Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 246 The most powerful and magical

New World, Totland Sea, Cake Island.

Charlotte Lingling sat on a chair, liquid dripping from the corners of her mouth.

She was already middle-aged at this time, not as youthful and beautiful as before, and her face had many traces of time.

Her youthful appearance gradually faded, replaced by muscles and fortitude.

Whenever she was excited because she wanted to eat sweets, her stomach acid would surge.

The stomach acid secreted by those people was extremely corrosive, and it made a sizzling sound when it fell on the ground.

Many of these floors made of biscuits and candies had been corroded.

For the people of Cake Island, this was not a good sign. It could almost be seen as a precursor to the onset of bulimia. If Charlotte Lingling could not keep eating the food she wanted in a short period of time, she would go crazy.

"Where's the food? Isn't it ready yet?"

"It will be ready soon. Chef Longbread has already started the emergency stock!"

The special food additives produced by Orlan for the Wan Guo played a role. The longer shelf life allowed the Big Mom Pirates to better deal with Charlotte Linlin's food cravings, thus reducing a lot of their troubles.

Finally, when Charlotte Linlin was about to lose control, she successfully ate the dessert she wanted.

"Well, well, how are the chefs from before?"

"The feedback from Firefly Island is that Princess Leliana likes their desserts very much."

"Very good, then let's lend them out for a while, and call them back after a while."

Charlotte Linlin's rule is "Don't refuse those who come, and don't let those who leave."

Anyone can join Wan Guo, and she will tolerate all races, but once you join, you can't leave. This is Charlotte Linlin's rule.

It's not easy to lend out the most important dessert chef for a while.

"Mom, this is today's news. Redfield seems to have joined Firefly Island and become a member there."

Compared to those ordinary people, these pirates are more concerned about Redfield's situation.

Just as the navy thinks it is difficult to capture Redfield, the pirates in the New World are unwilling to provoke him.

This guy is a lone ranger, and it is a thankless job to make an enemy of him.

People like Whitebeard are not afraid of Redfield, but their subordinates are not.

If Redfield relentlessly retaliates, they can't protect everyone, and with the other party's arrogant character, he retreated from the sea in this way, even the pirates are satisfied.

"Well, well, well, good, this way there will be fewer worries, Katakuri, notify others to prepare for the battle, we have to take down the islands in the west as soon as possible!"

Before, Redfield had been active in that area, and Charlotte Linlin didn't want to affect the other party because of the battle, leading to a feud with him.

Now that Redfield is gone, they have to start a new operation.

On the Moby Dick, Marco also came to Whitebeard waving a newspaper.

"Dad, I didn't expect that the Red Earl really joined someone else, and it was a Shichibukai."

"Gulala, everyone has their own ambitions. It seems that he has found what he needs."

Although there have been some fights, Whitebeard and Redfield have no deadly hatred that cannot be resolved. As one of the few people Redfield likes, Whitebeard and Redfield can be regarded as mutually recognized.

Seeing that the other party has made a choice, Whitebeard is somewhat relieved.

In the position next to the cabin, Marshall D. Teach was also reading this newspaper. He, known as Blackbeard, hugged Whitebeard's legs a long time ago and begged him to accept him.

He believes that the probability of encountering the Dark Dark Fruit here is the highest. If he never encounters it, he may always be Whitebeard's good son.

"Hahaha, you are an ambitious guy. The Seven Warlords of the Sea should be just a stepping stone for you. You can even recruit a monster like Redfield. What is your purpose?"

People always like to judge others by themselves. Just like the old saying, people with a heart see everything as dirty, although Blackbeard did guess some of his thoughts.

"Teach, what are you laughing so happily about? Are you going to take over as captain?"

"No, I am already very satisfied to be with my father. I am not qualified to be the captain."

At this time, Blackbeard was a member of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Since the captain of the Second Division, Kozuki Oden, was borrowed by Roger, this position has been vacant.

Unfortunately, Kozuki Oden, who promised to come back, did not come back until Roger died, and he even had no contact with Whitebeard again.

This made Whitebeard, who recognized Oden as his younger brother, sad for a while.

"Hahaha! He can even recruit such a monster, he is indeed a man I recognize! Sidilier, what is your ambition?"

The Golden Lion on the floating island also received the newspaper. He was still floating in the sky, not isolated from the world, and still had a certain understanding of the outside world.

At least through Morgans, he could slightly know some major events outside.

This was also inevitable after Redfield joined. Even if Redfield himself knew the reason for doing so, it was still seen by outsiders as a mountain master.

This was still a new world that had enough understanding of Redfield's strength, and the outside world's thoughts were even more complicated.

Most of the other Shichibukai were envious, feeling that Olan had found a treasure this time, and in some cases they were simply laughing at him.

For example, this is the custom in the tavern in Magic Valley Town.

"What an aloof red, but in the end, he chose to become a lackey of the government."

"Yeah, can the country that this kind of guy joins be called the strongest? This is really funny."

Demon Valley Town, known as the town of ridicule, always has good reason to look down on outsiders. In the eyes of these people, it is not themselves who are heretical, but outsiders who are different from themselves, even if this outsider can be crushed to death with one finger. them.

"Xiong Zai, Brother Olan seems to have done something big."

On the resort island, Ginny didn't feel too shocked when she read the news in the newspaper. She didn't even put down the barbecue in her hand. It was normal for Olan to do something big.

Resort Island is the real name of this island. The purpose of its existence seems to be to welcome vacation tourists from the World Government, and even pirates will be received.

Although it was a bit messy, business was pretty good, and Ginny and Bear also chose this place as one of their honeymoon destinations.

