Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 279: The stronger opponent, what? Should I fight Whitebeard?

"Zeff asked you to strengthen the navy?"

"That's what Uncle Zeeff said. I haven't agreed to it yet. Do you want me to refuse him?"

"No need. Morgans' newspapers have published enough news. By the way, this matter is well done. It is very opinionated and the follow-up handling is also good. It is very beneficial to us."

"That's natural. I'm not a child anymore. I can handle this kind of thing well."

When dealing with clear enemies, Leliana knows very well how to judge, but Leliana also knows the past of Orlan and others, and knows that her father is not sincerely cooperating with the navy.

Therefore, Leliana is not sure about Orlan's attitude towards the navy, so she called back to ask.

"Zeff didn't tell me, but who does he want you to strengthen?"

"Uncle Zeeff said that he would call you in a while. It should be soon?"

As soon as Leliana finished this sentence, another Den Den Mushi of Orlan rang.

As a person with many identities, it is reasonable for Orlan to have many Den Den Mushi.

"I'm Zephyr. Riley should have told you my idea, right?"

"I did. I think there's something wrong with you. You asked Riley to increase their strength. Are you really not afraid of destroying their confidence? Have you not read the newspaper recently?"

"I just read the newspaper and made up my mind. Don't worry, I have taught students for so many years and I know what level to reach. Besides, the targets of increasing strength are not ordinary navy soldiers."

At this point, Zephyr paused for a moment, and then continued: "This is not a secret. It won't have any impact if you tell it. The promotion of Sengoku to marshal has been confirmed, just in a few years.

And the candidates for the three admirals of the headquarters have also been confirmed. Kuzan, Sakaski, and Borsalino will all be promoted to admirals at the same time as Sengoku is promoted to marshal."

The three admirals are the inherent organization of the navy, but this position has not been filled for a long time. Originally, Zephyr, Garp, and Sengoku should have been the three admirals of the same period.

But Garp himself has always refused to be promoted, but the rank of vice admiral does not affect his work as an admiral, so things have been going on like this.

Then, Zefa withdrew from the front line and the Great Pirate Era began. The three admirals of the navy were vacant for decades.

In order to further combat the arrogance of pirates, the navy decided to promote these three together. Perhaps in the eyes of the top leaders, the strength of these three was still a little lacking, so they planned to wait for a few more years.

"As future admirals of the navy, their opponents are destined to be those monsters on the sea. It is also good to let them experience this power in advance. I don't want them to die on the battlefield because of carelessness one day in the future."

Zefa expressed his specific thoughts.

The strength is true, but the strength of Leliana is not prepared for ordinary people from the beginning.

"Can't you find the right people in the navy?"

"Yes, but you can't find anyone younger than these three. Kuzan and Sakaski are okay, but Borsalino is a little too arrogant. Didn't Riley just fight with Whitebeard? Just right.

Besides, the pirates are generally a little older, so this can remind them that if they hurry up, they may not be unable to catch up with those who were born a few years earlier.

It can also tell ordinary soldiers that those monsters will be dealt with, and the navy has its own strengths."

Zeff's reason seems very reasonable. It's really hard to find someone else to strengthen these three.

They are all in the rising period, have powerful devil fruits, and have undergone systematic teaching. The biggest difference is probably in the domineering color. Without the domineering entanglement, they are still a little short of the top duel.

"If Riley doesn't mind, I don't object. You can discuss the details with her. Riley said on the phone that she is at the headquarters. Are you two not together?"

"The headquarters had an emergency meeting, so I went there. If you don't mind, I'll hang up."

With a busy tone of the Den Den Mushi, Zefa hung up the phone first. Orlan even felt that Zefa had some intention of taking revenge.

Among the three people, Borsalino and Zefa are a little bit at odds. This is no secret in the Navy Headquarters. It is possible that Zefa took the opportunity to do something fancy.

"So, Dad, do you have any objection?"

"Of course not. Oh, don't use the God Repellent. No matter how strong it is, it is still a training ground. There is no need to use this."

"Okay, I know."

There is no problem with a fight. These three people are destined to be the backbone of the future navy, at least for more than ten years. No one can tell whether they are enemies or friends in the future.

The training robot has figured out some combat data, but data needs to be updated at any time.

Sakaski and others who have graduated for many years are completely different from those who have just graduated. It is not bad to know them better.

Although this understanding is mutual, Leliana is now qualified to hide her moves, and she has the potential to do so, making the opponent know what she is going to do but unable to do anything.

That is a kind of numerical beauty. As long as the numerical value is strong to a certain extent, the superb skills will become fancy.

"Yekelik! Keep going! You haven't reached your limit yet! Look at Riley! At the same age, she can already fight those monster pirates! Look at yourself!"

