Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 30 Anti-Seastone Stand Plan and Bakingomstusi

Chapter 30 Anti-Seastone Stand Plan and Bajingom Stussy

Devil Fruit, the secret treasure of the sea, can gain incredible abilities after eating it, but it will be hated by the sea and become a landlubber.

Even fishmen will lose the ability to swim after eating the devil fruit. Although they can still breathe in the ocean, they will sink to the bottom like a stone.

Vegapunk and Orlan experimented with a special device, the goal is to separate Pyrobroinp particles.

It is a special kind of keratin particle. The volcanic eruption brought it into the high altitude. After contacting water, due to different densities, it formed island clouds and sea clouds.

In addition, the proportion of this particle in seastone is extremely high, and there are also such particles in rivers, lakes and seas. It can be said that it is everywhere, but it will disappear without a trace when entering the human digestive system.

The sea clouds of the sky island, like the sea water, can make the ability users feel powerless, and seastone is the nemesis of the ability users.

The powerlessness of seawater only makes the ability user unable to actively use their abilities, but the passive changes of the body are still there. For example, in the original timeline, in Arlong Park, when Luffy fell into the pool, his head could still be pulled up to let him breathe.

Seastone with high purity will seal the ability of the ability user and return the body of the ability user to normal. In the war on the top of the original timeline, Marco, who was handcuffed by seastone, temporarily lost his ability.

And all this cannot be avoided by Pyrobroinp particles. The higher the concentration of Pyrobroinp, the stronger the sealing of seastone.

Therefore, Orlan proposed this experimental mode, using a special generator to generate a stance to isolate this particle, so that the ability user will no longer be afraid of ordinary water.

As the ability user of the Brain-Brain Fruit, Vegapunk personally served as a test subject, but it has not been effective.

"Oran, this particle is very strange. It has strong penetrability and strange dependence on water. It seems that the conventional mode cannot achieve this goal.

Perhaps it is easier to imitate the bubbles in the Sabaody Archipelago and directly isolate the water."

"That consumes too much energy and will limit the holder's combat. At least this time you have the strength to wave your hands, which is also progress."

Handing a new research suit to Vegapunk, Oran made another X in the experimental record.

"Oran, do you remember the hypothesis I mentioned? Regarding the origin of the devil fruit, I think if you want to understand the root of rejection, you have to find the source of its birth."

Devil fruit is the possibility of human evolution that people pursue, and it is a person living in multiple dimensions that people imagine and describe.

Because it is unnatural, it is rejected by the mother of nature-the sea. Although it bears punishment, it still exists in the world.

This is the hypothesis of the origin of the devil fruit proposed by Vegapunk, and he himself does not know whether this hypothesis is correct.

"Assuming my idea is right, p particles are special substances generated by nature, and their purpose is to fight against unreasonableness."

"Isn't our research originally against nature? The endless energy you are aiming for is against the law. Even if your hypothesis is true, I will not give up this research topic. Surpassing it is what we should do."

In the past two years, Orlan and Vegapunk have had many arguments, but they get along better and better. They are not fighting for the first place in the group, but the research direction of technology.

The arguments have promoted their research progress. Even if there are differences of opinion, they will not use seniority to suppress others, but will help each other to improve the experiment, and let the results speak for themselves.

In Vegapunk's view, Orlan's way of thinking is unrestrained, and his research propositions are in line with his own. He is a good friend.

The only special thing is that Orlan is sometimes more radical, and he also has a pursuit of weapons.

"When others suspect that you have any deadly weapons, you'd better take out a more powerful one."

These are Orlan's original words. Vegapunk believes that endless energy can reduce fighting and strive for peace, but Orlan thinks that peace can only be discussed if there is a weapon that can protect this energy from being used by those with ulterior motives.

At the same time, during their interactions, Vegapunk also realized that although Orlan always looked polite, he was more arrogant than anyone else in his bones, but this arrogance has never been shown by bullying the weak.

If you don't observe carefully, you can only see his gentle side. Only when you offend him will you know the consequences.

As for how Vegapunk knew the consequences.

It can only be said that someone on the ship has experienced it. When Orlan has a bad taste, he is the most deadly one on the ship.

The broadcast on the ship also sounded at the right time at this time, calling Orlan and Vegapunk out together.

At this time, on the deck, a woman with long blond hair and a white hat sat by the side of the ship, quietly waiting for the result. There seemed to be some fighting around, and she knocked down several security guards on the ship.

"I've said it before, I just want to talk to your person in charge, don't be so radical."

She raised her hands slightly to indicate that she had no hostility. After all, she felt that some people who came later were threatening.

As she said, she came here with a certain purpose, and there was no need to make enemies.

"What's the matter? Who is this woman? Does she have a grudge against Sidilier and Vegapunk?"

"Shhhh, if there is a grudge, it would be better if someone could teach those two stinky guys a lesson, don't you think, Quinn?"

Since Orlan joined, the three of them have further promoted the formation of a united front, and the activity they most often do is the verbal victory method.

But for some reason, Quinn, who usually talks the most, said nothing this time.

"It seems that you are not convinced again. What, do you want to fight?"

"Yes, do you want to fight with Blitzcrank again?"


Now Caesar and Judge know why Quinn didn't respond. Kate and Blitzcrank came behind them at some point.

Kate is fine, but Blitzcrank, a bulky iron shell, has learned to walk like a cat after spending a long time with Kate because of the learning module. He walked all the way without making any sound.

In the past two years, MADS has conducted several competitions between achievements.

Kate believes that her heart was made by Orlan, so she is also one of the achievements, so she teamed up with Blitzcrank to fight 2v3.

From Caesar's frightened expression at this time, it can be seen that Kate's record is very significant, at least leaving the three of them with some psychological shadows.

It was easy for the furry tribe, which had been strengthened by Hextech, to fight these fledgling guys with Blitz.

[Quinn, you are a traitor again! ]

Caesar's eyes contained anger towards Quinn. Quinn did not say anything. He must have discovered something, but he did not remind them.

Quinn stared back at Caesar's gaze without fear.

[What does it have to do with me? If I remind you now, wouldn't I be an accomplice? ]

While exchanging eyes, the three of them began to shake their heads at the same time. They had not made any new research results recently, so they would not go to seek death.

Kate did not say anything, and stayed behind them with Blitz until Orlan and Vegapunk came outside.

"I have seen that woman on the bounty before. She is Bajingom Stussy, a pirate. Why is she here?"

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