Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 267 Do you also want to quit Internet addiction?

The figure in the sky was undoubtedly Leliana herself.

She was also in the New World before, discussing something with Vegapunk on behalf of Oran.

In a nutshell, Vegapunk needs some new metals to complete certain experiments, and Oran happens to have this metal, but it is "very expensive."

In the end, some kind of deal was reached. The Punk Institute purchased a batch of resources from Piltover. Well, the World Government was responsible for reimbursement.

This thing is very reasonable, but everything is wrong in Caesar's eyes. His rich experience tells him that this is the conspiracy of Vegapunk and Oran.

But this is not the point. The point is that Leliana, who was working in Punk Hassad, happened to receive a message from Absalom asking for help, and followed the guidance of the life card to come here.

Relationships are relationships. At times like this, the only people you can rely on are your own people.

The Navy will not easily start a war with these big pirates without the order of the World Government, let alone the reason for fighting is business in the black market.

There are some transactions with other sea emperors, but they are only friendly relationships. There is no problem in making convenience in their territory. It is impossible to expect them to fight other monsters with just one word.

Both Charlotte Lingling and Kaido are very shrewd. Except for the occasional willful actions due to their own preferences, they are both unfavorable and unwilling to do anything early.

"Idiot Lizard, you still have a chance before the princess lands, but I don't think you will give in."

Absalom didn't know what the consequences would be if he continued to fight.

Garmenio is not weak. If Absalom hadn't caught the weakness due to hair allergies, the abilities that Garmenio copied would have caused Absalom a lot of trouble.

Even with this weakness, Absalom is not easy to fight.

Hair allergy is not a sea floor stone. Gamenio can still use his abilities, but it won't last long.

Phoenix and Diamond's abilities act as defense, while Whitebeard's abilities increase attack power.

At least so far, neither side has achieved any effective results.

"Gujigujiguji~ Can one woman give you such confidence? You are really shameless."

Greedy and selfish, these are Gamenio's most notable characteristics. For his own benefit, he will control and threaten others, and will also use what is available. For example, what he is doing now is a relatively illegal behavior.

Gamenio in the original timeline even killed some of his companions and then separated from the pirate group, eventually attracting Marco's pursuit.

What's yours is mine, and your life is mine. This sentence is Gamenio's motto. In addition to his greedy and cruel character, he also likes to insult others.

There are even several pirate flags sewn on the lining of Gamenio's clothes. Those are the pirates who were defeated by Gamenio.

In the concept of pirates, the flag is a very important thing. After the strong defeats the weak, no outsider can say anything. Pirates are a cruel circle where the weak prey on the strong.

But wearing the enemy's flag as an accessory is a bit insulting.

The pirate group that impressed Leliana most deeply now is the Big Mom Pirates. At the tea party two years ago, the scene where Leliana held down the crazy Charlotte Lingling was still vivid in her mind.

Now they even welcome Leliana to the banquet, which at least means there is an insurance policy.

Redfield also has some understanding. As the most trustworthy royal sparring partner at present, he has a strong say in this aspect, but Gameno is different.

Leliana had no bounty, no dazzling military record, and she was not a naval admiral.

Although Olan has the name of Shichibukai, the Shichibukai are nothing in the eyes of these Sea Emperor's subordinates.

Especially since the members of Whitebeard's command had come into contact with the Shichibukai or Crocodile, a man who had no power to resist Whitebeard.

"I hope you can maintain this attitude for a while."

Absalom had no reaction to this kind of talk. This level of trash talk was simply harmless.

"Abu, is that him?"

"Yes, Princess Leliana, he stole the goods that belonged to us, and his attitude was very arrogant. Does Lord Oran have any other arrangements? I have not contacted Lord Oran."

"When I left Firefly Island, my father was doing experiments. It seems that there was a breakthrough in the biological evolution armor. It is probably still in the laboratory now."

The pink dragon stayed above the ruins, looking at the situation below. Leliana also had decision-making power regarding Piltover.

When Olan was in seclusion for research, she and Frankenstein were the two people talking.

Internal affairs are usually decided by Frankenstein. Because of his different way of thinking, Frankenstein is more rational and will find reasonable solutions according to the rules set by Oran.

To the outside world, she is Leliana. She is no different from an adult now. She will be seventeen after this year's birthday.

