Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 269: At the age of 28, on top of the world

It was late at night, and the dark clouds that had gathered earlier had already blocked the moonlight, and the sky was also dark.

And now, a hideous crack was torn in the dark clouds, like an abyss split open by someone.

The bright moonlight fell from the sky, and also opened the prelude to the battle.

"Little girl, I underestimated you. It seems that the chapter of a new era has begun."

Even if they haven't officially fought, the domineering collision is enough to explain everything. How can a person with such domineering strength be a weak person?

If he met a young man of this strength in normal times, Whitebeard would probably be happy to hold a banquet and invite the other party to join, and finally ask the other party if he wants to be his child.

The current situation is actually not impossible. The pirate group of the Great Whirlpool Spider Squard was destroyed because of Roger, but Whitebeard still accepted Ace as his son.

When the octopus fishman Karma was a human trafficker, he also kidnapped Kozuki, and later became a member of Whitebeard's command.

If the other party really chooses to join the Whitebeard Pirates, it will become a family fight.

But at this point, it is impossible not to fight.

"Little girl, your name."

"Cidilier Leliana."

"Very good, then I will not be polite. You can't just brush off the fact that you touched my son."

"You should learn more about how to teach your son, otherwise they will bring you disaster sooner or later!"

"It's not your turn to teach me that kind of thing!"

Raising his hand and turning it, Whitebeard raised the knife with one hand and pointed it at Leliana.

The Supreme Great Sword Twelve Works - Kusugome Kiri, the weapon that has followed Whitebeard in battle for many years.

The blade reflects the moonlight, and at the same time it is entangled with Whitebeard's domineering aura. At this time, Whitebeard did not use the ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

It's not that he is holding back. At this time, he has recognized Leliana's strength. Holding back is a kind of disrespect to the strong.

The reason why he doesn't use the fruit ability is very simple. The other people in the Whitebeard Pirates can't stand it.

Using the fruit power here, whether Leliana can withstand it or not, the first to suffer will definitely be his crew members.

Leliana just took out her war hammer and faced Whitebeard head-on.

The falling moonlight meant the beginning of the curtain, and the collision of the war hammer and the naginata sounded the drums of war.

Strange power against strange power, domineering against domineering, two terrifying auras spread from the center of the collision.

The weak pirates had already fainted when the domineering clashed, and were then dragged back to the cabin by others. The only ones left on the deck were some elites with good strength.

But even such pirates could not withstand the aftermath of the collision between Leliana and Whitebeard, and flew backwards one by one. Some were even blown directly into the sea due to carelessness.

"Hey! Be careful!"

"Thanks, Teach."

Blackbeard-Marshall D. Teach at the edge grabbed a pirate who was about to fall into the water, and then pulled him back.

Now Marco and Joz are on missions elsewhere. Apart from Whitebeard himself, the strongest on the ship is probably Blackbeard, but he has been hiding himself and has never revealed his true strength.

"Who is this person who can catch my father's blow?"

"Don't worry, that's our father, how can he lose?"

Blackbeard comforted the other pirates on the side. As long as his target does not appear, Blackbeard will be a good son.

"Do you want to continue fighting here? Do you want to change places? I see that you are a little bit restrained, and I want to see where your destructive power is."

Leliana took the initiative to propose the plan to change the battlefield. The lost goods have been taken back, and Gamenio, who took action, was also taught a lesson by her. If there is a lobbyist to talk about peace at this time, Leliana does not mind stopping here.

Of course, there is basically no one who can stop Leliana and Whitebeard at the same time, at least before they finish fighting, there is no such face king.

Leliana wanted to truly experience the world's strongest ability, so she would naturally not be satisfied with this battlefield that restricted Whitebeard.

"I'll wait for you on the island."

Leliana went to Portozibalalta Island first, and this was the only place nearby that could be used as a battlefield.

It's not just Carmenio who broke the rules, but also the Oliver family.

If you make a choice to favor one side, you have to bear the price.

