Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 308 Negative White Bear, Treasure Hunt Plan

"Terra, let's go!"


Taking drugs skillfully and taking off, the huge elemental dragon flapped its wings and flew away.

Terra's body surface has become rougher than in previous years. After entering the adult state in advance with the help of drugs, the concave scales can even serve as seats.

"Uta, put on your hat, it's very cold in the sky."

A leather hat similar to a pilot's was worn on Uta's head.

"Don't expose your ears, otherwise it will accelerate hypothermia. Tell me if you feel cold and stay in my book for a while."

"I know. I don't feel cold now!"

Terra's flying speed is not fast among elemental dragons. After all, his elemental attribute is earth, and the cloud dragon with wind attribute is the representative of speed.

A dragon in the sky that is high above the clouds and flies at a speed faster than the wind.

But after all, it is a creature on the magic side. Slowness is only relative. At least now the wind brought by Terra's flight still has a certain impact on Uta.

Not long ago, in the North Sea, on Haiyan Island, an old man in his sixties was tinkering with something like an engine.

His white hair was combed back, and it was winter now, but he was wearing a large flowered shirt and shorts, and even a pair of slippers on his feet, which looked very strange.

"Bear! Hurry up, otherwise the soup tonight will not be cooked! You fur tribes are really troublesome, I don't usually make fish soup."

"Yes! I'm very sorry!"

"Really, I didn't ask you to apologize, I just asked you to walk faster."

"I'm sorry"


The old man patted his forehead and understood the character of this bear fur.

The white bear was naturally Bebo, who ended up on this island after several reversals.

The old man's name is Wolf, who claims to be a rare genius inventor and the creator of the submarine in Luo's hands in the original timeline.

Frevans was not destroyed, which caused a series of changes, such as Bebo who was temporarily "adopted" by Wolf.

"You are lucky. You just came to an island not far from Frefans. Of course, it would be better if you went directly to Frefans. You will not be regarded as a monster there.

The people there should have seen the fur tribe a long time ago. How did you get here?"

"I fell off the elephant master's back, and now I can't find the way back. Old man, do you know how to sail? Can you teach me?"

"I know a little bit, but my life philosophy is Give \u0026 Take. If you pay, you must get something in return. I will give you a safe life and suitable learning opportunities. You contribute your labor to me. Is that okay?"


Bebo and Wolf reached such a mutual assistance agreement, and Bebo was finally taken back to his home by Wolf.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Wolf, and I am a genius inventor.

If you are lucky, you may not need to learn navigation by yourself. Someone can help you return to the new world."

There are all kinds of strange things in the house. Bebo, who lives on the elephant master's back, has never seen them before. After feeling that Wolf is not a bad guy, he took the initiative to ask.

"What is this?"

"You have good vision. This is my great invention, 'No. 1 Hot Spring Bath Anywhere'. It can turn cold water into hot water in an instant, so you can take a hot bath anywhere."


"Unfortunately, I haven't developed a function to stop heating when the temperature reaches the right temperature, so it will evaporate all the water at once!"

Bebo blinked, and then threw Wolf's invention aside.

"It turned out to be garbage."

"What are you talking about, you stupid bear! That's my great invention! It's just that it's still a little lacking! Be more understanding of other people's inventions!"

"Yes, sorry"

Wolf was not angry, his invention just had a little flaw, but when he turned around and took out a new invention, he saw Bebo took a rope and put it around his neck.

"What are you going to do?!"

"I'd rather die than be stupid."

"Stop! You're such a negative person! Just live your life!"

Wolf didn't know why this bear fur was so negative. After persuading him to come back, he introduced some of his inventions in bits and pieces.

For example, "Super Sweeper No. 3" can automatically identify garbage and stains for cleaning, but it will explode if it is started for more than three minutes, and the power of the explosion is enough to overturn the house.

Although Wolf's inventions always have some strange side effects, there are occasionally some practical gadgets.

For example, bicycles, lawn mowers and other civilian gadgets, he relies on these things to exchange for living expenses.

Generally, he goes to the town to sell some things every week.

"What are these parts? Are they something that needs to be assembled?"