If you put it in Windmill Village, bring a raft over and you can go out to sea and become the Pirate King.

Not only is he powerful in force, he is also flexible in thinking and knows when to be tough and when to be gentle.

As for why the beast form is used.

Sometimes Leliana feels that this form is quite useful. It is more convenient than the human form in terms of rushing and intimidation, especially when dealing with opponents whose strength is far inferior to hers.

"You should be prepared to pay the price for stealing our things."

"By the way, Princess, his abilities seem good, and Lord Orlan might be interested."

Absalom suddenly remembered the other party's abilities. He might not be strong in terms of direct combat power, but his diverse abilities are very suitable for Orlan's research.

"Is that so? I understand."

"This time it's a real mythical beast, right? Is your place a zoo? The animals have many abilities, but aren't you looking down on people too much!"

For Carmenio, dragons are much stronger than wolves, cats and the like, at least these animals have scales instead of hair.

Seeing that Leliana and Absalom seemed to have him in their sights, Carmenio was very unhappy and even launched an attack first.


According to Carmenio's own previous statement, even without using his abilities, he could deal with Absalom.

Although after that, Caminho still relied on his ability to fight, but he still had some foundation in physical skills. There were not many people who used their abilities purely as a turret. Physical skills can be said to be the basis for using different abilities.

Not to mention that the battle between Marco and Joz was mainly based on physical skills.

With his arms transformed into the wings of a phoenix, Caminho flew into the sky and sprinted towards Leliana.

As Caminho's wings flapped, his flying speed was also increasing. When he was about to get close, Caminho took the initiative to remove his ability.

At this time, a ball of white light was wrapped around his feet, which was the power of Whitebeard's Tremor Fruit.

Although he could not use air shock in the air like Whitebeard, Caminho could use this power in close combat.

"Princess, he can copy the fruit abilities of others, including several captains of Whitebeard and Whitebeard himself!"

Absalom gave the information in time, and Leliana also looked at Caminho who kicked here.

The kick was aimed directly at Leliana's head, and it seemed that he had used all his strength.

But Leliana had no intention of evading, and just casually raised her dragon claw.

"Arrogant guy, this is the power of the strongest man in the world!"


Carmenio's attack did not miss, but it did not have any effect.

In Leliana's eyes, a full-strength attack was not even as good as an ant trying to shake a tree.

Given enough time, ants can also gnaw off the branches of a big tree, and an iron pestle can also become a thin needle under the baptism of time, but if it is HRB400 rebar, it will be a waste of effort in the end.

Leliana's dragon claw moved back slightly by an inch or two, and this was Carmenio's final result.

"How is it possible?!"

"The strongest man in the world is Whitebeard himself, not you. And even if it was Whitebeard who was here today, the result would be the same."

As she spoke, Leliana closed her dragon claws. Carmenio could kick Leliana's palm, but this also meant that Leliana could easily grab Carmenio's body.

Whoosh. Boom!

With a bang, Leliana threw Carmenio out.

Logically, after Leliana let go, Carmenio was free, but the strange force released when Leliana threw him out made Carmenio unable to move.

The earthquake caused earlier destroyed most of the surrounding buildings, and the ground had long been a ruin. Carmenio, who was thrown out, rolled in the ruins like a bowling ball.

Some of the walls that were built more solidly had not collapsed completely, but at this time they became Carmenio's biggest obstacle. After knocking down several walls in a row and leaving a gully on the ground, Carmenio stopped.


A blue fireman appeared on the ground. If it was any other ability, this fall would be enough to make Carmenio lose consciousness and pass out, but he copied Marco's ability.

When he was thrown out, Carmenio turned into a phoenix.

This fall broke many bones, and his muscles were bruised. At this time, the flames were frantically repairing the damage to his body, and Carmenio could feel his physical strength rapidly fading.

If Carmenio shouted again, "I want to be the king of XX", maybe he could trigger the buff of quitting Internet addiction.

"Abu, go get our things back, and then you lead the people to retreat first. After the small characters are dealt with, there is still a big guy to deal with."

Just Carmenio's words were not worth Leliana coming here. She came here because Absalom said that it was Whitebeard's subordinates.

And now, a large ship that looks like a whale has appeared on the coastline.

That's it for today.

I have been adjusting my biological clock these past two days, and it has basically been adjusted. I will continue to do so tomorrow.

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