Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 259 It’s bad, she seems to be more powerful than our mother

Everyone has a different synonym for invincibility. For the members of the BIG·MOM Pirates, Charlotte Linlin is the synonym for invincibility.

Charlotte Linlin's iron-like body allows her to shuttle freely on the battlefield. Whether it is artillery shells or explosions, they cannot break her body's inherent defense.

Zeus and Prometheus, who were given their souls by Charlotte Linlin, can release lightning and fire at will. As long as they show fear in front of Charlotte Linlin, they may be drained of their lives.

But this is their mother, one of the foundations of the BIG·MOM Pirates in the New World.

Those big pirates are of this nature. It is not the pirates who made them, but they gave birth to their own pirates.

Even if there are no pirates around them, these monsters are still monsters, but those pirates will be less threatening without this support.

This is also the reason why the bounties of the cadres of the big pirates are higher, and their captains also have bonuses in this regard.

But Perospero saw with his own eyes that the violent Charlotte Linlin was stopped.

Charlotte Linlin is the foundation of Cake Island's existence and the biggest danger to Cake Island. As she gets older, the frequency of her food addiction is also increasing.

Fortunately, the Big Mom Pirates have many food-type devil fruits, and the objects made by the fruits can complete the reconstruction faster.

In the past, Katakuri should be busy delaying time, and then let the chefs take out the food before Charlotte Linlin went completely crazy.

As long as you can eat what you want, the crisis will naturally be resolved, but the current situation seems to be a little different.

"Be careful!"

Katakuri seemed to see something and waved his arms towards the cake mountain on the side.

While waving, the rice cake-like body also stretched out like a barrier, protecting some guests who were frightened and dazed below.

Almost at the same time, the situation at Leliana and Charlotte Linlin also changed.

Charlotte Linlin, who was restrained by Leliana, suddenly burst out with a strange force. Although she failed to shake off Leliana, she crashed into the cake mountain beside her.

The cake that had been built into a building had undergone a special hardening treatment, and its hardness was not much different from that of a real masonry building. Under the collision of the two, many "rubbles" flew around and were just stopped by Katakuri.

He was able to hold Charlotte Linlin back when she had an episode of bulimia. On the one hand, it was because Charlotte Linlin could not use her full strength when she was sick, and her fighting style was very different from when she was awake. On the other hand, it relied on this observation Haki that was enough to predict the future.

"No. The taste is wrong. Bring me the puff tower!"

The specialized cake building is still a snack for Charlotte Linlin, but it is a little crisper.

But if she can't taste the taste she wants, she won't stop. The wrong taste even makes her more irritable.

A piercing scream came out of her mouth, and the sound waves that had a deterrent effect on the soul level made many people faint directly.

"I'll go move the guests away."

"Separate actions, I'll go to mom's place."

Perospero and Katakuri also started to move. If they didn't send the people away, there would be a large-scale accidental injury. For some reason, Perospero felt that Charlotte Lingling's rhythm of illness this time was faster than before.

In the past, Charlotte Lingling's mania would last for a period of time, and she would completely lose her mind if she couldn't eat. Now it seems that because someone really stopped her at the brute force level, it has aggravated the impact of her bulimia.

"Princess Leliana, I'm sorry, mom's situation is a special case, I'll help you"

"No need, I didn't expect Sister Lingling to be able to burst out this kind of strange power in this state, I was careless."

Just now, Charlotte Lingling suddenly jumped up and threw Leliana away, and then began to destroy randomly.

Katakuri didn't say anything like "Leave this to me, you go and watch from the side". In the past, there was no one who could help, and he was eager for someone to cooperate.

But Katakuri wanted to help, but Leliana was unwilling.

"I say, if I really do something to Sister Lingling in this state, she shouldn't bear a grudge, right?"

"No, my mother usually can't remember the details of the episode of bulimia, and it's basically the unspoken rule here not to mention it afterwards."

It's useless to mention it. It's Charlotte Lingling who is messing around. No one here can do anything to her. If she gets sick again after being stimulated twice, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

"Then it's easy."


Leliana clenched her fist. Katakuri wanted to say something, but Leliana had already returned to Charlotte Lingling's side.

"Sister Lingling, I'm sorry, you should get some sleep first! Aha!"