"That's what I bought from Frevans. It's a device that can decompose platinum and lead. I call it Super Invincible Decomposer.

I didn't expect platinum and lead to be decomposed in this way."

"But why is it a pile of parts?"

"Because I want to disassemble it and study it, but I can't put it back together after disassembling it."

Compared with Brand, who is a jack of all trades, Wolf has some real skills. He has many inventions in his hands, such as submarines, mobile greenhouses, electric hang gliders, etc.

"Although I am a genius, I sometimes feel that I need an assistant. Unfortunately, I have something to do here, otherwise I really want to move there and see what other inventions the famous king has.

That's why I say you are lucky. A year ago, Frevans joined Piltover, and there is also a fur tribe in the top leadership of that country.

You fur tribes are not many in number, and you will help each other outside. If you can find someone over there, maybe they can help you go back.

But my research takes time. You have to help me finish the things at hand first, and then I will have time to take you there."

There is one more clause in the mutual assistance agreement between Wolf and Bepo, and Bepo has temporarily settled here.

During this time, Terra also flew to the vicinity of Frevans again.

"Uta, wake up, we are here."

The long journey is a bit boring, but Uta did not enter Orlan's book, but spent the entire journey on Terra's back.

"Is that Frevans down there?"

"Yes, the new Frevans."

The reason Frevans was called the White Town in the past was because platinum and lead dyed everything in the town white.

Since Frevans changed hands, the new managers have carried out environmental management for Frevans.

The technology of removing platinum and lead from the human body has been mastered. After a little improvement, those things can be removed in the natural environment. At this time, Frevans has returned to its colorful appearance.

"What is that in the sky?!"

"Is it a dragon? How can a dragon come here?"

"I don't know, go and notify the guard team!"

The people of Frevans are different from those of Firefly Island. They are not familiar with Terra.

Watching the huge body gradually descend, some people ran away, and some stopped to watch. The phone of the guard team also rang frequently.

"His Majesty Orlan is here! Get ready to welcome him!"

Before Terra appeared here, no one knew that Orlan had brought people here, and Brand was no exception.

This was even a surprise inspection. Frevans was far away from Firefly Island. Even if there were bionic people made by Orlan here, it would not affect his random inspection of the development here.

The guards quickly appeased the people through the radio and prepared a welcoming team.

Orlan himself did not care about this kind of face-saving project. After checking the speed of the people gathering here, he signaled them to disband.

Part of the former residence of the Frevans royal family has been transformed into a library. Many books have been placed inside, making this library look large.

As a beacon, one book is enough, so most of the books in the library are still born through normal printing work.

Although it is more convenient for Orlan to directly generate books, this may provide many jobs and benefit economic development.

Orlan just came here to check for deficiencies and fill in the gaps.

"I heard that you met other fur tribes here a while ago?"

"Report to His Majesty Oran, a merchant returning from Happy Town saw the fur tribe, but he went out to sea for business, and it may take a while for him to come back."

"It's okay, prepare a nearby sea chart for me, and you don't have to worry about the rest."


"Dad Oran, let's go treasure hunting!"

When Oran finished dealing with the miscellaneous affairs at hand and reunited with Kate and Uta, Uta suddenly made a new suggestion.

"Treasure hunting?"

"Let me explain. I took Uta around here before. I happened to meet some merchants chatting."

The geographical location of Frevans is already very good, but Frevans used to rely purely on the platinum and lead industries, but ignored the development of other industries.

When this place became the territory of Piltover, trade and commerce became more frequent.

"Some people say that 55 years ago, a very famous pirate came here.

They contracted an infectious disease during the voyage, and all of them died. Before the captain died, he hid the treasure in a nearby place called Haiyan Island."

"Haiyan Island is our next destination, Happy Town, which is very close. It's not impossible to go there."

Olan didn't think there would be any treasure there. 55 years ago was too long ago, even earlier than Roger.

The news spread so widely that you can hear it on the street. If there is any treasure, it would have been taken away long ago.

However, Olan did not reject Wuta's idea. Anyway, it was on the way, so he might as well enrich Wuta's childhood experience.

It's good to find treasures when searching for treasures, but if you really can't find the treasures, the process is also a good experience.

What if you are weak day by day.

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