from her injuries.

Compared with the last time when there was only a pure fish-man combination except Otohime and the Left Minister, there are many more mermaids on the ship this time, but they are all older.

If you can't split your legs, there are still too many inconveniences to go to land. Bubbles cannot be used beyond the range of the Sabaody Archipelago. Before there are any breakthroughs in this regard, the frequency of young mermaids going out is still very low.

"Is this the human country?"

"It's different from the bottom of the sea. It turns out that apple trees are like this."

The identity of fishmen and mermaids is tourists. Although they are still wary of the outside world, they are more yearning for the outside world.

Compared with the tourists from Fishman Island, Tezoro and others who came here with the ship had new arrangements.

When Fishman Island sent people here, they naturally had to say hello to Orlan in advance, so before the ship from Fishman Island docked, someone was waiting for them here.

"Everyone, welcome to your new home. Piltover will be responsible for your food and accommodation for the first month, and will provide a certain subsidy. During this time, you can find a new job."

Tricia brought these refugees here to a temporary residence. She was one of the slaves rescued by Leliana that year, and she started working in a bakery.

But after a few years, she also had a new job, receiving these foreign immigrants. In a sense, this can be regarded as entering the ranks of civil servants.

"This is the key to your room. If you lose it, come to me in time to reissue it."

Compared to the past, Piltover's current policy on receiving foreign immigrants is more complete. Facing these penniless people, they generally provide dormitory-like accommodation.

Most of them are managed separately for men and women, which can reduce a lot of chaos. There are also a few family rooms.

It is rare for a family to come to an island in the open sea in an orderly manner without any money. Tezulo and Stella were assigned a new house.

It is simple but tidy. Although there are no luxurious facilities, they are very satisfied with it. After all, it means a new life.

"Let's do it this way for now. I will go to the island to find a job later. I saw a lot of places under construction before. It should not be difficult to find some work.

It's a pity that the money was not brought back, otherwise..."

In order to redeem Stella, Tezulo saved money for three years, but the money was lost in the chaos of the human auction.

Tezulo now has no skills. If he must say, he knows some skills of stealing and gambling.

He made a living by stealing when he was a child, and then he spent four years in the casino.

Being able to gamble in that place for four years, Tezulo is still a little talented in this aspect.

However, he had promised Stella that he would never do bad things again, so he chose to work hard, which was the simplest way of working.

"Stella, you."

"I'll go with you. Since we are going to live together in the future, we can't let you do everything.

Maybe we can see if there are any troupes that recruit new people. Don't you want to be a star? You have to work hard for your dream."

"Dreams or life are more important. Let's settle down first and then talk about dreams. I don't want to take you to the streets in a month."

If he was still alone, Tezulo would probably choose to pursue his dream regardless of everything, but now it's different.

He felt that he had an obligation to take responsibility for the family.

He didn't want to be like his father. Although he had entered the quagmire, Stella had pulled him out of the quagmire.

Tezulo, who had a brand new life in front of him, did not intend to repeat the same mistakes.

At this time, Tezulo realized for the first time what responsibility was.

He did not immediately embark on the road of pursuing his dreams, but tried to give Stella a stable life first.

This group of foreign immigrants was roughly settled down, and tourists from the Kingdom of Dragon Palace also scattered around the island to experience the land customs.

With Yiji's personal verification, they were relatively assured of this place.

The left minister in charge of the team of the Kingdom of Dragon Palace completed the handover with Brand.

"Minister Brand, how is King Oran's health recently?"

After following Otohime to Firefly Island once, Minister Zuo began to read the historical documents of Fishman Island and some books brought from the land to study how countries should communicate.

Now Minister Zuo is like a primary school student meeting a foreigner for the first time, asking him "how are you" according to the lines in the textbook.

"Your Majesty Oran, it's not bad."

Brand did not struggle with the title of minister. According to convention, there would be no problem for a high-ranking official with a certain status in the kingdom to be called this.