"Gulala, it makes me look petty, little ones! This is my battle, you are not allowed to interfere!"

After issuing such an order, Whitebeard took several steps in the air and jumped towards the island.

Whitebeard didn't want others to interfere in this battle, and his sons were not qualified to interfere. The aftermath of the battle alone was enough to kill them.

Besides, Whitebeard didn't plan to start a full-scale war, which would be meaningless to the Whitebeard Pirates. Carmenio was just injured, and it would be a bit unworthy if more people died because of it.

Although there is a rumor on the sea that Whitebeard will not allow anyone to hurt his son, and anyone who touches the Whitebeard Pirates will face revenge, this is all controlled within a certain range.

As the leader of the pirate group, Whitebeard also has to consider many things.

For example, after hearing about Oden's death, he did not attack Wano Country to avenge Oden. Oden's actions made him close to a state of leaving the pirate group, and when Whitebeard received the news, Kaido had grown up.

The terrain of Wano Country is easy to defend and difficult to attack. A rash attack would only lose more manpower in vain, and Whitebeard finally chose not to go.

The rescue of Ace in the war on the top was a conspiracy of the navy. Everyone knew that Ace was the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. The news that the navy wanted to publicly execute him spread all over the world, and Whitebeard could not turn a blind eye.

The other members knew that there would be heavy casualties in this trip, but they still chose to follow Whitebeard for that breath.

It is far from that level now.

Without too many words, when they met again on the island, the naginata and the war hammer started the most basic fight.

There is no fruit ability, no domineering, only a competition between brute force.

Leliana was challenging the strongest in the world today. She wanted to know how far she could go, while Whitebeard was welcoming the challenge.

Since Leliana was just swinging the hammer, how could Whitebeard admit defeat?

"Old man, the warm-up should be over. I haven't sweated for a while."

"Gulala, little girl, you are so willful when you are young. You are indeed strong among young people, but conceit is not a good thing."

"I'll give you that back. I don't need you to teach me anything. My father taught me very well."


With the sound of cloth breaking, Leliana's dragon claws broke the shoes under her feet.

The dragon horns on her forehead became sharper than in previous years, and the dark pink scales began to spread on her body. The huge dragon tail also appeared behind Leliana.


The dragon tail had already smashed the rocks on the ground when it rose and fell, and there was a flame at the corner of its mouth.

"The second round, it's time to start!"

A few electric currents flashed through Leliana's hand, and then transmitted to the war hammer in her hand. Although this hammer has no famous master, it is actually a product of new Hextech technology.

It's just that because there is no Hextech crystal, the charging method has been changed. Leliana herself is the energy source of the hammer, and the structure inside the hammer can strengthen part of the energy, allowing it to burst out with more powerful power.

Electric energy is surging!

"Thunder Dragon's Heavy Hammer!"

The energy of fire and lightning is wrapped around the hammer at the same time, and the intensity of the battle suddenly increases at this moment.

"Come on!"

Whitebeard still maintains the previous fighting state, the difference is that a white ball of light appears on the blade of Kusukumo Kiri.

He is an earthquake man who has eaten the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and can create terrifying earthquakes with a wave of his hand.

Unlike the failed "pirated" version of Gami'o, he still needs the help of the ground to exert the power of the fruit.

Whether it is with his body or weapons, no matter what he hits, Whitebeard can burst out his power.

The white ball of light seemed ordinary, but when Whitebeard swung his sword, the space seemed to be solidified and hit hard, and it shattered like glass.



The warhammer and the naginata did not collide, but the domineering aura wrapped around them collided in the air.

"Kid, who did you learn your domineering from?"

During the battle, Whitebeard suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The practice of armed color domineering is well known in the New World. The specific usage is such a process, which is to wrap and harden, flow and release, and destroy the inside. However, the domineering aura of the top strong will have some subtle differences, which is a personal habit.

From Leliana, Whitebeard saw a familiar shadow.

