Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 253: Changes in Wano Country, Things Absalom Brought Back

When the World Conference was going on, Absalom happened to be in Wano Country to perform his mission, which was his periodic activity.

It can be said that he would be angry with anyone who competed with him for this external mission.

Over the years, Absalom has acquaintances in Wano Country other than Quinn, such as Kaido's daughter Yamato.

This is Absalom's character. Any beautiful and cute creature can make him show a relatively gentle side. After all, he is not following Moria and fiddling with corpses every day. Although Absalom is now lustful, he can still control it now.

In Piltover, he will abide by the rules, that is, he will reveal his true nature in the flower streets of Wano Country.

The specific situation should be between Sanji and his brothers. Under restraint, he is not as perverted as in the original timeline, but he is not a serious person either.

He actually has a misunderstanding about Yamato, because Yamato would listen quietly to Absalom's stories about the outside world, which led Absalom to have a feeling that she was very quiet.

Absalom wanted to see a girl who was not so irritable, which was almost extinct in Piltover.

Ginny and Kate were both friendly to their own people, but they would directly discharge electricity to outsiders if they disagreed.

Frankenstein would not discharge electricity, because she thought it would waste electricity, so she would just hit with a hammer.

Leliana was the most violent one by nature. She wrestled with elemental dragons every day when she was a child. As for Perona,

Absalom would rather be punched by Leliana than experience Perona's negative ghost.

Leliana was measured in her actions, and Orlan himself had superb medical skills. As long as there was no taboo, Leliana would be beaten half to death at most if she was angry, and she would just rest for a few months.

Let Perona come to make trouble. Not to mention whether she would be beaten by Kumaai, if there were people around, she would be socially dead.

Perona's arrival even gave rise to a kind of punishment in Piltover.

Those who gossip, slander, and spread rumors about others and cause serious consequences will be pierced through the heart by a negative ghost in the center of the square for three days of public execution and recorded.

Afterwards, different punishments will be imposed according to the severity of the case, and these videos will be played in prison on a loop.

But Absalom's impression was soon broken. Compared with the situation in Wano Country, the people in Piltover were too gentle.

Kaido really beat his children to death when teaching them. Since he met Yamato, every time he came to Wano Country, he could see Kaido and Yamato fighting. And for some reason, Kaido looked at him with a strange look.

In the end, it was Quinn who gave him the answer.

"It's because you said so much when you talked to her about Orlan last time. Miss Yamato didn't remember anything else, but you praised Orlan for being great, and he drove away the pirates.

Then Governor Kaido and his own daughter were at odds, so Miss Yamato's goal is to beat Governor Kaido."

Although Kaido will beat people when he is drunk, as the strongest creature in the world, alcohol will not make him unable to control his body. Intoxication is even a way of fighting for him.

He did it because he wanted to do it. From beginning to end, Kaido never beat cadres and other talents he valued.

Absalom's identity determined that Kaido would not attack him. At most, he would glare at him. As long as Kaido still needs the products in Orlan's hands, he will not do anything to Absalom.

Absalom also knew this, so he still had the courage to carry out this mission. The word "lust" is a knife above his head. This is not a joke.

This time Absalom even ran into a bigger incident.

After dancing naked for several years, Kozuki Oden finally realized that he had been deceived after losing the support of the people, but no one was willing to follow him at this time.

In the end, Kozuki Oden took his nine retainers on the road to attack Kaido.

However, Kozuki Oden did not know that one of his retainers, Kanjuro, was actually named Kurozumi Kanjuro. From the beginning, he was an undercover sent by Kurozumi Orochi to Kozuki Oden.

With the full assistance of this undercover, Kaido had already known Kozuki Oden's actions and had gathered troops on Onigashima, waiting for Kozuki Oden to fall into the trap.

Absalom was on Onigashima at this time, and when Kaido led his men out to fight, he reported the news to Oran.

"Don't do anything. This matter has nothing to do with you, and it is not a battle you can intervene in. Abu, protect your own safety and don't get involved in this kind of battle."

What can happen in Wano Country at this time is the mess of Kurozumi, Kozuki and the beasts.

There is no point for Absalom to get involved in this matter. He is just a deliveryman on vacation, not a mercenary.

"Yes, I understand."

The house on Onigashima has just been built. According to Kaido, he doesn't want to destroy his new home, so he took the initiative to go out to fight.

After thinking for a while, Absalom opened his equipment book and began to equip himself.

