Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 251 We are all members, why do you have the privilege?

The World Government is still working hard to make the procedure correct.

Orlan was not a member of the royal family of a member country before. Such an identity is easier to handle.

Even if an accident occurs, as long as the country can be re-established and the heavenly gold can be obtained, after the consent of the world nobles, it can naturally regain the seat of the member country.

However, Orlan's identity needs to go through the process. If the proposal is not passed after it appears, the five elders will not be able to get through. Now the time before the meeting starts is the time to greet each other.

"This matter is a foregone conclusion, and there can be no accidents in the result."

"King Yumi Bing, you should understand what we mean."

The five elders stated their purpose one by one, and they also successfully conveyed their meaning.

Even among the group of Celestial Dragons, the five of them are at the top.

Whether it is a king or a civilian, they are the same in their eyes. There is no difference in essence. It is nothing more than what value they can bring. Even Cobra, who also has the blood of the twenty kings, will die if he violates the taboo.

The Knights of God within the Celestial Dragons were already qualified to manage and execute the Celestial Dragons. They were not unable to accept the death of the Celestial Dragons, but they could not accept the death of the Celestial Dragons at the hands of outsiders.

"Piltover, King Oran, please."

When the Five Elders began to manipulate the meeting as agreed, the red-clothed bearded man also brought Oran to a special room in Mary Geoise.

In the empty room stood two rows of heavily armored guards neatly. These were the elite guards selected by the World Government, and they could fight a few moves with the rising stars of the Sabaody Archipelago, but now their role was the honor guard.

The red carpet paved road led directly to the stairs in front, and hundreds of weapons of different shapes were inserted above the steps, and the number of weapons just corresponded to the number of member countries now.

Further up were nineteen weapons, and in the middle of these weapons was a blank throne.

"This is the Void Throne. No one can sit on this seat. It symbolizes that the kings of all countries are equal and have no desire for dictatorship.

The twenty weapons guarding the throne are the oaths made by the twenty founders of the World Government. This is the center of the world. No one sits on it, which is a symbol of peace.

Just like the five elders, the highest authority in the world and the highest status among the Celestial Dragons, divide power into five parts, there is no king with only one person in this world."

The red-robed long-bearded man explained the reason for all this to Orlan. In a sense, it is similar. All member states are indeed equal, at least in the eyes of the Celestial Dragons.

The reason why the five elders divide power into five parts is because there is another person above them, the one who has the power to sit on the Void Throne-Imu.

It is said that twenty weapons defend the throne, but if you count carefully, you will find that there are only nineteen weapons. Among the twenty people at the beginning, Queen Lily of Alabasta refused to move the royal family to Marijoa, so she did not become a Celestial Dragon.

It is unknown whether the missing weapon belongs to Lily or to Im, who broke the agreement.

"Then King Oran, please swear that you will abide by the oath that all kings of all countries are equal and have no desire for dictatorship."

This is the process for the World Government to join. This oath naturally cannot bind anyone. After all, the World Government itself has not abided by this oath.

Oran did not make trouble for this matter. He completed this step smoothly and inserted the new long sword below.

"I really want to kill all these guys in there."

In the social square, Kate sat in the corner, and there were even some electric sparks flashing in her fur. Those guys in the underground world had to line up and register, but the Celestial Dragons could even skip this process.

"Uh, what did you say?"

"Oh, Meow is speaking the dialect of the Fur Tribe, which means to wish the people living here peace and health, and to ascend to heaven as soon as possible."

Brand felt that he heard something strange, but Kate's words left him speechless.

The population of Fishman Island can still make up 5 million, and the total number of the fur tribe is probably less than 20,000. Most of them will not leave the back of the elephant master. There are not many fur tribes who are still alive and moving freely in the outside world. There is only Kate in Piltover.

She said this is the dialect of the fur tribe, so it can only be a dialect. At most, I heard it wrong.


"Are you sure that early access to paradise is a good word?"

"It should be, that's not important. Shouldn't you continue to show off your mecha? Why are you here?"

"It's meaningless. These people are different from the group of young men in China. They are too patient and can't show off."

The reason for not being Versailles is that Versailles can't be Versailles, a very plain reason, and not long after, Frankenstein joined here.

"Boring, such a large social square, but there is no charging port."

Marijoa has electricity, but it is not used too much outside, only used for lighting.

As the center of the world, there is no shortage of technology here, but the Celestial Dragons don't need it at all.

It's not that they look down on technology, but the convenience brought by technology will reduce their sense of nobility. Only by oppressing slaves can these guys' vanity be greatly satisfied.

The moving walkway built on the Red Earth Continent is an example. Although Satan's actual level is not very good, it is still easy to get some power sources.

But those moving walkways still chose manpower, and it was the slaves below who pushed it. They used this method to set off their charm. The seemingly beautiful and peaceful Mary Joa was actually piled on dry bones.

"Forget it, Fran, it would be boring if the power was cut off here."

"I can control it and won't overload the line."

These were just some insignificant episodes. After Oran returned, the social activities continued for another whole day, but when Oran ended the activity, the number of kings who came to communicate with him increased significantly.

In the past period of time, they all received instructions from the World Government and knew that as long as tomorrow, the other party would become a member of the member country.

With the status of a member country, everything is different. Of course, those countries that did not have the right to participate in the meeting and simply came to join in the fun did not change their attitude.

They just noticed some changes. After all, many people became more enthusiastic about Oran.

The next day, fifty chairs formed a circle around the huge round table. The kings took their seats one after another according to their closeness, and the venue gradually became noisy.

