Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 277 On the Value of the Face King

"In layman's terms, you've been cheated. Is that clear enough?"

Seeing the woman still standing there in a daze, the guards stabbed her again and then continued their duty.

There is never a lack of scammers on this sea, and some pirates even make a living by cheating. Although such pirates are ridiculed as low-level pirates, they are even the type with higher IQs among the pirates.

Except for some targeted scams, the scammers' methods are sometimes very simple.

They will first use seemingly clumsy methods to eliminate normal people, and the remaining people are their targets of fraud.

It is not uncommon to pretend to be a member of a big force, pretend to be a pirate with a high bounty, or say that you are a family member of a big force to make a profit.

The flow of information on the sea has a great delay. By the time the deceived person finds out that there is a problem, the scammer has already run away.

The risk of this kind of fraud is also very high. Although it can deceive small people, it will also attract bigger ones, such as admirers or challengers. If it is really discovered, it will be a fatal thing.

The guards didn't know whether the name Olek was real or fake. Perhaps the liar didn't expect that someone would come to Piltover to verify this.

"Wait, boss, we can't just ignore this."

"What do you want to say?"

"That guy pretended to be the son of His Majesty Orlan, which is destroying His Majesty Orlan's reputation!"

"That's true. So, take her back to the headquarters to register, and I'll report it to Captain Brand later."

No one doubted that Olek might really be Orlan's illegitimate child.

They believed in their own eyes. Both Orlan and his daughters were pure.

If Orlan really had a son, how could he leave him out and ignore him? How could he find such a domineering woman?

Some things require reporting step by step. This kind of thing may be a big deal for the deceived woman, but for Orlan, it's just a trap for a person with a not-so-smart mind.

It's impossible for the guards to report directly to the higher level for this matter. In the end, it was transferred several times before it reached Brand.

"Your Majesty Orlan! New news from the security team: someone is pretending to be your son in the open sea! All those who have been deceived have come to you!"

"Zach, send one more clone to take my place for a while."

"Okay~ Master, leave it to me."

Originally, a happy family volleyball game was being held here. Fortunately, with Zach here, he can make up for the difference in numbers at any time.

"What's going on? How come I didn't know I had a son?"

"I heard he was a liar. The detailed transcript is at the headquarters. Do you want me to show it to you now?"

"No, let's talk about it in the evening. It's not a big deal."

"Okay, but it's about your reputation. I think it's better to pay more attention to it.

Perhaps we should contact the World Economic News Agency to issue a statement? Princess Leliana has made quite a stir recently. I'm afraid all the news related to Piltover is big news now."

"Good suggestion. Let's make a decision tomorrow."

This kind of thing is small or big, but it's not worth sending people to hunt down such a liar all over the world. It's too time-consuming and resource-intensive. It's better to find more devil fruits.

But Brand is right. The reputation you have built these days can't be ruined at will. It's better to publish a statement in the newspaper and give a reward. If there are still people who have been deceived, Orlan will be powerless. Some people can't be saved.

It's useless to hold his hand to stop him from transferring money to the scammer. There are always people who are more willing to believe the scammer than their family.

In the evening, Uta sang the bedtime serenade again in front of her family members, and then lay down on the bed. It seemed that the order was a little reversed, but it was actually the norm for this year.

Uta loved those notes very much, and her greatest interest was to sing for others.

And after the children fell asleep, Oran also read the transcripts from the guard team during the day, as well as the photo.

"This group of people is really easy to fool."

Looking at the person in the photo who had nothing in common except hair color, Oran even wanted to study how these people's brain circuits were generated.

The prince fell from the sky and married him to become a princess.

The probability of such a step-to-the-sky thing happening except in the fairy tale world is too small.

"Morgans, it's already dawn over there."

After flipping through the phone book, Oran called Morgans. It was dark on Firefly Island, which meant that it was dawn at the entrance to the new world.

"Unfortunately, King Orlan, I am not actually in the New World now, but this is not a big deal. Do you have any questions? Yesterday's headline was your daughter's idea."

"Not this matter, please help me publish an announcement, 'I don't have any children left outside, be careful not to be deceived'. In addition, I sent you a photo, and I personally offer a reward of 50 million Baileys.

It is said that he appeared in the West Sea a few months ago, and used the alias of Orlek. That's all the information."

