Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 28: Death before the alliance is complete

While Orlan was arranging follow-up matters, someone on the MADS ship was also planning something new.

"Shoo, did you two guys fall into the trap of the native hunters? How come you are so embarrassed?"

After being chased by Blitz for most of the day, Judge and Quinn finally rushed back, but as soon as they got on the boat, they heard a mean voice.

The man with a shiny black mushroom head, a flat nose, and a pair of horns on his head was laughing at the two of them.

Caesar Courant, another member of MADS, is currently the moral bottom line of MADS. To be more precise, his bottom line is that he has no bottom line, but it has not yet developed to that point.

Of course, in terms of narcissism, he is not inferior to others. Like Quinn and Judge, Caesar also thinks that he is stronger than Vegapunk and looks down on others.

Quinn and Judge are so embarrassed that he can't wait to be happy, but this time Quinn and Judge did not attack him, but snorted coldly several times.

"You idiot, you haven't been out for a day, don't you know what happened?"

"Vegapunk has personally invited another person to join us, and our funding is about to be cut."

Quinn and Judge spoke their intelligence one after another, successfully making Caesar a crazy member, but after hearing about Vegapunk's bet, Caesar became excited instead.

"In other words, is it a competition between results? Huh, huh, if the three of us join forces, it's really a good idea."

No researcher would care about having too much funding in their hands, and Caesar's living habits are also the most extravagant one, and a large part of the funds he gets will not be used properly.

In the original timeline, he even cheated BIG MOM's funding in a big way, and then used the money to spend it on wine and women. Although it has not developed to that point now, it has also begun to show signs.

It's just that the cooperation of these people is not as smooth as imagined.

"Mhahaha, very good, then let me lead you to victory!"

"Wait, Quinn, why are you leading? That thing is a robot, and what you are researching is useless. It is obvious that I should be the one to lead."

"Shuh, Judge, didn't you and Quinn both lose? This shows that you are all useless, so it is the right choice for me to lead the team."

Although they joined forces, none of the three people would give in to each other. After a while of eye contact, they started fighting among themselves.

Vegapunk watched their fight silently from a distance, but did not intervene. Vegapunk was used to this kind of thing.

Fighting from time to time would not help him in research. Now Vegapunk hopes to meet someone with a stronger level, so that he can be more helpful in research.

Several people in MADS have their own research focus. At present, Caesar's research tends to be devil fruit, Quinn is more studying chemical viruses, and Judge focuses on the development of weapons.

The three of them had another thing in common in their research. They all wanted to apply their inventions to weapons, which was somewhat inconsistent with Vegapunk's philosophy.

From Blitz's behavior pattern, Vegapunk saw more possibilities, so he had deep expectations for Orlan.

The next day, Quinn and the other three fought all night without a clear winner, and finally died together. At this time, they all entered the state of lying dead.

When the agreed time came, Orlan brought Kate and Blitz here. Ginny and Xiong originally wanted to return together, but Orlan arranged them to deal with other things.

Shortly after boarding the ship, they saw the medical team that had been ready.

"Mr. Sidilier, we are ready and can cooperate with you for surgery at any time."

Only Orlan was the main surgeon, and the rest of the people only needed to pass the surgical tools and wipe the sweat. For safety, Orlan even did the work of anesthesiologist himself. After all, Orlan only needed a place and equipment.

Nodding to the nurses and doctors, Orlan looked at Kate, who was a little worried behind him.

"Relax, take a good sleep, and you will have a healthy body in a few hours, I promise."

"Meow, I believe you."

Olan and Kate both put on surgical gowns, while Blitz stood quietly outside the door like a security guard. The door light outside the operating room was on, and Vegapunk put down his research work and observed Blitz's structure outside the operating room.

"Sidilier created you, is that right?"

"Yes, the master gave me everything."

"Then are you here to guard this place according to his orders?"

"Yes and no, Blitz came here on her own, Kate is a friend, and Blitz is worried about her."

The cold mechanical voice had no emotion, but it struck Vegapunk's heart like a heavy hammer.

"Genius conception."

It was not a set answer, but a behavior derived from his own logic. Among all the robots he had seen, Vegapunk had never seen a robot as human-like as Blitz.

And from what Oran said, Blitz still had room for improvement, and it had not yet reached the highest stage.

Vegapunk didn't say anything else, but just waited together. Not long after, the door light of the operating room went out, and a nurse walked out first.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Director Vegapunk? There is no problem. Everything went smoothly. The biggest problem is probably that it went too smoothly."

Du Field's connections are mainly in the underground world. You can doubt the character of the doctors and nurses he found, but you can't question their skills. After all, the quacks in the underground world will really be killed.

These nurses have experienced big scenes, but they have never seen such a fast transplant operation. From the moment the operation began, Orlan was like a different person, as if he had changed from a person to a precision machine.

There was no hesitation or deviation in the operation. The replacement was completed in less than one-fifth of the time of conventional surgery, and even a few minutes were wasted to make the suture look better.

But compared with what happened next, this incident seemed insignificant. After all the assistants left the operation, Orlan himself still did not leave, but delayed for dozens of minutes.

Then Vegapunk saw a person who had just finished a thoracotomy and walked out of the operating room by himself.

"What's going on? Where's the stretcher? Hurry up and lie down. Who told you to move like that?"

"Calm down, Director Vegapunk. Kate is my person. I pay more attention to her than you do. She can walk down by herself because she is fine."

The Hex Heart will enhance the body's recovery ability. The Fur Tribe's self-healing speed is not low. Combined with some special therapeutic effects of the glimmer, the current effect can be achieved, which ultimately impacts Vegapunk's inherent concepts.

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