Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 274 Look at other people's daughters! Why don't you look at other people's fa

At this time, Crocodile was fulfilling his duties as a Shichibukai very seriously and responsibly. In the current Shichibukai, with the exception of Olan, Crocodile was the one who most cooperated with the actions of the Navy and the World Government.

What he is doing is also to fight against the surrounding pirates. He is using this method to gain the trust of the world government and navy in order to plot more things.

Things were going well. I originally planned to have a cup of coffee and read the newspaper to relax, but my blood pressure suddenly went up.

[In the same Shichibukai, some people retreated when they were defeated by Whitebeard. There was nothing they could do about it. It seems now that the Shichibukai are nominally an organization, but there are huge internal differences. 】

Morgans didn't name anyone, he was just reading Crocodile's ID number. He lost to the white-bearded Shichibukai, and there was no one else but Crocodile.

"This damn albatross is really annoying."

Comparison can better reflect the outcome of one thing. Leliana took advantage of Whitebeard's power to show her strength, but this was bound to lead to some incidents. After seeing the newspaper news, Hai provoked Whitebeard. The thief is an example.

As the one who got stepped on, Crocodile wanted to turn Morgans into a fucking bird directly, letting Morgans know that he had never beaten Whitebeard before, and it was still very easy to deal with him.

"Sidiril, what exactly does this guy want to do? What does he want?"

Crocodile began to think about it differently, what if he had such a powerful child and such a powerful country in his hands.

"Could it be that this guy wants the whole world?"

Crocodile's ultimate goal is to become the Pirate King and gain more power and power before ruling the entire world.

At present, he is just accumulating strength. Judging from Olan's situation, he has no interest in One Piece.

Olan's current fundamentals have exceeded Crocodile's short-term goals, and Crocodile believes that Olan has unknown ambitions. After much thought, he finally came to this conclusion.

"He is a difficult guy."

If the goal is the world, then Oranke will be his future opponent. Such an opponent who is also accumulating strength will undoubtedly be extremely difficult for Crocodile to deal with.

Crocodile smoked a cigar and thought about what to do in the future. Crocodile was not the only one who received the newspaper, but the reaction of other Shichibukai was not as big as Crocodile.

On the cake island, Charlotte Lingling seemed very happy.

"Well~ well~ little Riley is really strong. She was able to defeat Newgate head-on. It's really amazing."

As she grew older, another problem arose in Charlotte Lingling. She occasionally became as naive as a child.

At this time, she didn't regard Leliana as an enemy at all, she was just happy that her sister had become so powerful.

"I hope the children in the future can be as powerful as little Riley. All it takes is one. That guy Xidi Lier really has the best daughter in the world."

Rubbing her belly, Charlotte Lingling's eyes were full of love. As expected, she was pregnant again.

From an age point of view, Charlotte Lingling is already an older mother. Although her physique has no difficulty in giving birth, the quality of her offspring is obviously declining.

These children born after middle age are not as good as the ones she gave birth to when she was young, whether in terms of strength or other aspects.

"It's unbelievable, that's Whitebeard."

In the castle, Perospero and others were also having family gatherings. As she grew older, Charlotte Lingling also assigned many affairs to these young children. She only made decisions herself. The specific process It’s up to these children to do it themselves.

"It's okay. She was able to stop her violent mother two years ago. It's not surprising that she has grown to this point."

Sitting on the sofa, Katakuri didn't think there was any problem. He was more worried about the future than the present.

"She is still in the growing stage. You may not know what she will be like in a few years."

After a pause, Katakuri continued: "Mom is getting older, she is growing up. Now we are not enemies, but what about in the future? Will anyone be able to deal with her in 10 years?"

"Don't think so, maybe she has reached the peak, but she will maintain it longer than others, rather than being exaggeratedly strong.

Besides, we shouldn’t be enemies, right? "

A woman who looked very much like Charlotte Lingling as a child expressed her opinion. She was Charlotte Compert, the eldest daughter of the Charlotte family.

"Who can say what will happen in the future, and in terms of physical strength, she definitely has room to grow."

As the strongest person in the family besides Charlotte Lingling, Katakuri has an absolute say in terms of strength.

Charlotte Lingling can be willful, but they can't. They must consider the future.

They are pirates, and pirates must be benevolent and righteous, but betrayal among pirates is also commonplace.

