Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 289 Where do you think our hegemony came from?

Due to the incompetence of the Favre royal family, Firefly Island became a lawless place.

Orlan arrived, drove away the pirates, established Piltover, and then the country thrived and changed with each passing day.

This is the modern history of Firefly Island.

As an orthodox country, it must pay attention to a legitimate reason for doing things. Frevans is a member country. If the royal family of Frevans is still there, it would be an unreasonable international dispute to intervene in the affairs there at will.

But as long as those people withdraw, Frevans is theoretically a no-man's land, not to mention that it has been disliked by various countries because of platinum lead disease.

Although there are many details that Tezoro has not figured out, and the specific implementation of this matter is definitely not a matter of a word, but in his opinion, only this kind of interest is worth Orlan's attention.

Frevans is not large in area, even smaller than a subdivision of Piltover, but because of the existence of platinum lead, it is almost one of the most prosperous places in the North Sea.

If you can occupy it, you will have the capital to develop in the North Sea.

"These are just some of my guesses. Please forgive me if I guess wrong."

"Don't be so careful. You guessed right. And I promised you three years ago that I would give you a better opportunity if you can make some achievements. You will first follow Brand and Kate to train for a period of time, and then you will be responsible for some financial affairs of the kingdom."

If you doubt someone, don't employ him. If you employ someone, don't doubt him. If you pass the assessment, you will naturally be entrusted with important tasks.

"Work hard, and the position of Minister of Finance may be yours in the future."


Hearing this promise, Tezuolo became quite excited. Apart from joining the royal family by marriage, this is almost the limit that outsiders can do.

"Don't be so excited. This position requires a big heart. It's not certain whether you can pass the test. Take a look at this first."

Olan casually pulled out a stack of paper bills. Looking at the all-deficit signs on them, Tezuolo suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

When he can get access to Oran's real and fake account books, it may become more confusing.

"Kate, go find the equipment in the warehouse, then go find Kurokas and ask him to select a group of doctors who are willing to go out with me and teach them how to use the equipment."

"Meow knows what to do, don't worry."

The equipment Oran mentioned is the derivative equipment made when he was researching the P particle shield. Because of advance preparation, a lot of them have been made, which is definitely enough for treating diseases.

"Also, notify the soldiers of the Power Gear that this time they may not be going out just to treat diseases."

"Okay, leave it to Meow. Meow will prepare everything before dawn tomorrow. Is this time okay?"

"Don't be so anxious. I'll give you three days. Just take your time."


After arranging the task for Kate, Oran looked at Tezoro in front of him again.

"You haven't finished your thoughts yet, have you? Tell me all about it."

"Excuse me for being rude, but I think that according to your habit, you will definitely make this matter justified, so you need the acquiescence of the World Government.

The royal family of Frevans is still alive, so either let them disappear quietly, or give the World Government enough benefits so that they will voluntarily give up the royal family of Frevans for the sake of benefits."

Tezolo took a deep breath and spoke out his inner thoughts.

From a personal standpoint, this is not in line with what he promised Stella at the beginning, that he would never do anything bad again.

But from the perspective of Piltover, this kind of thing is beneficial to his country and cannot be counted as one of them.

"You are only partly right. In fact, some things don't need to be too troublesome."

Then Oran made a quiet gesture to Tezoro and took out a Den Den Mushi.


"Five Elders, I am here to discuss a new trading project. My research still needs platinum and lead. Frevans cannot die like this."

Based on the principle of saving time, Oran did not talk nonsense, but went straight to the point.

"Sidilier, I know that with your ability, you won't believe the nonsense that platinum lead disease is an infectious disease, but what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. I have a method to treat platinum lead disease, which can perfectly solve this crisis. The world government can still obtain the benefits of mining platinum lead, and I want everything in Frevans."

The person on the other side of Oran's phone was naturally Satan. Facing the idea proposed by Oran, he did not directly reject it, but thought about it.

The world government is very clear about the true situation of platinum lead.

As early as a hundred years before the development of the platinum lead industry in Frevans, the geological exploration team of the world government had explored this place and figured out the nature of platinum lead.

This ore contains toxins. As long as you don't engage in mining, excavation, smelting and other work, the impact will not be great.

But this toxin will accumulate, and the life span of future generations will gradually shorten due to this toxin, and eventually several generations will get sick together.

Although it is dangerous, the wide application of platinum lead makes it have huge benefits. The world government and the local royal family could not resist these temptations, and finally chose to deceive and encourage the locals to mine platinum lead.

Now that the platinum-lead disease has broken out, this profit chain has collapsed. If you want to rebuild this profit chain, you have to wait for these insiders to die gradually, and then migrate a new group of people to continue mining platinum and lead.

This will take a long time, and the World Government does not want to wait.

The royal family of Frevans is still there, and they evacuated with the help of the World Government, but without Frevans, these royal family members are useless wastes.

According to Orlan, he can restart this chain of interests. Orlan will definitely make money, and the World Government will not lose.

Originally, the royal family of Frevans had no chance to return in this life. In fact, they did not lose anything. It was just that they could not bear to see the place they gave up being reoccupied and developed.

Of course, Satan did not consider what the royal family of Frevans thought. He only wanted the interests of the World Government.

"Okay, but platinum lead disease has nothing to do with the World Government. You have to remember this."

"This is not a problem, but after this, it will become an enclave of Piltover. There should be no problem with this, right?"

"The World Government does not support this behavior, but will consider the wishes of the local people."

Then Orlan's Den Den Mushi received a busy tone. If there was no explicit rejection, it was already a tacit agreement. The phrase "considering the wishes of the people" was obviously nonsense by Satan, but this nonsense was enough.

"You see, some problems are solved just like that."

"Your Majesty Oran, I have no doubt that the people of Frevans will support you. After all, you will be their savior, but other royal families may resist us because of this."

Although it is not absolute, there will definitely be kings who will oppose it. This time it is Frevans, so which country will it be next time?

This is also the reason why Satan's final statement is still not supportive. Even if the World Government acquiesces to this matter for the sake of interests, it will not admit it verbally.

It will even be a double-edged sword, criticizing Oran's behavior verbally, and finally agreeing to this matter after considering public opinion.

"If they let the people survive, this situation will not happen, and why should we listen to their opinions?

Tezoro, Piltover can finally get to where it is today, not relying on relationships and interests, but real force.

What's more, you have to remember that it's not me who wants to become the new king there, but the people there who took the initiative to ask to join Piltover."

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