He didn't know how strong Kozuki Oden was, but from Kaido's attitude of being on high alert, the opponent should not be weak.

Absalom is now on Onigashima. If any enemy breaks in, he can't say for sure. In order to prevent accidental injuries, he still plans to be fully armed.

The transparent fruit can only make him invisible, but it can't make him invincible.

In the book that Orlan prepared for him, a set of white armor was displayed, and it was a werewolf-type armor specially made according to Absalom's werewolf form.

This thing is also the technology tree of the Project Universe, and it is somewhat similar to Project Doomsday. This and the potion on Absalom represent two parallel Warwicks.

Although this combination of armor is not as strong as the complete Project, it is also a great enhancement for Absalom.

The biggest disadvantage of this set of armor is that it is a little complicated for one person to wear.

"Wow, so cool, is this also made by Dr. Orlan?"

Kaido has not yet gone crazy enough to drag Yamato to the battlefield, so she also stayed on Onigashima, looking at the mecha put on by Absalom with stars in her eyes.

"Yes, this is one of Lord Orlan's great creations, one of the most advanced armors in the world. If it is surpassed one day, it must be that Lord Orlan has made a new model."

Before Yamato had time to take a closer look at this cool mecha, Absalom made it transparent.

At this time, the battle outside Onigashima also began.

Led by Oden, nine retainers, plus Shinobu, a total of eleven people.

And their enemies are thousands of pirates led by Kaido, and they are still pirates who can fight in the New World.

Although Oden and his retainers have good strength, they still seem reluctant in the face of this situation.

"Hehe, Oden, if you had joined forces with Hyogoro when you just came back a few years ago, all the samurai and rangers in the country would have stood on your side.

At that time, I had few subordinates, and if we really had to fight, I would have gotten nothing. I have to thank you for choosing this most stupid path!"

Now Kaido not only has two big cadres, Quinn and Jin, but also the Barbarian Tyrant traded from the World Government and the Giver Corps spawned by the potion traded from Orlan, which have further strengthened his power.

As time passed, Oden and his party gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Oden Two Swords Style. Taoyuan Ten Punch!"

The muscles in Oden's arms swelled twice at this moment, and then the two swords crossed into a cross and slashed towards Kaido's chest, who was still in the form of a dragon in the sky.


The knife flashed, and a huge cross-shaped wound appeared on Kaido's chest, blood gushed out. The defense of domineering and scale armor had been broken by Kozuki Oden at this moment. In pain, Kaido's huge body fell to the ground.

"No way, can he hurt my father?"

In Onigashima, Absalom and Yamato can see the situation on the battlefield through the surveillance animals made by Quinn. If Kaido learns how to educate his offspring, he may become the idol that Yamato wants to surpass, but he is obviously not good at this.

What Kaido left in Yamato's heart is a difficult shadow.

Now Oden can actually break Kaido's defense, which shocked Yamato.

"No, the battle is not over yet. From the beginning to now, Kaido has been using the dragon form. That is not the strongest fighting posture of the animal-type ability user. Next, it's the turn of the dragon human form."

Absalom himself is weak, which does not mean that he has never seen the battle of top strong men. Leliana never used the dragon form when fighting with Redfield.

Facing a slightly smaller and more flexible opponent, the dragon's posture was simply to be a target.

When Absalom was still analyzing the battle situation, the battle situation suddenly changed.

Kurozumi Mushin used the Mimicry Fruit to transform into Momonosuke to distract Oden, and then was hit by Kaido and lost consciousness.

When Oden, the only person who could compete with Kaido, was defeated, the failure of the rest of the people became a foregone conclusion.

After that, some people were sent to the future by Kozuki Toki using his Toki Toki Fruit, and Kozuki Toki finally left a prophecy about the future.

Other daimyos in Wano Country also launched an attack together after Oden's defeat, but the result was no different. If they followed Oden, they might have a chance, but it was too late to wake up now.

The difference is that this time Kaido did not lock Yamato up with the samurai because she kept saying that she was Oden.

As for how this change came about, you have to ask Absalom.

At this time, Absalom had returned to Piltover and did not participate in the affairs of Wano Country, but the things he brought back were a little special.

"That is to say, this is what you brought back from Wano Country."

"Yes, master, I wanted to see if there were any valuable spoils left on the battlefield, but in the end I only picked up this diary.

I feel that the information recorded in the diary is very important, so I brought it back."

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