It seemed that an earthquake had occurred on the top of the mountain. Even Perospero, who was evacuating others, noticed the situation here, but didn't care at all.

It's not that he's not worried, but he believes Katakuri can handle things here.

Just a moment ago, Leliana came to Charlotte Linlin and threw her to the open space beside her in a hug-and-throw posture.

If Sett was here, he would have shouted "amazing" at this moment, and then aaqq followed by ew would hit, and he would hit his true damage punch.

However, Leliana only wanted to restrict her, but she didn't have the subsequent combo.

At this stage, Charlotte Lingling is even more terrifying to the weak. She can't hold back her strength, and she doesn't know what mercy means. She has almost become a monster driven by appetite.

But for those who are strong enough, she is debuffed. Although she can burst out with all her strength, her control over her body has decreased to a certain extent. Her defense depends entirely on the talent of the steel balloon, and she basically doesn't use her domineering.

She was immersed in finding food and didn't react to Leliana's behavior at all.

"Did you steal my food? Zeus! Prometheus!"

"Mom, please calm down Princess Leliana, get out of the way! I'm going to use fire, sorry!"

Prometheus still wanted to persuade Charlotte Lingling to calm down. As the highest level of Homies, they have independent personalities and thinking.

They know very well what gluttony means to Charlotte Lingling, so they will try their best to stop her instead of following her to destroy it at will.

Sometimes they are too independent and may even be kidnapped, such as Nami in the original timeline who bribed Zeus with thunderclouds.

But the problem is that Charlotte Linling has the power over Homies. If Homies does not obey her orders, she can extract his soul and make him disappear from the world.

Or Zeus in the original timeline, if it were not for various coincidences that he was inhabited by Nami's weather stick, he would have been wiped out by Charlotte Linling.

Charlotte Linling's madness is getting worse, and Prometheus even feels the threat of death, so he has to release the fire according to Charlotte Linling's wishes.

"Katakuri, everyone on my side has been transferred away, and the puff tower of long bread is about to send something?!"

Perospero made an escape slide with candy and sent everyone on it down, and then rushed here with several other older brothers and sisters.

As a result, as soon as he approached, a big boot flew over and almost hit him in the face.


At the same time, a gust of wind blew, and the flames released by Prometheus were directly blown away, and even the body was broken into pieces.

This attack will not hurt Homies. As a Homies composed of flames, Prometheus is a pure elemental life.

If there is no soul-level attack to wipe it out, only elemental restraint can kill it. If it is broken up, it will take some time to reassemble.

Charlotte Lingling began to force her Homies to help in the battle, and Leliana naturally entered the dragon man form.

In terms of ability diversity, the fantasy beast species is slightly different from the soul soul fruit, but it cannot compare with the soul soul fruit in terms of physical strength.

Leliana is still in the stage of climbing, but Charlotte Lingling has already reached the top and even started to go downhill.

Almost all the strong men of that generation have begun to embark on this path. Whether it is Whitebeard or Warring States, they have passed their most prosperous age.

Too many births made Charlotte Linlin's decline come earlier. Although they are still monsters and can exert a powerful force that makes people afraid, they are much worse than when they were young.

Leliana's clothes are made of synthetic fabrics processed by Blitz, which have strong ductility and a certain degree of defense and tolerance, but shoes do not have this feature.

Taking off shoes before transformation is a small habit of hers, which is how the boots that were kicked away came about. After the dragon claws on the feet, many aspects have even become more convenient.


"What's wrong?"

"Why do I feel that she is more like a monster than my mother?"

"It's not my mother's true strength now, but... she is too young."

Charlotte Linlin did not exert her true strength. This is the only point that the members of the BIG MOM Pirates can convince themselves, but they can't get around Leliana's age.

Compared with 48-year-old Charlotte Linlin, 15-year-old Leliana has a bright future.

Now it seems that Leliana is "taking advantage of others' misfortune", but what about 10 years later? What about 20 years later?

Charlotte Linlin will be really old by then, and Leliana will enter that long peak period.

There are not many people who are late bloomers in this sea, and most of the strong people have already shown their terrifying talents when they were young.

"Katakuri, do you think you..."

Perospero looked at his strongest brother, but Katakuri just shook his head, saying everything.

"Fortunately, we are not enemies"

"The puff tower that mom wants is here! Send it to mom!"

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