"Is this important? Thunder duet!"

A thunderbolt spit out from his mouth, and the warhammer in his hand also converted the electric current released from Leliana's palm into an electric light cannon. The two attacks hit Whitebeard one after another.

"Air Shock!"

The force of the shock shattered Leliana's attack in mid-air. In just a moment, Leliana, who had just distanced herself from Whitebeard, approached him again.

"God of War!"

In the past two years, Leliana has been integrating and mastering all the moves. Her moves are relatively messy, and she needs to make all of them her own.

However, this process is not easy. Leliana has set herself the goal of combining Seti's punch with the effect of God of War, and finally using the Spear of Elbaf to fire the strongest shot.

Now she has only made part of the progress. For example, the use of God of War is no longer limited to the giant sword, but also the same with the war hammer in her hand.

"Roger, you little guy, you have learned a lot of things! Air Shock!"


The black lightning also surrounded Whitebeard's naginata, and at this time it was no longer the armed color, but the domineering color.

Whitebeard has not been stabbed in the heart by his son, nor is he too old and sick to need intravenous oxygen infusion every day, nor has he been pierced in the chest by Borsalino. Although he has started taking medicine, his body is infinitely close to his prime.

He knows everything that a top strong man should know.

As the saying goes, I don’t avoid gods, I am more powerful than gods. Facing this kind of move, there are generally two results.

One is like Kidd, who chooses to be beaten first and then hand over the things between being beaten and handing over the things. The other is such a evenly matched duel.

Boom! Boom! Ka!

Whitebeard bent his legs slightly and took Leliana's heavy hammer head-on. The light ball formed by the Tremor-Tremor Fruit also exploded. The huge impact spread across the entire island with the two of them as the center, and the terrifying energy spread out uncontrollably.

The land under Whitebeard's feet began to crack under the heavy load, and huge cracks spread around along Whitebeard's feet.

The houses that had collapsed due to Caminho's ability became a ruin, and this time even the center of the town was not spared.

The natural disaster-like movement made those who were originally intoxicated with wine, sex and casinos run to the streets, and then looked around with confusion.

At this moment, a faint golden light was also flowing on Leliana's body.

"The title of the strongest man in the world is really not exaggerated."

At this time, Leliana had already noticed the trouble with the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. The increase in attack from this fruit is not concentrated on one point.

In the frontal battle, Leliana had blocked Whitebeard's attack, but the residual power of the vibration still affected her body.

Every time they fought, Leliana could feel the force trying to shake her body.

She might not feel anything at first, but as the force accumulated and exploded during Whitebeard's attack, the impact was quite fatal.

It can be said that this was a real injury that bypassed the defense and hit the inside directly.

Whitebeard's fighting style seemed to be just a simple brute force, but the fact was that most people could be solved with brute force, and there were very few people who could withstand his direct attack.

There were only a few people who could make him use this technique.

"Did you notice it? It's sharp enough."

"Yes, it's the first time I've felt this way, but it's my turn next."

The dim golden light was still flowing, and most of it finally condensed on Leliana's hands.

Being able to hurt Leliana in this way was enough to reflect Whitebeard's diverse fighting experience and methods, but for Leliana, this was just a prerequisite for opening the second stage.

Only those who could hurt Leliana could experience the full power of the punch.

"Gaia's Hammer!"


Happiness is a kind of energy. After fusing Happiness and Heroic Spirit, Leliana condensed it at the front of the warhammer.

Suppressing the surging Qi and blood in her body, Leliana swung the hammer again.

The hammer and the knife collided again, and the handles of the two weapons seemed to be twisted under this strange force. At this moment, the island was filled with smoke and dust, and the cracked ground became fragmented. Half of the island collapsed and sank into the sea.

When the sea breeze took away the smoke and dust, Leliana, who was floating in the air, was the first to show her figure. Although there was some blood at the corner of her mouth, what attracted more attention was the smile.

"Do you still want to continue, Whitebeard?!"

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