"It's a small matter, I will publish it on the first page tomorrow, but let me ask one more question, did he offend you in any way?"

"He is cheating outside under my name, nothing else."

Morgans actually lied, he was in the New World, but he was just found by Leliana and didn't want to expose his new position so quickly.

It was no pressure for Morgans to insert such a piece of news. The limelight caused by Leliana was still there, and it was just right to take advantage of it to bring in some new sales.

A "private bounty order" appeared in the newspaper.

50 million Baileys is just a small amount of money for Orlan now. There is no problem spending it in such a place, but this amount of bounty is different when thrown to the West Sea.

It's not that there are no people with a bounty of 50 million in the West Sea, but none of those guys are easy to deal with. They are either gang leaders who dominate one side or leaders of some pirate fleet.

Even if they enter the Grand Line, they have the power to fight and may become this year's supernova.

But the person who Orlan wanted to bounty looks like a powerless fraudster, which is much safer.

Although it is difficult to redeem the bounty, it is not a big problem. As long as the other party can be caught and sold at a discount, there are still forces in the West Sea that can connect with the Grand Line.

For a while, the bounty hunters in the West Sea were all excited. This is simply a fortune from heaven.

Moreover, the gang culture is prevalent in the West Sea, and many gangs have set their sights on this person. 50 million Baileys is enough for those gangs to develop for a while.

"Chief Qingjiao! It's the news from Doctor Sidilier. It seems that someone in the West Sea has offended him?"

"Is that so? Pay more attention when you go out. If you see this guy, catch him. This can cover the medical expenses for a year."

Because of some outrageous reasons, Qingjiao got an annual card in Piltover, which is 50 million for a year.

Moreover, for the Babao Navy, catching such a guy is a matter of convenience. The 50 million reward is not important. The key is to do a favor for Oran.

Because of the prevalence of gang culture in the West Sea, the underground world has developed more and more, and many people here have the same idea.

Similarly, many naval branches also have the idea of ​​doing a favor. Even if there is no such person, they still have to patrol on weekdays, and it is nothing more than paying more attention to other intelligence.

Even some kingdoms in the West Sea have posted relevant notices.

This is not Orlan's face, but some unspoken rules among the royal family. The contradictions between royal families and conflicts between countries are national problems, but if anyone can pretend to be a royal family, it will not be good for them.

Even some pirates have set their sights on him, wanting to use his head as a token of surrender, so as to join the ranks of a Seven Warlords of the Sea.

For a time, people on the three roads of black, white and gray were looking for his traces, and as the news fermented, it became more and more intense.

Impersonating this identity brought him great convenience, but after the thunder, he also experienced the power of the face king in the new era.

This is the result of Orlan simply clarifying it in the newspaper and throwing out some rewards without making a thorough effort.

"Damn, is there something wrong with that woman's brain? She really went to the Grand Line to verify it!"

A few days later, a bald man came to a restaurant, cursing the woman he had deceived before.

Even if it is a member of a member country, it is difficult for ordinary people to travel from the West Sea to the Grand Line, and the hard work is much more than regular tourism.

He chose to pretend to be the Son of Orlan in the West Sea because he thought no one could bring this to the Grand Line.

"This guy has no idea at all. Why does he think he can really be favored by the prince!"

His dyed hair has now been shaved off, and he is thinking about where to run away.

But he didn't expect that after he escaped from the navy, the pirates, and the gangsters, he was defeated by a group of young people.

"That's him! He is the guy that the Soul King said!"

Several young men and women with skull patterns painted on their faces and fluorescent sticks on their bodies excitedly compared the photos in the newspaper.

They even made a hole in the enlarged newspaper so that the man's face could be embedded in it for comparison.

"Who are you guys? Have I ever offended you?!"

"It doesn't matter. The Soul King said during the tour that whoever can catch you will not only get the bounty, but also participate in the Soul King's next tour for free.

The autographed new album and the opportunity to perform on the same stage, just thinking about it makes me excited!"

Brooke saw the newspaper during the tour and then offered some extra rewards.

It's no exaggeration to say that Brook now has the largest fan base in the world. These people are as crazy as terrorists. Brook's reward is even more tempting than the bounty.

If Redfield hadn't gotten what he wanted, this swindler might have experienced what it feels like to be hunted by the Red Earl.

Yes, just as you think, rising one day and withering the next day, there is no dawn

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