"It's difficult to handle"

Katakuri knows his situation. It is very difficult for him to surpass his mother. He is the one whose strength has truly reached the bottleneck, and conventional means can no longer break through.

If Charlotte Lingling dies one day, strong pressure from foreign enemies may allow him to break through, but the risk of that kind of thing is too great.

"Katakuri, don't be so worried. At least this won't happen in the short term. Maybe one of our younger siblings will be born with a stronger talent."

Compert is very optimistic about this, mainly because worrying is useless, and worrying alone cannot solve the problem.

"Yeah, by the way, Katakuri, don't you have some snacks? There's no need to cover up your scarf in front of the rest of us."

Katakuri never takes off his scarf in front of outsiders, even his own younger siblings. He wants to maintain his perfect image.

In the past, Katakuri didn't care about this. His mouth was split because he fell in love with donuts when he was a child.

With monster powers, he was ridiculed by others because of his appearance, but he didn't care and would only beat up those who laughed at him.

Later, some people who were beaten by Katakuri scratched Bree's face in retaliation for him. From then on, Katakuri wore a scarf and wanted to be the most perfect brother.

The younger siblings who were born later had never seen Katakuri's face, but they had seen the younger siblings who were similar in age, let alone the two eldest brothers and sisters, Perospero and Compert.

"I'm used to it. Today's donuts do look good."

"Of course, my sister baked it herself."

"Uh-huh-huh, did you force that guy with white beard away? Young people are getting more and more amazing."

The former Kaido was the young man known to outsiders. When he was the same age as Leliana, he happened to be a trainee in Rocks' pirate group. Now he has reached the pinnacle of pirates.

The cracked sky was undeniable. Kaido had seen this scene more than once when he was in the Rocks Pirates.

Overlord color was not uncommon in the original Beehive Island. Without a Overlord color, it would be difficult to become a senior officer on Rocks' ship.

"It's this ability. It looks familiar. Is there really a dragon that looks like this?"

Outsiders may think that these are two dragons of similar phantom species, but as a eater of the genuine fruit, Kaido feels that those things are very similar. Whether it is flame cloud, flames, or thunder, they are all very similar to himself.

"Quinn! Did your original research team study replicating devil fruits?"

"There are similar projects, but there are no results. Vegapunk and Oran have done some research in other areas. I guess the animalization potion was born from this process.

But Brother Kaido, Olan and I basically quit MADS at the same time, so it probably has nothing to do with you. "

"It doesn't matter if they are related. It would be better if they have the same fruit. I would like to see if she is stronger or I am stronger."

Kaido is still a fighting maniac at heart, and for him, this kind of opponent can better reflect the results.

As for forcing Whitebeard back, he didn't care. He was indeed no match for Whitebeard more than ten years ago, but times have changed now.

When he said this, Kaido suddenly picked up his mace.

"Thunder. Gossip!"

Then with a wave of his hand, a petite figure was blown away by him.

"You've learned how to make a sneak attack without making a sound, but you're still far from it. You want to touch me just these two times? You really blinded that phantom beast species in vain."

"Damn it, you Minotaur Gorilla! If you weren't so much bigger than me, I would have knocked you over!"

The only person who can sneak attack Kaido on Onigashima is Yamato. Because of the changes promoted by Oran, she is now purely working towards the goal of defeating Kaido.

"Age? Look at other people. At 16 years old, she is also a girl. She is already as good as Whitebeard! Look at you again. You can't even understand a sneak attack. Are you still talking about your age here?

Isn't your idol that Xidi Lier? Coincidentally, she is Xidi Lier's daughter! "

The newspaper became like a brick under Kaido's domineering reinforcement, and was then thrown out by Kaido.

"You bastard father really wants to kill me."

Looking at the newspaper embedded on the pillar above his head, Yamato swallowed, and then said unconvinced: "It's obviously the difference between you being fathers! Mr. Oran will definitely not be as reckless as you!"

"Mhahaha, Miss, you are really right about what you said. That guy Xidi Lier is very good at teaching children. The rice cake and adzuki bean soup seemed to be cooked on the boat. I'm leaving first."

Quinn originally planned to tell the story of his original deeds as a joke, but he suddenly felt like he was being targeted by death, so he mumbled and ran to the kitchen.

If you continue to stay here, you will definitely get beaten. It is better for Yamato to bear this kind of suffering.

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