Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 242 Birthday and Proposal

Labo didn't feel anything about the mobile platform on his head. To humans, it was indeed very heavy, but to the island whale, it was no different from wearing a straw hat.

The laughter and joy coming from above even made Labo feel happy. He could feel the joy of the people on his back.

"Lailey, happy 14th birthday, you are becoming more and more like an adult."

"I think I have been one for a long time. Why don't you change the adult standard on the island? The adults on the island are not as good as me now, and even Brother Bear is not as tall as me."

Girls usually grow earlier. This feature can be seen from the queues on the playground of elementary school. Many girls at that time were taller than boys in the same class.

During this period, Laileana completed a sharp increase in height. Although the speed has slowed down now, she still achieved the first achievement on the island with a height of 8.1 meters, even the bears are shorter.

That is, Orlan had expected this at the beginning, otherwise the speed of the renovation of the royal city would not be able to keep up with Laileana's growth rate.

"No, you are the most special one, no one can compare to you. Come and blow out the candles, and then you can eat the cake."

The diameter of this cake is also five meters, and the height after several layers is three meters. In addition to a large amount of cake base and cream of various flavors, it also adds ice cream filling and chocolate decoration. It is an absolute calorie bomb.

The chef who made this cake was borrowed from Cake Island. Only the chefs under Charlotte Lingling have rich experience in making such giant cakes. Charlotte Lingling herself also gave Leliana a birthday present.

Similar gifts have piled up into a small mountain in Leliana's room. Some are given by underground giants such as Feld, some are given by former colleagues such as Vegapunk, and some are given by the navy.

Olan himself does not celebrate his birthday and rarely holds celebrations. Instead, his daughter's birthday has become an opportunity for these people to maintain relationships.

That is, Oran did not mean to hold a banquet, but only held a small family dinner, otherwise the number of participants would probably be quite large.

"Candles, blow out the candles~"

"No, Perona, this is my sister's birthday, only she can blow out the candles."

The flickering candlelight seemed to arouse Perona's interest, but she couldn't touch the candles on the top of the tall cake, so she could only wave to Orlan in the end.

But Orlan, who could easily satisfy her ideas in the past, rejected her this time. Everyone has only one birthday every year, and being young is not a reason to be willful.

"You have already celebrated your birthday in June, so wait for next year."

In Orlan, willfulness can't get everything. After establishing this point of view early, Perona didn't continue after Orlan rejected it.

In fact, even if she was asked to blow it, she couldn't blow out the candle. For a big cake with a diameter of several meters, the birthday candle certainly couldn't be as thin as a toothpick.

This candle is even thicker than Perona's waist. It's more like a torch than a candle, and it's windproof.

Perona's lung capacity is so exhausted that she can't blow it out.

"Okay, let's eat the cake."

Blowing out the candles is more of a process for Leliana. It's better to make a wish to Orlan than to make a wish to the cake. Leliana is more concerned about whether the cake is delicious this time.

And this is beyond doubt. You can question everything about Cake Island, but you can never question the level of the chef there.

If you can't make desserts well on Cake Island, it will be fatal.

"Yohohoho, it's such a festive day. To celebrate the birthday of Her Royal Highness, please allow me to present a song."

Brooke took out his violin, which was now equipped with a new bow.

Although Brook had the ability to play music with a sword, it was limited by the environment. Now that he had the conditions, he still changed to a new prop to take good care of his violin.

There was no act of wasting food by throwing the cake on the face. The huge cake was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Olan himself just scooped some vanilla ice cream from it, added the decorative lava chocolate to make a simple sundae and sat aside.

"Don't eat so many desserts when you are old, it's not good for your health."

Kurokas put down the newspaper in his hand and said to Oran casually.

"I am also a doctor. How can I not know what is bad to eat? But it tastes good, and you said it as if I were an old man."

"Compared to the first time I saw you, you don't seem to have aged at all. Maybe you are an old monster."

"You are slandering me. I am in my prime now."

Olan raised his hand to calculate his age and found that it was really a bit unclear. If he calculated his physical age, he would have to repeat the calculation constantly, after all, he had restarted more than once.

If he calculated his mental age and the time spent in dreams, his age would become impossible to calculate.

In the end, Oran's calculation had become idealistic. As long as his heart was not old, he would never be old. This was recognized by a fox in Gensokyo.