"Ledfield seems to have heard Fran mention that this is her pen pal."

"Well, it is said that he is a super strong guy. If he sincerely joins us, his actions will be smoother in the future."

"I think so. By the way, I saw little Ivan. He is already waiting for us in the room."

"Okay, let's go over there first and complete the deal first."

The two of them had other tasks here, such as arms transactions with the revolutionary army.

Dragon himself was a member of the opposition to the war, and once became a member of the navy as Garp wished.

It's just that in the navy, Long couldn't see the justice he wanted, and finally chose to leave the navy.

The O'Hara incident made Long determined to carry out an armed uprising, and with the help of Vegapunk, he successfully obtained arms sales channels.

At the beginning, Long didn't have such a big demand for arms. The world is very big. His revolutionary army is currently mainly active in the four seas, and the requirements for weapons are not very strong.

However, as the scope of activities expanded, the revolutionary army began to gradually break out into armed conflicts with the royal army, and began to have greater demand for arms.

The Revolutionary Army was originally just a protest. After it turned into an armed uprising, many people quit the organization. The current Revolutionary Army is still a grassroots team, and even the World Government doesn't care much about it.

In this case, there were not many available people around Long, and there were even fewer people who had the strength to operate on the Grand Line and were familiar with the transaction parties. In the end, only Ivankov could do this.

In the room on the resort island, Ivankov, who was dressed like a call girl, lay on the bed in a very charming manner, leaving Ginny and the Bear stunned.

"Little Ivan, are you too perverted?"

"Yes, Brother Ivan, what are you doing?"

"This is a compulsory course for new human beings to exercise and master the flexibility of the human body."

As he spoke, Ivankov began to make difficult moves, but not long after, Xiong and Ginny heard a loud click. Looking at Ivankov who fell to the ground and was still holding his waist, the two of them even felt a little a little bit. At a loss.

"Bones. Nothing will happen if the bones are broken! I lied to you! Haha!"

Ivankov suddenly jumped up again and injected himself with male hormones, turning himself back into a man.

"Brother Ivan is indeed becoming more and more perverted."

"Indeed, is this the characteristic of a ladyboy?"

"Hey, hey! You two are almost done! Don't talk about me so loudly in my ears! It turns out that Olan has done something incredible. He can actually attract such a big shot to join his army."

Listening to the two people's discussion about him, Ivankov was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't take it to heart. Instead, he took out the newspaper he had delivered earlier.

"After all, it's Brother Olan. Although we don't know how he did it, let's do business first, Xiong Zai, take out the things."


As he spoke, the bear took out a gas can from the book on his back.

"What is this?"

Looking at this metal can, Ivankov was a little confused. Due to the differences in sea technology, gas cans were not popular.

Moreover, Ivankov came here to buy weapons. Seeing this round thing, he was really confused.

"Brother Olan said that what you are doing is too dangerous, and it is easy for problems to arise if he sells you weapons directly. You can also get ordinary swords, so he got this thing specially for you. This is the included modification manual. .

If you have more needs in the future, just use the channels in the underground world normally. "

As a law-abiding citizen, how can you sell weapons to anti-government armed forces? You must know that in this sea, this kind of nature is even worse than pirates.

But if someone purchases civilian equipment normally and then modifies it privately, it has nothing to do with Oran.

As Vegapunk said, the revolutionary army is very poor, and this kind of cheap civilian props is more suitable for them.

"This is really thoughtful."

"By the way, Brother Ivan, Xiong Zai and I are already married. Remember to give us a wedding gift next time we meet."

"Hipulu congratulations to you."

Ivankov, who was still reading the instructions, was stunned for a moment, then sent his blessing, and on Firefly Island, Morgans' newspaper also began to spread.

"The strongest country. Has our country become so strong?"

The news in the newspaper may not be true, which many people know, but even if you want to brag, you have to have some foundation.

The World Economic News Agency is an authoritative newspaper after all, and it is impossible to brag about a small country for no reason.

In less than ten years, their country has changed from a lawless place where people can be slaughtered to a powerful country comparable to the Giant Country, which makes them feel proud.

"Yes, thanks to His Majesty Orlan. All the consumption in the tavern today is free. Cheers to King Orlan!"

"Cheers to King Orlan!"

Cheers broke out in the tavern, and similar things are even everywhere.

Redfield himself can naturally see the information in the newspaper, but he seems to be dismissive of it.

He never cares about the opinions of outsiders.

Because of his extremely powerful observation color, Redfield has been accustomed to the sinisterness of human hearts since he was a child.

As he said to Zhan Guo, he did this for no reason, just because he wanted to.

"According to the rules of pirates, I have joined your army. Should I call you Captain?"

"I am not a pirate. Your title is Red Earl, right? Do you want to follow the rules of the kingdom? How about the title of Red Duke?"

Redfield did not want to contact people, but he could not. After having the shielding helmet, his old problem has improved slightly in the past few years, and he can chat with Orlan normally now.

"Does this seem to be a promotion of my title? But forget it, it's just a nickname, nothing to care about. I chose to join here to stop those annoying flies from buzzing around me.

Of course, if there is a real need in the future, I won't mind helping."

Redfield also has his own principles. He also enjoys the convenience of being under the command of the Seven Warlords, so he must give back appropriately.

What's more, this is the country where his pen pals and idols live. He will not be happy if it is destroyed.

"I have already chosen a place to settle down. The lighthouse near the whale port is a good place. I heard that the soul king also lives nearby?"

"Yes, he usually performs for Lab, that island whale. If you live there, maybe you will be neighbors. At this time, Brook should be practicing nearby."

"Is that so? Then I will go there to take a look."

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