Even if it was a bit unreasonable, Brand regarded it as the dialect from Fish-Man Island, but Minister Zuo suddenly fell silent.

Brand's answer did not follow the textbook, so Minister Zuo, who was well prepared, suddenly didn't know how to answer the question.

And Brand didn't pay attention here. He was worried at this time.

Not long ago, Olan went out again, this time to Marigio for a meeting.

It's just that the meeting at this point in time is not a meeting of the franchised countries, but a meeting of the Shichibukai.

There is no shortage of pirates in this sea. The era of great pirates triggered by Roger's death gave birth to the Shichibukai system.

Today's Shichibukai are still not complete, but there are one or two names in it that Oran doesn't recognize.

Such unheard-of characters mean that they will be removed from the list one day in the future and are completely worth mentioning, and today's meeting is also about the New Shichibukai.

Some time ago, Moria brought a giant ship comparable to a small island from the Western Sea to return to the Grand Route.

The Moonlight Pirates were completely wiped out, and now only the Terror Barque Pirates remained, with Moria becoming the lone bare commander.

Except for those who were poached by Oran in advance, even Hogbak was not ready to join Moria at this time.

Without this doctor, Moria would not have the technology to transform corpses. Although he has begun to use the ability of the shadow fruit to create zombies, the number is very small.

Olan seems to have a lot of responsibility for this, after all, Moria's missing men are under his command at this time.

In Marie Joa's conference room, at a round table, Olan was holding a few pieces of white paper and feeding the lamb standing on the table.

This goat may have been fed by the Warring States Period and developed a new hobby. It likes to eat navy documents.

"Dr. Sidriel, you've been waiting for a long time. Let's start now. It is estimated that no one else will come. Those bastards at sea don't know their identity at all.

Fortunately, you are one of them, otherwise it would be torture to hold a meeting with those bastards. "

When Warring States came to the conference room, he didn't say much. He simply sat on the chair next to Olan and then took out a document.

"This is the content of this meeting. The World Government plans to recruit Moonlight Moria as a member of the Shichibukai. Last year, he had a big battle with Kaido of the Beasts. The result seemed to be that the entire army was annihilated, but he himself was alive. Escaped.

Now he has a bounty of 320 million Baileys and seems to be planning to make a comeback. "

He has a certain level of strength and is in conflict with the pirates in the New World. Moria can be considered qualified for the selection of the Shichibukai.

"Guhahaha, you are really impatient. Didn't you call the Shichibukai for a meeting? Why did you start it without waiting for someone? This is not polite, Navy."

Crocodile walked into the conference room through the door. Seeing that Seng Guo had already begun to describe the content of the meeting, his expression seemed a little unhappy.

"I'm really sorry, after all, I didn't expect you idiots to actually come to the meeting."

"I am a pirate who was recruited by the World Government."

"Stop, that's not your place, sit over there."

Seeing Crocodile pull out the chair on the other side of him, Sengoku looked displeased, and then scolded him.

"We are both from the Shichibukai, do we need to treat them differently?"

"Krokdal, don't get me wrong. You are lucky enough to sit at the same table as the doctor. You just happen to be both Shichibukai. Don't think too highly of yourself."

Sengoku was able to maintain a friendly attitude toward Oran. The opponent had a special status. Even if he had the position of Shichibukai, he was just a special move, and he was not of the same nature as a pirate.

But Crocodile was completely different. From the moment he entered here, the navy was either disgusted or wary of him. In short, there was no smile on his face.

Convening this meeting was an order from the World Government. Sengoku naturally didn't like the Shichibukai as a pirate, and even tried to bully him with words.

"Perhaps you have something in common. After all, you and this new candidate both lost to the pirates of the New World.

You think so, Crocodile? "

It’s gone now. It’s easy to become lazy after being sluggish for a long time. I’ll bring it back tomorrow.

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