Yesterday, the discussion in the social square was about private matters, and several kingdoms even established marriage relations. Today is different.

"Everyone, I will host this year's meeting, so the first item of today's meeting is about Piltover becoming a member country.

This is the specific information, you can watch it carefully, and we will vote on it in fifteen minutes."

Two people will have different opinions, not to mention that there are fifty people here, and most plans can only be carried out through voting.

If the vote is unfortunately tied, the matter is likely to be shelved, and if you are unlucky, it may even have to wait until the next world meeting to be resolved.

"Alabasta agrees."

"The Kingdom of Drum agrees."

"The Kingdom of Flowers agrees."

"Dressrosa agrees."

"The Kingdom of Shishano opposes."

"The Kingdom of Samba abstains."

Soon, there were feedbacks from the venue one after another, and the countries close to Orlan all chose to agree. Piltover becoming a member country is an absolute good thing for them.

First of all, with the status of a member country, the transactions between the two sides will become smoother, and even help the security of their own countries.

The World Government does not allow wars between member states. With this status, at least Orlan cannot suddenly feel like driving a giant mecha to their doorstep one day.

What King Yumi Bing sent out was not a voting paper, but an introduction to Piltover. This made many kings who saw Orlan's achievements choose to agree. In their view, it is natural for such a country to become a member state.

Those who abstained simply did not want to participate in this matter, so they simply gave up their voting rights.

The opposing votes were also the work of the World Government. It is extremely difficult for fifty people to highly agree with each other's opinions, so a country must vote against it to make the voting result more fair.

As for who will oppose, it will be drawn by lot. The forms sent out have similar marks to indicate who is responsible for opposing, so as to avoid the situation of voting failure at that time.

"37 votes in favor, 5 votes against, 8 abstentions, more than half of the votes, congratulations to King Orlan, your country is now a member of the World Government."

Outside the meeting room, guards from various countries were waiting here, and they could even hear the sound coming from the wall.

After hearing that Piltover had returned to the membership, Brand stood up uncontrollably.

After so many years, this country is finally going to return to the world in a formal way.

In the conference room, the cheerful atmosphere lasted only a short time. These kings had a lot to discuss, and in fact, seventy days would not be enough.

Because some things are hard to explain, such as the ownership of certain islands. Both countries believe that the islands belong to them. The world government does not allow internal fighting among the members, and their national strength is similar, so they can only be criticized here.

But this topic will not get any results even if it is argued for several years.

The World Conference will last for seven days. On the first day, people only think that Orlan is a lucky king who has easily obtained the seat of the member countries.

But on the second day of the meeting, they realized that things were not simple. The World Conference cannot satisfy all countries, and some people's interests will definitely be harmed.

"Everyone, announce a new decision of the World Government, regarding the change of the World Government's authority to participate in the World Conference.

From this meeting, King Orlan of Piltover has the right to participate in the World Conference, and King Sezi of Lulucia has lost the right to participate in the World Conference."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this, a man who looked and dressed like a vampire stood up. This was the king of Lulucia. The decision just now seriously affected their national status.

"King Sezi, please calm down. Even if you don't have the right to participate in the meeting, your country is still a member of the member countries. This is the decision of the Five Elders, I am just conveying it."

The Five Elders didn't even wait for the next meeting, but directly fired one person.

The selection method is that Satan made all the countries that voted against yesterday into labels and drew lots. The remaining countries who drew the lot will be unlucky.

Being able to be selected to vote against first and then be selected by Satan, in Satan's view, this is also "fate's arrangement".

Although he was very dissatisfied, King Saiqi could only do nothing but helplessly, because the surrounding countries looked at him unfriendly.

Based on the principle of not caring about others, no one stood up to speak up for Lulucia when their own interests were not harmed.

This even has another effect. The relationship between the kings had already become familiar, and suddenly inserting an example like Oran, who took the seat of the old man right away, could also be used to divide the relationship between some kings and Oran.

Others only joined as VIPs, but Oran became SVIP and directly enjoyed more privileges. This may cause Oran to be isolated by some countries, and finally rely on the World Government honestly to prevent Oran from expanding too much.

[Where did this guy come from? ]

This is the inner thought of many kings. They have never had such privileges before. Some kingdoms that are more familiar with the Kingdom of Lulucia also began to resist this suddenly appearing country in their hearts.

However, this situation may not last long. After all, only interests between countries are eternal. Maybe in the future, the Kingdom of Lulusia will forget what happened today and rush to do business with Piltover.

But now, they don’t have such a friendly relationship. The Kingdom of Lulusia cannot compete with the decision of the World Government and finally left angrily.

The right to participate in the meeting will change every year, but this change is generally determined before the meeting begins. It is quite rare to be replaced in the middle of the meeting.

On the first day, Orlan was just a voted person.

On the second day, Orlan successfully obtained a seat and listened to their discussions as an observer for a whole day. On the third day, Orlan expressed his opinion.

"Everyone, I have a suggestion. Don’t you think that there is one less country in the World Conference in recent years?"

"Is there?"

"I didn’t pay attention, King Orlan, what are you talking about?"

These people did not react to what Orlan said at the first time until Orlan said the name of this country-Dragon Palace Kingdom.

"Everyone, don't forget that the Ryugu Kingdom is also a member of the World Government, but they have been living in the deep sea for a long time.

In an environment where pirates are rampant, they are also one of the countries most affected.

Based on the principle of equality and mutual assistance in the alliance, don't you think we should do something?"

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