"No, my dear father, do you think this comparison is appropriate? Why don't you say, let me fight Whitebeard!"

Zeffer's provocation had no effect on Yeklik, who had already recognized the gap.

"Yes, recognizing reality is also an important step, and it is also good to realize this."

Zeffer asked Leliana to increase the strength of the three admiral reserves because the three of them were monsters in the navy.

Only stronger monsters can increase the strength of monsters.

If ordinary people were to compete, it would not be to increase the strength, but simply to undermine confidence.

"Aren't you thinking about letting Leliana fight with them? Why did you come to watch me train again?"

"Do you think this kind of training can be done just like that? And if it weren't for this coincidence, I wouldn't have made this suggestion."

This kind of battle obviously requires communication with several parties, and Orlan, the senior navy officials, and the wishes of the parties involved cannot be left behind.

With the current manpower and specific situation of the navy, it is difficult for Kuzan and the other three to gather at the headquarters at the same time, and each of them has their own tasks.

The reason they were able to gather together this time was because of the internal activities of the Navy Headquarters. It will take some time for the three to be promoted to admirals, but before that, they will be granted the status of admiral candidates and will also have their own code names.

In addition to their own names, the three code names of Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru also officially appeared in the Navy.

When all this was settled, a small group of people took a warship to a deserted island near the Navy Headquarters.

This is also a scrap shipyard with a large number of scrapped warships docked.

This is the result of the Navy's high-intensity combat. The usable parts of these ships have been dismantled, and the wreckage left here is generally used as consumables such as target ships.

The training ground in the Navy Headquarters obviously couldn't stand the tossing of several of them. In addition to the parties involved and the instructor Zefa, only some outstanding students were brought here.

Those were all people who had been evaluated by Zefa and were determined. Zefa believed that these people would not give up hope in their hearts even if they saw a battle far beyond their ability.

"Teacher Zefa, can I choose to admit defeat?"

After arriving here, Kuzan's eyes had no fighting spirit. The person Zefa had asked before was only referring to Leliana.

The other party was not from the navy, so it was not easy to force them.

It was simple for Kuzan and his men. As long as their superiors thought it was desirable, as generals in the army, they only needed to obey orders.

"No, you are the future of the navy. How can you face the enemy with this mentality? The pirates in the New World will not line up to walk into Impelton by themselves."

"The situation is different, Teacher Zefa, have you forgotten that I was originally helping Dr. Orlan's research institute? I know how to train Riley better than you.

She is not a pirate. If you ask me to fight her, it will be difficult for me."

Wrestling with dragons, splitting waterfalls with bare hands, and similar things are everywhere. Kuzan has even seen Leliana and Redfield playing table football.

It looks like a simple children's toy, but it is an exercise in observation and hearing. With Redfield's physical fitness and observation and hearing, ordinary people can't even see the shadow of the ball.

Kuzan was not interested in this kind of battle that had little practical significance.

"Seeing and experiencing are different after all. This is for your own good. All mistakes made on the training ground can be saved, but on the battlefield, the slightest hesitation is fatal.

If you refuse, I'll talk to that guy Garp later and ask him to arrange a private meeting for you? I heard that you became his disciple."

"Ala, forget it. Don't bother Mr. Garp for this kind of thing."

Kuzan made a comparison in his mind and changed his mind.

"But I'll be the first one. You shouldn't have any objection to Mr. Zefa?"

"Why are you so motivated all of a sudden?"

"Not so motivated. Since this matter cannot be avoided, let's reduce some of the painful waiting time. I still want to see how she fights with Sakaski.

Speaking of which, the two of them still have a battle that has not been finished."

Thinking of what happened in O'Hara before, Kuzan suddenly felt that this matter was not so boring.

At that time, for various reasons, Kuzan could only use this way of taking sides to express his dissatisfaction. Now it is different. If they all remember what happened four years ago, they can even settle the past conflicts.

This secret battle is expected to take three days. According to Zefa's estimation, these three candidates for admirals are no match for Whitebeard at this time, and they are likely to lose in this fight.

But no matter what, they can't let the three of them go together.

As for why one person has one day.

It's not that Zefa is taking care of Leliana. He knows very well that a strong man of this strength can easily fight for seven or eight days in a row. Leaving enough rest time is mainly to save the face of the navy.

Zefa just wants to use Leliana, the genius, to let them understand the strength of the world.

Fighting one game a day can be said to be a gap in strength. It doesn't matter if you lose, after all, Leliana has just proved how strong she is.

But if you can't beat them in a row, and spread the news that the three future admirals can't beat one person in a round-robin battle, it will be a blow to the morale of the army.

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