At this time, the bear came to Oran and looked a little shy.

"What's wrong, Bear? What's wrong with you?"

"Um, Brother Orlan, what do you think of me proposing to Ginny now?"

"Congratulations, you finally figured it out. Are you going to take that step? If you've made up your mind, just tell me. You two don't need this much.

Are you planning to have a baby? I can help you prepare in advance."

Olan doesn't like to get involved in other people's emotional affairs. If you don't do it well, you will not be able to please both sides. If you persuade them to be together today, and then they break up one day, you may be blamed by both sides.

If you persuade two people who are quarreling to break up, if they reconcile again, you may be blamed in a double sense.

However, Xiong and Ginny are special. There is no problem in their relationship. They are also friends who have risked their lives. After living together for a while, the birth of their relationship can be said to be a natural result.

It's just that Xiong has always been a little timid because of his race. Those painful experiences are something Xiong can't forget.

But the situation is different now. The hospital is Orlan's own territory. At worst, Orlan and the androids will be responsible for this matter, and the news will not leak out.

Moreover, in the original timeline, Kuma had met Satan in the Valley of the Gods, used the Meatball Fruit in front of him, and later joined the Revolutionary Army, and was finally wanted by the Navy.

After such a series of events, the World Government did not do anything to Kuma like hunting down the Lunaria tribe.

If it were not for the fact that Satan overheard some news on Warhead Island in order to treat Bonnie, and it was related to soldiers that could be mass-produced such as pacifists, I am afraid that Kuma could have been stable all the time.

Now there are not so many messy things, and Kuma has not met Satan in the Valley of the Gods.

Although the Meatball Fruit is on him, no one can tell whether he stole the fruit in the Valley of the Gods, or left it outside after the collapse of the Valley of the Gods, or a pirate died after eating it, and the fruit was reborn due to unexpected factors.

Kaido ate the Fish-Fish Fruit and nothing happened, and he gradually changed from a trainee of Rocks to a monster in the new world.

The former slave status is not a big deal for the World Government. Ivankov in the original timeline was arrested as a revolutionary soldier and was only imprisoned in Impel Down.

Hancock can still become a Seven Warlords of the Sea. Except for Tiger, who was hunted for a long time because of the burning of the Holy Land, other slaves are not worth the World Government's fanfare.

Unless Oran now puts an advertisement in the newspaper saying that he is studying the blank hundred years, no one will pay attention to the marriage of his subordinates.

"Well. I have no plans in this regard for the time being, but I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

"What are you afraid of? Proposing and confessing is something that should be done after everything is done. You two have nothing wrong. Although you are not a couple in name, you are very close to couples in life.

Don't blame me for not reminding you, Ginny is getting more and more interested in the prescription. If you continue to be submissive, she will really do such a thing.

You are also a man. Do you want her to take the initiative in this matter? By the way, when did you prepare the ring? I didn't even notice it."

Looking at the small box in Xiong's hand, Oran was a little curious.

"This. I've prepared it a long time ago. By the way, Brother Oran, do you think I should give it a surprise hidden in the food? I'll read the book."

"Forget it, that's Ginny, do you want her to swallow the ring directly? It's already been prepared to this extent, I'll help you one last time. Ginny! Bear has something important to tell you!"

Bear didn't hesitate for a day or two on this matter. It's rare that he had the courage, and Oran directly blocked his way back.

"Hmm? What do you want to say, little bear?"

Ginny's face was still covered with a lot of cream, and she came over when she heard the voice.

"That's it. Are you willing to marry."

Bear knelt on one knee on the ground and just opened the box in his hand, but before he finished speaking, Ginny took the box away.

"Did you make it yourself? It's beautiful."

"Brother Orlan's science book says that carbon can make diamonds. I squeezed it with my ability to make it, so."

"I declare that, under the witness of Brother Orlan, we are now husband and wife!"


All this still didn't go as Xiong expected. According to Xiong's idea, this should be the next step, but Ginny didn't expect to go all the way to the end.

"What are you waiting for? Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day? When will the wedding be held? This can't be missed. I want a wedding cake and... In short, I want a lot of delicious food!"

They didn't have many relatives and friends, and basically everyone was present. If it wasn't for another big meal, I'm afraid Ginny could have skipped the wedding.

And Xiong just nodded his head simply, with a simple and gentle smile on his face, and the desire to protect in his eyes became more and more determined.

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